Jagueite |
Topa D, Makovicky E, Balic-Zunic T |
The Canadian Mineralogist 44 (2006) 497-505 |
The crystal structures of jagueite, Cu2Pd3Se4, and chrisstanleyite, Ag2Pd3Se4 |
Locality: El Chire, La Rioja, Argentina |
_database_code_amcsd 0006089 |
5.672 9.909 6.264 90 115.40 90 P2_1/c |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Cu .6183 .1929 -.0172 .95 .0278 .0200 .0249 .037 -.0023 .0104 -.0039 |
Ag .6183 .1929 -.0172 .05 .0278 .0200 .0249 .037 -.0023 .0104 -.0039 |
Pd1 0 0 0 .0168 .0136 .0169 .0184 -.0012 .0055 .0001 |
Pd2 .2585 .1270 .5001 .0184 .0169 .0179 .0179 .0014 .0052 .0005 |
Se1 .4685 .0546 .2418 .0185 .0144 .0201 .0197 .0018 .0062 .0005 |
Se2 .0159 .1860 .7362 .0185 .0193 .0171 .0188 -.0022 .0078 -.0001 |
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