Masutomilite |
Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Cibin G |
American Mineralogist 92 (2007) 1395-1400 |
Crystal structure and chemical composition of Li-, Fe-, and Mn-rich micas |
Locality: Sawtooth Mountains, Boise county, Idaho, USA |
Sample: Boise |
_database_code_amcsd 0004418 |
5.2984 9.1461 10.0966 90 100.818 90 C2 |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
SiT1 .0745 .1699 .2275 .78 .011 .008 .011 .014 .001 .002 0 |
AlT1 .0745 .1699 .2275 .22 .011 .008 .011 .014 .001 .002 0 |
SiT11 .5852 .3328 .2273 .78 .011 .008 .011 .013 .001 .001 0 |
AlT11 .5852 .3328 .2273 .22 .011 .008 .011 .013 .001 .001 0 |
LiM1 0 .9921 .5 .51 .012 .012 .010 .014 0 .004 0 |
FeM1 0 .9921 .5 .22 .012 .012 .010 .014 0 .004 0 |
MnM1 0 .9921 .5 .26 .012 .012 .010 .014 0 .004 0 |
MgM1 0 .9921 .5 .01 .012 .012 .010 .014 0 .004 0 |
AlM2 0 .3231 .5 .91 .009 .008 .010 .008 0 .001 0 |
LiM2 0 .3231 .5 .05 .009 .008 .010 .008 0 .001 0 |
TiM2 0 .3231 .5 .02 .009 .008 .010 .008 0 .001 0 |
MgM2 0 .3231 .5 .02 .009 .008 .010 .008 0 .001 0 |
LiM3 .5 .1615 .5 .50 .013 .008 .015 .016 0 0 0 |
FeM3 .5 .1615 .5 .24 .013 .008 .015 .016 0 0 0 |
MnM3 .5 .1615 .5 .26 .013 .008 .015 .016 0 0 0 |
KA 0 .5029 0 .92 .029 .026 .030 .030 0 .003 0 |
NaA 0 .5029 0 .05 .029 .026 .030 .030 0 .003 0 |
RbA 0 .5029 0 .02 .029 .026 .030 .030 0 .003 0 |
O1 .0359 1.0025 .1718 .023 .027 .020 .020 -.002 .001 -.001 |
O2 .3222 .2398 .1724 .021 .017 .027 .019 -.006 .005 -.001 |
O22 .8149 .2616 .1594 .021 .019 .026 .017 .006 .003 .001 |
O3 .1143 .1754 .3924 .012 .011 .013 .012 .002 .004 .001 |
O33 .6641 .3272 .3921 .014 .010 .014 .018 .002 .001 0 |
OH4 .1092 .4718 .3978 .06 .016 .015 .017 .015 -.002 .002 .003 |
F4 .1092 .4718 .3978 .94 .016 .015 .017 .015 -.002 .002 .003 |
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Masutomilite |
Mizota T, Kato T, Harada K |
Mineralogical Journal 13 (1986) 13-21 |
The crystal structure of masutomilite, Mn analogue of zinnwaldite |
Locality: Tanakamiyama, Ohtsu, Japan |
_database_code_amcsd 0014426 |
5.262 9.102 10.094 90 100.83 90 C2 |
atom x y z occ Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
K 0 .5 0 .861 2.15 .018 .0072 .0054 0 .0018 0 |
Na 0 .5 0 .072 2.15 .018 .0072 .0054 0 .0018 0 |
Rb 0 .5 0 .067 2.15 .018 .0072 .0054 0 .0018 0 |
LiM1 0 -.0081 .5 .635 1.09 .007 .004 .004 0 .002 0 |
MnM1 0 -.0081 .5 .25 1.09 .007 .004 .004 0 .002 0 |
FeM1 0 -.0081 .5 .05 1.09 .007 .004 .004 0 .002 0 |
AlM2 0 .3190 .5 .98 .97 .005 .005 .002 0 .000 0 |
FeM2 0 .3190 .5 .02 .97 .005 .005 .002 0 .000 0 |
LiM3 .5 .1587 .5 .635 1.00 .009 .003 .003 0 .001 0 |
MnM3 .5 .1587 .5 .25 1.00 .009 .003 .003 0 .001 0 |
FeM3 .5 .1587 .5 .05 1.00 .009 .003 .003 0 .001 0 |
SiT1 .0751 .166 .2282 .89 .54 .004 .002 .002 -.001 .002 .000 |
AlT1 .0751 .166 .2282 .11 .54 .004 .002 .002 -.001 .002 .000 |
SiT11 .5852 .3297 .2287 .78 .78 .003 .003 .002 -.002 .000 -.0001 |
AlT11 .5852 .3297 .2287 .22 .78 .003 .003 .002 -.002 .000 -.0001 |
O1 .0396 -.0034 .1727 1.38 .013 .004 .003 -.001 .001 .002 |
O2 .3183 .2346 .1716 1.76 .004 .008 .006 -.003 .003 -.002 |
O22 .8214 .2573 .1611 1.36 .018 .004 .002 .002 .003 -.001 |
O3 .1148 .1699 .3919 1.16 .008 .005 .002 .000 .001 -.001 |
O33 .6586 .3219 .3923 .63 .003 .002 .002 .002 .000 -.001 |
F .1088 .4677 .3984 .73 .88 .007 .003 .003 -.001 .002 .000 |
OH .1088 .4677 .3984 .27 .88 .007 .003 .003 -.001 .002 .000 |
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