Goldquarryite |
Cooper M A, Hawthorne F C |
The Canadian Mineralogist 42 (2004) 753-761 |
The crystal structure of goldquarryite, (Cu,_)(Cd,Ca)2Al2(PO4)4F2(H2O)10{(H2O),F}2, |
a secondary phosphate from the Gold Quarry Mine, Eureka County, Nevada, U.S.A. |
Locality: Gold Quarry Mine, Carlin, Eureka County, Nevada, USA |
_database_code_amcsd 0005937 |
6.787 9.082 10.113 101.40 104.27 102.51 P-1 |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Cu2+ 0 0 0 .70 .0189 .0342 .0096 .0075 .0006 .0024 .0013 |
Cd .27682 .51849 .55938 .84 .0108 .0079 .0127 .0131 .0036 .0045 .0039 |
Ca .27682 .51849 .55938 .16 .0108 .0079 .0127 .0131 .0036 .0045 .0039 |
P1 .2389 .1857 .3288 .0098 .0091 .0082 .0130 .0024 .0048 .0031 |
P2 .1077 .7124 .3264 .0099 .0094 .0088 .0116 .0020 .0040 .0028 |
Al1 .5 0 .5 .0087 .0063 .009 .011 .0020 .0026 .0022 |
Al2 0 0 .5 .0097 .0094 .009 .010 .0021 .0034 .0030 |
Al3 0 .5 0 .0133 .016 .014 .011 .0065 .0057 .0015 |
F1 .2842 .0232 .5781 .019 .016 .021 .018 .004 .007 -.001 |
O1 .3678 .3563 .3982 .013 .010 .007 .017 -.004 .005 -.001 |
O2 .3792 .0736 .3467 .013 .009 .015 .021 .009 .007 .008 |
O3 .1427 .1677 .1703 .017 .020 .018 .010 -.002 .000 .007 |
O4 .0610 .1459 .3956 .012 .012 .015 .017 .008 .010 .011 |
O5 -.0178 .8332 .3468 .012 .008 .015 .015 .004 .004 .006 |
O6 .3473 .7923 .3968 .013 .007 .011 .018 .001 -.001 .002 |
O7 .0393 .5815 .3952 .016 .014 .016 .023 .005 .009 .013 |
O8 .0647 .6484 .1678 .020 .020 .023 .017 .006 .008 .002 |
Wat1 .4187 .3769 .7146 .018 .011 .017 .022 -.002 .002 .006 |
Wat2 .1833 .6375 -.0544 .80 .016 .021 .017 .015 .008 .010 .004 |
F2 .1833 .6375 -.0544 .20 .016 .021 .017 .015 .008 .010 .004 |
Wat3 .2319 .4193 .0784 .017 .020 .019 .011 .009 .003 .003 |
Wat4 .2734 .7378 .7235 .024 .018 .015 .036 -.001 .015 .000 |
Wat5 .1786 .1097 -.0962 .039 .047 .042 .023 .007 .009 .003 |
Wat6 .409 -.0751 .0905 .70 .048 |
Wat7 .263 -.082 .066 .30 .036 |
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