American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

11 matching records for this search.

Download hom/gonnardite.pdf
Artioli G, Galli E
Download am/vol84/AM84_1445.pdf
American Mineralogist 84 (1999) 1445-1450
Gonnardite: Re-examination of holotype material, and discreditation of
_database_code_amcsd 0002315
13.2670 13.2670 6.6023 90 90 90 I-42d
atom     x     y     z occ Uiso
Si1      0     0     0 .57 .025
Al1      0     0     0 .43 .025
Si2  .1319 .0512 .3845 .57 .029
Al2  .1319 .0512 .3845 .43 .029
Ca   .3005   .25  .125 .23 .013
Na   .3005   .25  .125 .58 .013
O1     .25 .0949  .375     .031
O2   .0903 .4478  .101     .029
O3   .4373 .3721  .026     .027
OW1    .25 .3651  .375     .046
OW2   .139  .235  .051 .35 .037
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Download hom/gonnardite.pdf
Evans H T, Konnert J A, Ross M
Download am/vol85/AM85_1808.pdf
American Mineralogist 85 (2000) 1808-1815
The crystal structure of tetranatrolite from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, and its
chemical and structural relationship to paranatrolite and gonnardite
_database_code_amcsd 0002597
13.197 13.197 6.630 90 90 90 I-42d
atom     x     y     z occ  Uiso
Si1      0     0     0 .57 .0225
Al1      0     0     0 .43 .0225
Si2  .0544 .1330 .6214 .57 .0214
Al2  .0544 .1330 .6214 .43 .0214
O1   .3944   .25  .125      .022
O2   .1333 .0627 .4813      .032
O3   .0506 .0918 .8603      .015
Na   .6914   .25  .125 .85  .032
Ca   .6914   .25  .125 .15  .032
Wat4 .1334   .25  .125      .047
Wat5  .872  .260  .182 .18  .033
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Download hom/gonnardite.pdf
Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Vogt T
Download am/vol90/AM90_247.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 247-251
Variable-temperature structural studies of tetranatrolite from Mt. Saint-Hilaire:
Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and Rietveld analysis
Sample: at ambient conditions
_database_code_amcsd 0003722
13.1988 13.1988 6.6288 90 90 90 I-42d
atom     x     y     z  occ  Uiso
SiT1     0     0     0 .537 .0080
AlT1     0     0     0 .463 .0080
SiT2 .0550 .1326 .6210 .537 .0080
AlT2 .0550 .1326 .6210 .463 .0080
O1   .3918   .25  .125      .0120
O2   .1339 .0607 .4780      .0120
O3   .0526 .0951 .8662      .0120
Na   .6923   .25  .125 .731 .0268
Ca   .6923   .25  .125 .237 .0268
Wat4 .1277   .25  .125       .038
Wat5  .875   .25  .125 .370  .038
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Download hom/gonnardite.pdf
Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Vogt T
Download am/vol90/AM90_247.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 247-251
Variable-temperature structural studies of tetranatrolite from Mt. Saint-Hilaire:
Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and Rietveld analysis
Sample: T = 100 C
_database_code_amcsd 0003723
13.0666 13.0666 6.6632 90 90 90 I-42d
atom     x     y     z  occ  Uiso
SiT1     0     0     0 .537 .0083
AlT1     0     0     0 .463 .0083
SiT2 .0560 .1336 .6220 .537 .0083
AlT2 .0560 .1336 .6220 .463 .0083
O1   .3888   .25  .125      .0155
O2   .1351 .0590 .4857      .0155
O3   .0516 .0943 .8664      .0155
Na   .6923   .25  .125 .731 .0195
Ca   .6923   .25  .125 .237 .0195
Wat4 .1287   .25  .125       .023
Wat5  .895   .25  .125 .185  .023
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Download hom/gonnardite.pdf
Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Vogt T
Download am/vol90/AM90_247.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 247-251
Variable-temperature structural studies of tetranatrolite from Mt. Saint-Hilaire:
Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and Rietveld analysis
Sample: T = 200 C
_database_code_amcsd 0003724
12.9815 12.9815 6.6808 90 90 90 I-42d
atom     x     y     z  occ  Uiso
SiT1     0     0     0 .537 .0119
AlT1     0     0     0 .463 .0119
SiT2 .0564 .1340 .6224 .537 .0119
AlT2 .0564 .1340 .6224 .463 .0119
O1   .3842   .25  .125      .0206
O2   .1356 .0591 .4881      .0206
O3   .0533 .0950 .8650      .0206
Na   .6925   .25  .125 .731 .0240
Ca   .6925   .25  .125 .237 .0240
Wat4 .1258   .25  .125       .027
Wat5  .942   .25  .125 .051  .027
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Download hom/gonnardite.pdf
Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Vogt T
Download am/vol90/AM90_247.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 247-251
Variable-temperature structural studies of tetranatrolite from Mt. Saint-Hilaire:
Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and Rietveld analysis
Sample: T = 300 C, phase I
_database_code_amcsd 0003725
12.9202 12.9202 6.6950 90 90 90 I-42d
atom    x    y    z  occ Uiso
SiT1    0    0    0 .537 .048
AlT1    0    0    0 .463 .048
SiT2 .051 .136 .625 .537 .048
AlT2 .051 .136 .625 .463 .048
O1   .392  .25 .125      .026
O2   .126 .069 .476      .026
O3   .045 .097 .862      .026
Na   .687  .25 .125 .731 .046
Ca   .687  .25 .125 .237 .046
Wat4 .134  .25 .125      .046
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Download hom/gonnardite.pdf
Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Vogt T
Download am/vol90/AM90_247.pdf
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 247-251
Variable-temperature structural studies of tetranatrolite from Mt. Saint-Hilaire:
Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and Rietveld analysis
Sample: T = 300 C, phase II
_database_code_amcsd 0003726
13.1503 13.1503 6.2469 90 90 90 I-42d
atom      x     y     z  occ  Uiso
SiT1      0     0     0 .537 .0155
AlT1      0     0     0 .463 .0155
SiT2  .0526 .1302 .6186 .537 .0155
AlT2  .0526 .1302 .6186 .463 .0155
O1    .3949   .25  .125      .0171
O2    .1378 .0433 .5635      .0171
O3   -.0019 .1102 .8594      .0171
Na   -.0282   .25  .125 .731  .036
Ca     .026   .25  .125 .237  .036
Wat5   .800   .25  .125 .201  .036
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Download hom/gonnardite.pdf
Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Parise J B, Vogt T
Download am/vol91/AM91_247.pdf
American Mineralogist 91 (2006) 247-251
Pressure-induced hydration in zeolite tetranatrolite
Locality: Mt. Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
Note: P = 0 GPa
_database_code_amcsd 0004006
13.1988 13.1988 6.6288 90 90 90 I-42d
atom     x     y     z  occ  Uiso
Na   .6923   .25  .125 .731 .0268
Ca   .6923   .25  .125 .237 .0268
Si1      0     0     0 .537 .0080
Al1      0     0     0 .463 .0080
Si2  .0550 .1326 .6210 .537 .0080
Al2  .0550 .1326 .6210 .463 .0080
O1   .3918   .25  .125      .0120
O2   .1339 .0607 .4780      .0120
O3   .0526 .0951 .8662      .0120
Wat4 .1277   .25  .125       .038
Wat5  .875   .25  .125 .370  .038
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Download hom/gonnardite.pdf
Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Parise J B, Vogt T
Download am/vol91/AM91_247.pdf
American Mineralogist 91 (2006) 247-251
Pressure-induced hydration in zeolite tetranatrolite
Locality: Mt. Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
Note: P = 4.2 GPa
Note: high-pressure superhydrated phase
_database_code_amcsd 0004011
12.959 12.959 6.5446 90 90 90 I-42d
atom     x     y     z  occ Uiso
Na    .695   .25  .125 .731 .028
Ca    .695   .25  .125 .237 .028
Si1      0     0     0 .537 .028
Al1      0     0     0 .463 .028
Si2  .0538 .1314 .6198 .537 .028
Al2  .0538 .1314 .6198 .463 .028
O1    .399   .25  .125      .028
O2    .140  .055  .521      .028
O3    .036  .115  .885      .028
Wat4  .130   .25  .125      .028
Wat5  .897   .25  .125      .028
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Download hom/gonnardite.pdf
Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Parise J B, Vogt T
Download am/vol91/AM91_247.pdf
American Mineralogist 91 (2006) 247-251
Pressure-induced hydration in zeolite tetranatrolite
Locality: Mt. Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
Note: P = 5.4 GPa on release
Note: high-pressure superhydrated phase
_database_code_amcsd 0004012
12.910 12.910 6.540 90 90 90 I-42d
atom     x     y     z  occ Uiso
Na    .691   .25  .125 .731 .022
Ca    .691   .25  .125 .237 .022
Si1      0     0     0 .537 .022
Al1      0     0     0 .463 .022
Si2  .0575 .1351 .6235 .537 .022
Al2  .0575 .1351 .6235 .463 .022
O1    .379   .25  .125      .022
O2    .138  .045  .531      .022
O3    .020  .110  .873      .022
Wat4  .131   .25  .125      .022
Wat5  .898   .25  .125      .022
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Download hom/gonnardite.pdf
Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Parise J B, Vogt T
Download am/vol91/AM91_247.pdf
American Mineralogist 91 (2006) 247-251
Pressure-induced hydration in zeolite tetranatrolite
Locality: Mt. Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
Note: P = 6.9 GPa
Note: high-pressure superhydrated phase
_database_code_amcsd 0004013
12.761 12.761 6.5127 90 90 90 I-42d
atom     x     y     z  occ Uiso
Na    .694   .25  .125 .731 .026
Ca    .694   .25  .125 .237 .026
Si1      0     0     0 .537 .026
Al1      0     0     0 .463 .026
Si2  .0552 .1328 .6212 .537 .026
Al2  .0552 .1328 .6212 .463 .026
O1    .379   .25  .125      .026
O2    .144  .050  .542      .026
O3    .017  .111  .873      .026
Wat4  .125   .25  .125      .026
Wat5  .889   .25  .125      .026
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