Ixiolite-(Fe2+) |
Nickel E H, Rowland J F, McAdam R C |
American Mineralogist 48 (1963) 961-979 |
Ixiolite - a columbite substructure |
sample M-6591, note that the coordinates have been put into a standard setting |
Locality: Skogbole, Kimito, Finland |
_database_code_amcsd 0000125 |
5.731 4.742 5.152 90 90 90 Pcan |
atom x y z occ |
Ta .333 0 -.25 .438 |
Fe .333 0 -.25 .177 |
Sn .333 0 -.25 .128 |
Nb .333 0 -.25 .124 |
Mn .333 0 -.25 .120 |
Zr .333 0 -.25 .006 |
Ti .333 0 -.25 .006 |
W .333 0 -.25 .001 |
O .092 .25 -.079 |
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Ixiolite-(Mn2+) |
Grice J D, Ferguson R B, Hawthorne F C |
The Canadian Mineralogist 14 (1976) 540-549 |
The crystal structures of tantalite, ixiolite and wodginite |
from Bernic lake, Manitoba I. Tantalite and ixiolite |
Locality: Bernic Lake, Manitoba, Canada |
_database_code_amcsd 0005132 |
4.785 5.758 5.160 90 90 90 Pbcn |
atom x y z occ Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
Ta 0 .3317 .25 .42 .053 .006 .0013 0 -.003 0 |
Mn 0 .3317 .25 .30 .053 .006 .0013 0 -.003 0 |
Nb 0 .3317 .25 .24 .053 .006 .0013 0 -.003 0 |
Ti 0 .3317 .25 .02 .053 .006 .0013 0 -.003 0 |
Sn 0 .3317 .25 .005 .053 .006 .0013 0 -.003 0 |
Fe 0 .3317 .25 .002 .053 .006 .0013 0 -.003 0 |
O .7224 .1217 .4158 2.8 |
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