American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

3 matching records for this search.

Download hom/mereiterite.pdf
Hertweck B, Giester G, Libowitzky E
Download am/vol86/AM86_1282.pdf
American Mineralogist 86 (2001) 1282-1292
The crystal structures of the low-temperature phases of leonite-type compounds,
K2Me(SO4)2.4H2O (Me=Mg,Mn,Fe)
Sample: K2Fe(SO4)2.4H2O, T = 185 K
_database_code_amcsd 0002733
11.834 9.502 9.913 90 94.87 90 P2_1/a
atom       x       y       z  Uiso
K1    .16871  .26936  .23932 .0146
K2    .16905 -.25715  .25871 .0139
Fe1        0       0       0 .0084
Fe2        0      .5      .5 .0078
S1    .20725  .50503 -.04538 .0086
S2    .21392 -.00657 -.48176 .0079
O1A   -.1511   .3725   .1152 .0158
O1B    .1611   .3738  -.1093 .0173
O2A    .1499   .0899  -.4000 .0150
O2B    .1819  -.1529  -.4566 .0168
O3     .1716   .0127   .0671 .0217
O4     .1885   .5075   .0977 .0191
O5     .1637   .5111   .4366 .0126
O6     .1934   .0244   .3737 .0163
Ow1A  -.0350   .3342   .3572 .0130
Ow1B   .0451   .3377  -.3552 .0134
Ow2   -.0060   .2203  -.0141 .0195
Ow3    .0139  -.0121  -.2141 .0191
H1A    -.070    .278    .391  .026
H2A    -.073    .352    .277  .035
H1B     .074    .269   -.383  .021
H2B     .083    .356   -.278  .036
H3A    -.047    .270    .021  .031
H3B     .043    .267   -.039  .034
H4      .067    .007   -.263  .035
H5     -.040   -.015   -.268  .032
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Download hom/mereiterite.pdf
Hertweck B, Giester G, Libowitzky E
Download am/vol86/AM86_1282.pdf
American Mineralogist 86 (2001) 1282-1292
The crystal structures of the low-temperature phases of leonite-type compounds,
K2Me(SO4)2.4H2O (Me=Mg,Mn,Fe)
Sample: K2Fe(SO4)2.4H2O, T = 293 K
_database_code_amcsd 0002734
11.837 9.547 9.939 90 94.88 90 C2/m
atom      x      y       z occ  Uiso
K    .16890 .26351  .24913     .0270
Fe1       0      0       0     .0143
Fe2       0     .5      .5     .0130
S1   .20733     .5 -.04466     .0143
S2   .21291      0 -.48145     .0139
O1    .1567  .3740  -.1119     .0272
O2A   .1526  .0950  -.4014  .5 .0254
O2B   .1765  .1481  -.4540  .5 .0290
O3    .1716      0   .0656     .0365
O4    .1880     .5   .0974     .0335
O5    .1645     .5   .4373     .0218
O6    .1929  .0240   .3742  .5 .0267
Ow1   .0399  .3374  -.3554     .0211
Ow2       0  .2204       0     .0317
Ow3   .0129      0  -.2145     .0321
H1     .072   .276   -.385      .039
H2     .079   .354   -.279      .045
H3     .044   .269   -.032      .046
H4     .065      0   -.258      .061
H5    -.043      0   -.268      .057
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Download hom/mereiterite.pdf
Giester G, Rieck B
European Journal of Mineralogy 7 (1995) 559-566
Mereiterite, K2Fe[SO4]2.4H2O, a new leonite-type mineral from
the Lavrion Mining District, Greece
Locality: Lavrion Mining District, Greece
_database_code_amcsd 0006597
11.841 9.553 9.942 90 94.87 90 C2/m
atom      x      y       z occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
K    .16894 .26347  .24911     .0291  .0295  .0223  .0355 -.0063  .0012  .0011
Fe1       0      0       0     .0160  .0158  .0120  .0199      0 -.0002      0
Fe2       0    1/2     1/2     .0147  .0158  .0110  .0174      0  .0020      0
S1   .20735    1/2 -.04455     .0161  .0183  .0135  .0164      0  .0018      0
S2   .21280      0 -.48143     .0156  .0167  .0132  .0169      0  .0012      0
O1    .1568  .3739  -.1117     .0292  .0401  .0193  .0286 -.0047  .0044 -.0093
O2a   .1528  .0962  -.4015  .5 .0271  .0248  .0246  .0326 -.0058  .0065  .0082
O2b   .1759  .1476  -.4544  .5 .0307  .0372  .0169  .0381 -.0049  .0033  .0101
O3    .1716      0   .0657     .0384  .0168  .0581  .0395      0 -.0018      0
O4    .1882    1/2   .0972     .0356  .0614  .0277  .0191      0  .0124      0
O5    .1645    1/2   .4373     .0242  .0166  .0313  .0248      0  .0025      0
O6    .1929  .0242   .3744  .5 .0294  .0359  .0323  .0190  .0053 -.0039 -.0027
OW1   .0399  .3373  -.3555     .0229  .0280  .0166  .0238  .0023  .0005  .0051
Ow2       0  .2204       0     .0341  .0357  .0138  .0558      0  .0213      0
OW3   .0133      0  -.2144     .0347  .0287  .0534  .0229      0  .0069      0
H1     .072   .276   -.387     .0540
H2     .078   .350   -.278     .0540
H3     .046   .266   -.028     .0423
H4     .069      0   -.256     .0612
H5    -.034      0   -.265     .0612
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