American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

4 matching records for this search.

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Irwin M B, Peterson R C
Download cm/vol37/CM37_939.pdf
The Canadian Mineralogist 37 (1999) 939-943
The crystal structure of ludwigite
Locality: Crestmore quarry, California, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0005628
9.2411 12.2948 3.0213 90 90 90 Pbam
atom     x     y  z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Mg1      0     0  0  .99 .0057  .0053  .0054  .0065 -.0008      0      0
Fe1      0     0  0  .01 .0057  .0053  .0054  .0065 -.0008      0      0
Mg2     .5     0 .5 .443 .0070  .0095  .0043  .0065 -.0004      0      0
Fe2     .5     0 .5 .557 .0070  .0095  .0043  .0065 -.0004      0      0
Mg3  .0023 .2798  0  .99 .0052  .0057  .0040  .0058  .0005      0      0
Fe3  .0023 .2798  0  .01 .0052  .0057  .0040  .0058  .0005      0      0
Al4  .2399 .1145 .5  .08 .0049  .0048  .0050  .0049 -.0010      0      0
Fe4  .2399 .1145 .5  .92 .0049  .0048  .0050  .0049 -.0010      0      0
B    .2743 .3600 .5      .0056  .0062  .0049  .0057  .0006      0      0
O1   .8502 .0434 .5      .0069  .0063  .0054  .0090 -.0007      0      0
O2   .3841 .0772  0      .0072  .0067  .0057  .0095  .0006      0      0
O3   .6253 .1424 .5      .0072  .0060  .0064  .0091  .0003      0      0
O4   .1092 .1424  0      .0064  .0063  .0053  .0077  .0001      0      0
O5   .8508 .2373 .5      .0075  .0081  .0048  .0088  .0004      0      0
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Biryukov Y P, Zinnatullin A L, Levashova I O, Shablinskii A P, Bubnova R S,
Vagizov F G, Ugolkov V L, Filatov S K, Pekov I V
Acta Crystallographica B79 (2023) S2052520623006455
Crystal structure refinement, low- and high-temperature X-ray diffraction
and Mossbauer spectroscopy study of the oxoborate ludwigite from the Iten'yurginskoe deposit
Locality: Iten'yurginskoe, Eastern Chukotka, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0021228
9.2532 12.3025 3.0256 90 90 90 Pbam
atom      x      y  z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Mg1       0      0  0      .0077   .010   .008   .005  -.001      0      0
Mg2      .5      0 .5 .477 .0089  .0134  .0055  .0077 -.0005      0      0
Fe2      .5      0 .5 .523 .0089  .0134  .0055  .0077 -.0005      0      0
Mg3   .0021  .2796  0 .978 .0101   .012  .0090  .0094  .0011      0      0
Fe3   .0021  .2796  0 .022 .0101   .012  .0090  .0094  .0011      0      0
Fe4  .73942 .38552 .5  .90 .0065  .0051  .0075  .0071  .0021      0      0
Mg4  .73942 .38552 .5  .02 .0065  .0051  .0075  .0071  .0021      0      0
Al4  .73942 .38552 .5  .08 .0065  .0051  .0075  .0071  .0021      0      0
B     .2733  .3588 .5       .010   .024   .006   .001  -.004      0      0
O1    .8499  .0442 .5       .010   .006   .012   .012   .002      0      0
O2    .3843  .0769  0       .012   .014   .007   .016   .003      0      0
O3    .6253  .1418 .5       .011   .008   .015   .010  -.004      0      0
O4    .1104  .1419  0       .011   .016   .007   .009   .000      0      0
O5    .3498  .2624 .5       .008   .011   .009   .006  -.003      0      0
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Brovkin A A, Rozhdestvenskaya I V, Rykova E A
Crystallography Reports 47 (2002) 412-414
Cation distribution in the structure of titanium-containing ludwigite
Note: to be the mineral azoproite, Ti+Mg must be greater than Fe3+ in M4 site
Note: Uiso values have been divided by 100
Locality: Tazheran massif
_database_code_amcsd 0018467
9.260 12.294 3.0236 90 90 90 Pbam
atom        x      y  z  occ   Uiso
MgM1        0      0 .5       .0062
MgM2    .0012 .28057 .5       .0057
Fe2+M3     .5      0  0 .324  .0041
MgM3       .5      0  0 .676  .0041
Fe3+M4 .23823 .11540  0  .47 .00676
Ti4+M4 .23823 .11540  0  .21 .00676
MgM4   .23823 .11540  0  .15 .00676
AlM4   .23823 .11540  0  .10 .00676
Fe2+M4 .23823 .11540  0  .07 .00676
B       .2746  .3602  0       .0059
O1      .3499  .4571  0       .0065
O2      .1095  .1429 .5       .0084
O3      .1244  .3581  0       .0072
O4      .3838  .0762 .5       .0095
O5      .3497  .2624  0       .0069
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Holtstam D
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 2001 (2001) 520-528
Crystal chemistry of a manganian ludwigite
Note: z-coordinate has been altered through personal communication with the author
Locality: Jakobsberg Fe-Mn oxide deposit, Filipstad, Varmland, Sweden
_database_code_amcsd 0014914
9.240 12.362 2.9869 90 90 90 Pbam
atom      x     y  z occ  Uiso
Mgl      .5    .5 .5     .0050
Mg2      .5     0  0 .91 .0072
Fe2      .5     0  0 .09 .0072
Mg3   .0023 .2809 .5     .0065
Fe4  -.2609 .3840  0 .51 .0062
Mn4  -.2609 .3840  0 .27 .0062
Al4  -.2609 .3840  0 .22 .0062
B     .2739 .3602  0     .0055
O1    .3504 .4566  0     .0083
O2   -.1193 .4234 .5     .0087
O3    .1254 .3587  0     .0070
O4    .1114 .1444 .5     .0063
O5    .3517 .2625  0     .0070
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