Krohnkite |
Hawthorne F C, Ferguson R B |
Acta Crystallographica B31 (1975) 1753-1755 |
Refinement of the crystal structure of krohnkite |
Locality: Chuquicamata, Chile |
_database_code_amcsd 0009535 |
5.807 12.656 5.517 90 108.32 90 P2_1/c |
atom x y z Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
Na .5714 .1247 .2099 .01377 .00248 .01538 -.00016 .0086 -.00027 |
Cu 0 0 0 .00744 .00141 .00711 0 .0005 0 |
S .2375 .11793 .5445 .00628 .00119 .00518 .00004 .00156 -.00017 |
O1 .0038 .1725 .4874 .00869 .00207 .01132 .00148 .00270 .00013 |
O2 .2911 .0573 .7844 .01003 .00195 .00765 .00048 .00250 .00128 |
O3 .2319 .0425 .3322 .00854 .00233 .00941 .00046 .00185 -.00198 |
O4 .4385 .1923 .5617 .01033 .00189 .00992 -.00167 .00314 .00005 |
Ow .8315 .1343 .9513 .00831 .00148 .00842 -.00054 .00157 -.00009 |
H1 .927 .184 .992 .5 |
H2 .712 .140 .792 .5 |
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Krohnkite |
Dahlman B |
Arkiv for Mineralogi och Geologi 1 (1952) 339-366 |
The crystal structures of krohnkite, CuNa2(SO4)2*2H2O and brandtite, MnCa2(AsO4)2*2H2O |
Locality: Chuquicamata, Chile |
_database_code_amcsd 0012043 |
5.78 12.58 5.48 90 71.5 90 P2_1/c |
atom x y z |
Cu 0 0 0 |
Na .427 .126 .237 |
S .766 .118 .578 |
O1 0 .165 .48 |
O2 .733 .049 .803 |
O3 .733 .049 .358 |
O4 .571 .196 .622 |
Wat .173 .13 .987 |
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