Henrymeyerite |
Mitchell R H, Yakovenchuk V N, Chakhmouradian A R, Burns P C, |
Pakhomovsky Y A |
The Canadian Mineralogist 38 (2000) 617-626 |
Henrymeyerite, a new hollandite-type Ba-Fe titanate from the |
Kovdor Complex, Russia |
Locality: Kovdor Complex, Russia |
_database_code_amcsd 0005647 |
10.219 10.219 2.963 90 90 90 I4/m |
atom x y z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Ba 0 0 .5 .86 .0290 .0290 .0310 0 0 0 |
Na 0 0 .5 .09 .0290 .0290 .0310 0 0 0 |
K 0 0 .5 .01 .0290 .0290 .0310 0 0 0 |
La 0 0 .5 .02 .0290 .0290 .0310 0 0 0 |
Ce 0 0 .5 .02 .0290 .0290 .0310 0 0 0 |
Ti .34985 .16604 0 .86 .0090 .0121 .0060 .0021 0 0 |
Fe .34985 .16604 0 .13 .0090 .0121 .0060 .0021 0 0 |
O1 .1558 .2037 0 .010 .015 .009 .000 0 0 |
O2 .5390 .1672 0 .010 .013 .013 .000 0 0 |
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