Moore P B
American Mineralogist 55 (1970) 1489-1499
Manganostibite: A novel cubic close-packed structure type
_database_code_amcsd 0000210
8.727 18.847 6.062 90 90 90 Ibmm
atom x y z Biso
Sb .25 .25 .25 .32
As .3678 0 .75 .50
Mn1 .3817 .1746 .75 .39
Mn2 0 0 0 .46
Mn3 0 .1575 0 .50
Mn4 .2794 .0821 .25 .66
O1 .0228 .0755 .25 .57
O2 .0236 .2400 .25 .47
O3 -.0265 .4280 .25 .45
O4 .2589 0 -.0193 .60
O5 .2538 .1728 .0268 .30
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