American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Raade G, Johnsen O, Erambert M, Petersen O V
Mineralogical Magazine 71 (2007) 179-192
Hundholmenite-(Y) from Norway - a new mineral species in the vicanite group:
descriptive data and crystal structure
Locality: Hundholmen, Tysfjord, Nordland County, Norway
_database_code_amcsd 0018904
10.675 10.675 27.02 90 90 120 R3m
atom       x       y      z occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
SmM1 -.12915  .12915 -.3189 .64 .0128  .0109  .0109  .0145  .0039  .0008 -.0008
YM1  -.12915  .12915 -.3189 .36 .0128  .0109  .0109  .0145  .0039  .0008 -.0008
SmM2 -.13642  .13642  .0995 .75 .0174  .0174  .0174  .0145  .0065 -.0011  .0011
CaM2 -.13642  .13642  .0995 .25 .0174  .0174  .0174  .0145  .0065 -.0011  .0011
CaM3   .1153  -.1153 -.0989 .44 .0191  .0187  .0187   .024  .0125  .0038 -.0038
SmM3   .1153  -.1153 -.0989 .28 .0191  .0187  .0187   .024  .0125  .0038 -.0038
YM3    .1153  -.1153 -.0989 .10 .0191  .0187  .0187   .024  .0125  .0038 -.0038
NaM3   .1153  -.1153 -.0989 .09 .0191  .0187  .0187   .024  .0125  .0038 -.0038
MnM3   .1153  -.1153 -.0989 .01 .0191  .0187  .0187   .024  .0125  .0038 -.0038
YM4   .12303 -.12303  .4661 .56 .0163  .0142  .0142  .0152  .0032  .0012 -.0012
SmM4  .12303 -.12303  .4661 .34 .0163  .0142  .0142  .0152  .0032  .0012 -.0012
CaM4  .12303 -.12303  .4661 .10 .0163  .0142  .0142  .0152  .0032  .0012 -.0012
SmM5  .13867 -.13867  .2191 .56 .0112  .0106  .0106  .0122  .0052  .0001 -.0001
YM5   .13867 -.13867  .2191 .44 .0112  .0106  .0106  .0122  .0052  .0001 -.0001
Al         0       0      0 .66  .016   .020   .020   .009   .010      0      0
Fe         0       0      0 .27  .016   .020   .020   .009   .010      0      0
Si1    .1688  -.1688  .0426      .014   .011   .011   .020   .006  .0006 -.0006
Si2   -.1700   .1700 -.0402      .011   .009   .009   .014   .004 -.0005  .0005
B1    -.0794   .0794  .2920      .008   .008   .008   .003  .0001  -.003   .003
Si3        0       0 -.2119 .69  .017   .014   .014   .023   .007      0      0
As3        0       0 -.2119 .26  .017   .014   .014   .023   .007      0      0
P3         0       0 -.2119 .05  .017   .014   .014   .023   .007      0      0
As2        0       0  -.454 .22  .004   .005   .005   .002   .002      0      0
Ca         0       0  -.428 .78  .042   .038   .038    .05   .019      0      0
O1     .0806  -.0806  .0456      .010   .007   .007   .015   .003 -.0005  .0005
O2     .1853  -.1853 -.0151      .014   .013   .013   .022   .010  -.002   .002
O3     .3246  -.0682  .0695      .015   .010   .021   .017   .011   .002   .001
O4    -.0837   .0837 -.0468      .016   .017   .017   .020   .012   .005  -.005
O5    -.1917   .1917  .0180      .018   .025   .025   .015   .020 -.0007  .0007
O6    -.3290   .0777 -.0631      .022   .012   .024   .020   .002  -.006  -.003
O7     .0773   -.845  .3052      .008   .004   .005   .015   .002 -.0004  -.001
O8    -.0949   .0949  .2373      .011   .010   .010   .015   .006   .002  -.002
O9     .0853  -.0853  .1440      .021   .026   .026   .007   .010  -.004   .004
O10        0       0 -.1501      .026   .019   .019    .04   .009      0      0
O11     .164    .056 -.2345 .26  .023   .017    .03   .025   .013  -.005   .002
F11     .164    .056 -.2345 .24  .023   .017    .03   .025   .013  -.005   .002
F12   -.0869   .0869 -.4891 .64  .023   .020   .020   .020   .004  .0008 -.0008
O12   -.0869   .0869 -.4891 .36  .023   .020   .020   .020   .004  .0008 -.0008
F13        0       0 -.3375      .024   .021   .021   .030   .010      0      0
F14    .0150   .3029 -.1614      .025   .025   .025   .029   .015  -.006  -.002
FW         0       0  .4333 .80  .010
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