Lotharmeyerite |
Yang Y W, Evans S H, Downs R T, Yang H |
Acta Crystallographica E68 (2012) i9-i10 |
Lotharmeyerite, Ca(Zn,Mn)2(AsO4)2(H2O,OH)2 |
Locality: Mapimi, Durango, Mexico |
Note: RRUFF.info/R060862 |
_database_code_amcsd 0018604 |
9.0727 6.2530 7.4150 90 116.739 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Ca1 0 0 0 .01360 .0185 .0120 .0108 0 .0070 0 |
Zn1 .25 .25 .5 .512 .00936 .00931 .00899 .0080 .00002 .00232 -.00002 |
Mn1 .25 .25 .5 .488 .00936 .00931 .00899 .0080 .00002 .00232 -.00002 |
As1 .41579 0 .20474 .00864 .00787 .00860 .00895 0 .00336 0 |
O1 .3390 .5 .4132 .0140 .0098 .0201 .0092 0 .0017 0 |
O2 .3182 0 .3536 .0153 .0192 .0116 .0220 0 .0155 0 |
O3 .03469 .2798 .2437 .0127 .0122 .0110 .0146 .0023 .0057 -.0005 |
O4 .2569 0 -.0265 .0199 .0150 .0294 .0111 0 .0020 0 |
H1 .440 .5 .464 .50 .040 |
H2 .298 .5 .313 .040 |
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