Huanghoite-(Ce) |
Yang Z M, Pertlik F |
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1993 (1993) 163-171 |
Huanghoite-(Ce), BaCe(CO3)2F, from Khibina, Kola peninsula, Russia: |
Redetermination of the crystal structure with a discussion on space group symmetry |
Locality: Khibina, Kola Peninsula, Russia |
_database_code_amcsd 0014866 |
5.072 5.072 38.46 90 90 120 R-3m |
atom x y z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Ba1 0 0 0 .0346 .0346 .0249 .0173 0 0 |
Ba2 0 0 .5 .0494 .0494 .0203 .0247 0 0 |
Ce 0 0 .24487 .0283 .0283 .0211 .0142 0 0 |
C1 0 0 .1082 .043 .043 .016 .022 0 0 |
C2 0 0 .3734 .045 .045 .021 .023 0 0 |
O1 .1475 .8525 .1065 .034 .034 .043 .021 .003 -.003 |
O2 .4782 .5218 .0394 .055 .055 .036 .038 .001 -.001 |
F 0 0 .1838 .050 .050 .040 .025 0 0 |
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