Gorceixite |
Dzikowski T J, Groat L A, Jambor J L |
The Canadian Mineralogist 44 (2006) 951-958 |
The symmetry and crystal structure of gorceixite, BaAl3[PO3(O,OH)]2(OH)6, a |
member of the alunite supergroup |
Locality: Rapid Creek area, Yukon Territory, Canada |
_database_code_amcsd 0006097 |
7.0538 7.0538 17.2746 90 90 120 R-3m |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
BaA 0 0 .5 .8820 .0134 .0119 .0119 .0165 .0059 0 0 |
AlG .5 0 0 .0147 .0101 .0104 .0238 .0052 .0005 .0010 |
P5+T 0 0 .1987 .0155 .0099 .0099 .027 .0049 0 0 |
O1 .5477 .4523 .1055 .0159 .013 .013 .026 .010 -.0007 .0007 |
O2 0 0 .1082 .5 .020 .018 .018 .023 .0090 0 0 |
OH2 0 0 .1082 .5 .020 .018 .018 .023 .0090 0 0 |
Oh3 .4600 .5400 .3058 .0172 .011 .011 .026 .004 .0026 -.0026 |
H3 .530 .470 .278 .13 |
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Gorceixite |
Radoslovich E W, Slade P G |
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1980 (1980) 157-170 |
Pseudo-trigonal symmetry and the structure of gorceixite |
Locality: Glen Alice area, New South Wales, Australia |
_database_code_amcsd 0014763 |
7.0363 7.0363 17.28188 90 90 120 R3m |
atom x y z occ Biso |
Ba 0 0 0 .95 .5 |
Sr 0 0 0 .01 .5 |
Al .4969 -.4969 .4983 .5 |
P1 0 0 .2996 .6 |
P2 0 0 -.3016 .5 |
O1 0 0 .3926 .7 |
O2 0 0 -.3880 .5 |
O21 .2159 -.2159 -.0610 .9 |
O22 -.2149 .2149 .0630 .6 |
OH1 .1321 -.1321 .1403 .4 |
OH2 -.1207 .1207 -.1389 .6 |
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Gorceixite |
Radoslovich E W |
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1982 (1982) 446-464 |
Refinement of gorceixite structure in Cm |
Locality: New South Wales |
_database_code_amcsd 0014770 |
12.225 7.040 7.055 90 125.39 90 Cm |
atom x y z Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
Ba1 0 0 0 .53 .015 .0026 .0029 0 .0011 0 |
Al1 .9942 0 .4892 .37 |
Al2 .7506 .2364 .4973 .35 |
P1 .2985 0 .8943 .68 |
P12 .6970 0 .0914 .34 |
OH1 .3937 0 .1772 .40 |
O12 .6135 0 .8396 .87 |
O2 .1583 0 .8218 .65 |
O22 .8517 0 .1900 .55 |
O3 .3341 .1809 .8230 .83 |
O33 .6745 .1745 .1956 .65 |
Oh1 .2680 0 .4180 .71 |
Oh12 .7359 0 .5796 .99 |
OH2 .9226 .1875 .5906 .35 |
OH22 .0742 .1913 .4267 .49 |
H1 .27 0 .28 0 |
H2 .72 0 .68 0 |
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