Hughes J M, Foord E E, Jai-Nhuknan J, Bell J M
The Canadian Mineralogist 34 (1996) 817-820
The atomic arrangement of iimoriite-(Y), Y2(SiO4)(CO3)
Locality: Bokan Mountain, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0005503
6.5495 6.6291 6.4395 116.364 92.556 95.506 P-1
atom x y z Biso
Y1 .16782 .18941 .25715 .489
Y2 .41401 .70249 .25067 .347
Si .6578 .2411 .2632 .66
C -.0892 .7350 .1936 .78
O1 .0961 .8366 .2649 .89
O2 .5331 .3401 .1137 .79
O3 .4834 .0883 .3312 .72
O4 .1682 .9086 .8742 .83
O5 .2165 .2502 .6563 .98
O6 .1466 .3778 .0242 .87
O7 .2510 .5633 .4804 .92
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