Mitchell R H, Choi J B, Hawthorne F C, McCammon C A, Burns P C
The Canadian Mineralogist 36 (1998) 107-116
Latrappite: A re-investigation
Locality: Oka, Quebec, Canada
_database_code_amcsd 0005539
5.4479 5.5259 7.7575 90 90 90 Pbnm
atom x y z occ Biso
Ca -.0076 .0359 .25 .75 .61
Na -.0076 .0359 .25 .25 .61
Nb 0 .5 0 .57 .40
Fe 0 .5 0 .15 .40
Ti 0 .5 0 .28 .40
O1 .0764 .4800 .25 .53
O2 .7087 .2871 .0364 .50
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