American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Armbruster T, Gnos E, Dixon R, Gutzmer J, Hejny C, Dobelin N, Medenbach O
Download mm/vol66/MM66_137.pdf
Mineralogical Magazine 66 (2002) 137-150
Manganvesuvianite and tweddillite, two new Mn3+-silicate minerals
from the Kalahari manganese fields, South Africa
Locality: Kalahari manganese fields, South Africa
_database_code_amcsd 0014562
15.575 15.575 11.824 90 90 90 *P4/n
.25 -.25 0
atom        x       y       z  occ Biso
CaX1     -.25     .25   .2504       .81
CaX2A  .18951 -.04395  .62112       .84
CaX2B -.04570  .18816 -.12041       .81
CaX3A  .09891  .17897  .11669      1.35
CaX3B -.39895 -.18214 -.39052      1.27
MnY2A       0       0       0  .10  .69
AlY2A       0       0       0  .90  .69
MnY2B     -.5       0      .5  .05  .69
AlY2B     -.5       0      .5  .95  .69
MnY3A -.11226  .11962  .12497  .19  .73
AlY3A -.11226  .11962  .12497  .81  .73
MnY3B -.38839  .12156  .37384  .16  .74
AlY3B -.38839  .12156  .37384  .84  .74
CaX4B     .25     .25  -.1469 .324  1.1
MnY1B     .25     .25   .5428 .324  .92
CaX4A     .25     .25   .6475 .676  .95
MnY1A     .25     .25  -.0454 .676  .81
SiZ1A    -.25     .25       0      .734
SiZ1B    -.25     .25      .5      .734
SiZ2A -.04035  .31890   .1292      .734
SiZ2B -.04115  .18017   .3719      .734
SiZ3A  .08686  .34911  -.1352      .734
SiZ3B  .08199  .15100   .6357      .734
O1A    -.2212   .1725   .0858       .86
O1B    -.2808   .1724   .4148       .84
O2A    -.1174   .3385   .2212       .98
O2B    -.1177   .1588   .2803       .90
O3A    -.0470   .2219   .0751       .94
O3B    -.0478   .2767   .4253       .80
O4A    -.0614   .3934   .0321      1.01
O4B    -.0620   .1059   .4711       .88
O5A    -.0104   .3272  -.1771      1.16
O5B    -.0150   .1701   .6797      1.08
O6A     .1256   .2728  -.0572      1.37
O6B     .1181   .2285   .5598      1.34
O7A     .0561   .3262   .1805      1.24
O7B     .0554   .1722   .3232      1.06
O8A     .0928   .4386  -.0660       .84
O8B     .0909   .0610   .5678       .95
O9      .1479   .3562  -.2496      1.09
O10A      .25     .25   .1344      1.34
O10B     -.25    -.25  -.3648      1.27
OH11A  -.0048   .0600   .1367       .95
OH11B  -.4960   .0626   .3645      1.02
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