Heftetjernite |
Kolitsch U, Kristiansen R, Raade G, Tillmanns E |
European Journal of Mineralogy 22 (2010) 309-316 |
Heftetjernite, a new scandium mineral from the Heftetjern pegmatite, Tordal, Norway |
Locality: the Heftetjern pegmatite, Tordal, Norway |
_database_code_amcsd 0007337 |
4.784 5.693 5.120 90 91.15 90 P2/c |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Sc .5 .67390 .25 .50 .00540 .0046 .0065 .0051 0 .00044 0 |
Sn .5 .67390 .25 .20 .00540 .0046 .0065 .0051 0 .00044 0 |
Mn .5 .67390 .25 .18 .00540 .0046 .0065 .0051 0 .00044 0 |
Fe .5 .67390 .25 .07 .00540 .0046 .0065 .0051 0 .00044 0 |
Ti .5 .67390 .25 .05 .00540 .0046 .0065 .0051 0 .00044 0 |
Ta .0 .17541 .25 .580 .00513 .00486 .00506 .00546 0 -.00057 0 |
Nb .0 .17541 .25 .420 .00513 .00486 .00506 .00546 0 -.00057 0 |
O1 .2197 .1076 .9325 .0101 .0101 .0101 .0103 -.0010 .0001 -.0012 |
O2 .2644 .3845 .4067 .0097 .0092 .0099 .0098 .0017 -.0005 .0000 |
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