American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

2 matching records for this search.

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le Page Y, Strobel P
Acta Crystallographica B38 (1982) 1265-1267
Structure of Iron(II) Molybdenum(IV) Oxide Fe2 Mo3 O8
_cod_database_code 1008752
_database_code_amcsd 0016631
5.7732 5.7732 10.0542 90 90 120 P6_3mc
atom      x       y       z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3)  U(2,3)
Mo1  .14605 -.14605     .25 .00273 .00273 .00283 .00179 .00006 -.00006
Fe1     1/3     2/3 -.04810  .0067  .0067  .0033  .0033      0       0
Fe2     1/3     2/3  .51301  .0052  .0052  .0024  .0026      0       0
O1        0       0   .3906  .0040  .0040  .0051  .0020      0       0
O2      1/3     2/3   .1470  .0053  .0053  .0048  .0026      0       0
O3    .4883  -.4883   .3629  .0041  .0041  .0063   .002 -.0005   .0005
O4    .1671  -.1671   .6344   .005   .005  .0064  .0022  .0006  -.0006
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Kanazawa Y, Sasaki A
Acta Crystallographica C42 (1986) 9-11
Structure of kamiokite
Locality: Kamioka mine, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
Note: anisoB's taken from ICSD
_database_code_amcsd 0010022
5.781 5.781 10.060 90 90 120 P6_3mc
atom      x      y     z Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Fe1     1/3    2/3 .9504  .54  .0060  .0060  .0010  .0030      0      0
Fe2     1/3    2/3 .5120  .44  .0047  .0047  .0010  .0023      0      0
Mo   .14603 .29206   .25 .253  .0019  .0019  .0008  .0005  .0001  .0001
O1        0      0 .3923  .41  .0037  .0037  .0013  .0018      0      0
O2      1/3    2/3 .1486  .44  .0049  .0049  .0008  .0025      0      0
O3    .4872  .9744 .3645  .49  .0058  .0058  .0012  .0042 -.0007 -.0007
O4    .1665  .3330 .6352  .50  .0045  .0045  .0015  .0025  .0008  .0008
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