Majorite |
Hazen R M, Downs R T, Finger L W, Conrad P G, Gasparik T |
American Mineralogist 79 (1994) 581-584 |
Crystal chemistry of Ca-bearing majorite |
Locality: synthetic |
_database_code_amcsd 0001663 |
11.5816 11.5816 11.5288 90 90 90 *I4_1/a |
.5 .25 .125 |
atom x y z occ Biso |
MgD1 .1265 .0137 .2576 .917 .83 |
CaD1 .1265 .0137 .2576 .083 .83 |
MgD2 0 .25 .6258 .677 2.20 |
CaD2 0 .25 .6258 .323 2.20 |
MgO1 0 0 .5 .44 |
SiO2 0 0 0 .44 |
SiT1 0 .25 .375 .59 |
SiT2 0 .25 .875 .59 |
SiT3 .1259 .0072 .7575 .59 |
O1 .0251 .0524 .6666 .61 |
O2 .0420 -.0462 .8635 .61 |
O3 .2212 .1100 .7934 .61 |
O4 .2172 -.0839 .7026 .61 |
O5 -.0530 .1585 .4697 .61 |
O6 -.1024 .2141 .7842 .61 |
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Majorite |
Nakatsuka A, Yoshiasa A, Yamanaka T, Ito E |
American Mineralogist 84 (1999) 199-202 |
Structure refinement of birefringent Cr-bearing majorite |
Mg3(Mg.34Si.34Al.18Cr.14)2Si3O12 |
_database_code_amcsd 0002087 |
11.512 11.512 11.515 90 90 90 *I4_1/a |
.5 .25 .125 |
atom x y z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Si1 .5 .25 .375 .008 .008 .009 0 0 0 |
Si2 .5 .25 .875 .008 .008 .005 0 0 0 |
Si3 -.3749 .0001 .7497 .007 .009 .008 .001 0 0 |
MgX1 .1250 -.0003 .2497 .006 .020 .024 0 .003 .011 |
MgX2 0 .25 .6246 .019 .023 .005 -.011 0 0 |
MgY1 .5 0 .5 .34 .006 .004 .003 .001 -.001 0 |
SiY1 .5 0 .5 .34 .006 .004 .003 .001 -.001 0 |
AlY1 .5 0 .5 .18 .006 .004 .003 .001 -.001 0 |
CrY1 .5 0 .5 .14 .006 .004 .003 .001 -.001 0 |
MgY2 .5 0 0 .34 .004 .005 .006 -.001 -.001 .003 |
SiY2 .5 0 0 .34 .004 .005 .006 -.001 -.001 .003 |
AlY2 .5 0 0 .18 .004 .005 .006 -.001 -.001 .003 |
CrY2 .5 0 0 .14 .004 .005 .006 -.001 -.001 .003 |
O1 .0331 .0503 .6547 .007 .014 .009 -.001 -.004 .006 |
O2 .0326 -.0510 .8454 .006 .017 .021 -.003 .006 .012 |
O3 .2173 .0955 .8000 .006 .010 .019 -.002 .000 -.007 |
O4 .2172 -.0961 .7000 .007 .013 .014 -.001 .002 -.001 |
O5 -.0511 .1546 .4679 .016 .014 .008 -.007 .001 .003 |
O6 -.0951 .1989 .7819 .014 .015 .006 -.002 -.001 .001 |
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Majorite |
Nakatsuka A, Yoshiasa A, Yamanaka T, Ohtaka O, Katsura T, Ito E |
American Mineralogist 84 (1999) 1135-1143 |
Symmetry change of majorite solid-solution in the system Mg3Al2Si3O12-MgSiO3 |
Sample: x = .38 |
_database_code_amcsd 0002261 |
11.4833 11.4833 11.4833 90 90 90 *I4_1/acd |
.5 .25 .125 |
atom x y z occ Biso |
MgX1 0 .25 .125 1.21 |
MgX2 .12495 0 .25 1.21 |
MgY 0 0 0 .187 .26 |
AlY 0 0 0 .626 .26 |
SiY 0 0 0 .187 .26 |
SiZ1 0 .25 .375 .50 |
SiZ2 .37505 0 .25 .51 |
O1 -.03273 .05009 .15398 .81 |
O2 .15438 -.03268 .05053 .83 |
O3 .05005 .15430 -.03292 .82 |
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Majorite |
Nakatsuka A, Yoshiasa A, Yamanaka T, Ohtaka O, Katsura T, Ito E |
American Mineralogist 84 (1999) 1135-1143 |
Symmetry change of majorite solid-solution in the system Mg3Al2Si3O12-MgSiO3 |
Sample: x = .52 |
_database_code_amcsd 0002262 |
11.4876 11.4876 11.4876 90 90 90 *I4_1/acd |
.5 .25 .125 |
atom x y z occ Biso |
MgX1 0 .25 .125 1.07 |
MgX2 .12502 0 .25 1.06 |
MgY 0 0 0 .260 .47 |
AlY 0 0 0 .480 .47 |
SiY 0 0 0 .260 .47 |
SiZ1 0 .25 .375 .54 |
SiZ2 .37505 0 .25 .52 |
O1 -.03272 .05022 .15410 .84 |
O2 .15435 -.03282 .05052 .89 |
O3 .05029 .15399 -.03288 .83 |
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Majorite |
Nakatsuka A, Yoshiasa A, Yamanaka T, Ohtaka O, Katsura T, Ito E |
American Mineralogist 84 (1999) 1135-1143 |
Symmetry change of majorite solid-solution in the system Mg3Al2Si3O12-MgSiO3 |
Sample: x = .64 |
_database_code_amcsd 0002263 |
11.4891 11.4891 11.4891 90 90 90 *I4_1/acd |
.5 .25 .125 |
atom x y z occ Biso |
MgX1 0 .25 .125 1.48 |
MgX2 .12494 0 .25 1.46 |
MgY 0 0 0 .320 .33 |
AlY 0 0 0 .360 .33 |
SiY 0 0 0 .320 .33 |
SiZ1 0 .25 .375 .57 |
SiZ2 .37500 0 .25 .59 |
O1 -.03240 .05055 .15462 1.04 |
O2 .15446 -.03260 .05013 1.03 |
O3 .05023 .15470 -.03237 .99 |
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