Kanemite |
Garvie L A J, Devouard B, Groy T L, Camara F, Buseck P R |
American Mineralogist 84 (1999) 1170-1175 |
Crystal structure of kanemite, NaHSi2O5.3H2O, from the Aris phonolite, Namibia |
_database_code_amcsd 0002274 |
4.946 20.502 7.275 90 90 90 Pbcn |
atom x y z Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Si .0497 .2925 .0391 .0010 .0018 .0011 .0000 .0001 .0002 |
Na .5 .5115 -.25 .0034 .0029 .0025 0 .0000 0 |
O1 0 .3128 .25 .0033 .0042 .0014 0 .0004 0 |
O2 .0042 .3571 -.0790 .0031 .0023 .0014 .0003 .0000 .0003 |
O3 -.1438 .2326 -.0181 .0011 .0025 .0043 -.0008 -.0001 -.0001 |
O4 .4876 .5754 .0267 .0037 .0023 .0039 -.0002 .0001 -.0001 |
O5 0 .5411 -.25 .0029 .0060 .0111 0 .0003 0 |
H2A .0193 .3795 -.1989 .036 |
H4A .6450 .4020 -.0510 .065 |
H4B .3640 .4060 -.0430 .085 |
H5A .0067 .5071 -.3347 .170 |
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Kanemite |
Vortmann S, Rius J, Marler B, Gies H |
European Journal of Mineralogy 11 (1999) 125-134 |
Structure solution from powder data of the hydrous layer |
silicate kanemite, a precursor of the industrial ion exchanger SKS-6 |
_database_code_amcsd 0006765 |
4.946 20.510 7.277 90 90 90 Pbcn |
atom x y z Uiso |
Si .0464 .2923 -.0382 .014 |
O1 0 .6888 .25 .025 |
O2 .3575 .2673 -.0151 .025 |
O3 .0036 .3581 .0780 .025 |
Na 0 .0128 .25 .034 |
Wat4 .01317 .0780 -.0290 .044 |
Wat5 0 .5396 .25 .12 |
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