American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

18 matching records for this search.

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Okudera H
American Mineralogist 98 (2013) 1573-1579
Relationships among channel typology and atomic displacements in the structures
of Pb5(BO4)3Cl with B = P (pyromorphite), V (vanadinite), and As (mimetite)
Locality: Pingtouling mine, Guangdong, China
_database_code_amcsd 0020250
10.2382 10.2382 7.4502 90 90 120 P6_3/m
atom       x      y     z  occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2)  U(1,3)  U(2,3)
Pb1      1/3    2/3 .0069 .999 .016 .01996 .01996 .00852 .00998  .00000  .00000
Pb2  .251060 .00419   .25 .999 .020 .01067 .01439 .03531 .00622  .00000  .00000
As    .40960 .38457   .25 .925 .009 .00873 .00730 .00940 .00391  .00000  .00000
P     .40960 .38457   .25 .012 .009 .00873 .00730 .00940 .00391  .00000  .00000
O1     .3306  .4953   .25      .017 .01869 .01263 .02216 .00894  .00000  .00000
O2     .5978  .4860   .25      .039 .01585 .01945 .08050 .00865  .00000  .00000
O3     .3635  .2743  .072      .053 .07419 .06701 .05062 .05935 -.05138 -.05207
Cl         0      0     0      .022 .02177 .02177 .02267 .01089  .00000  .00000
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Okudera H
American Mineralogist 98 (2013) 1573-1579
Relationships among channel typology and atomic displacements in the structures
of Pb5(BO4)3Cl with B = P (pyromorphite), V (vanadinite), and As (mimetite)
Locality: Pingtouling mine, Guangdong, China
_database_code_amcsd 0020251
10.2396 10.2396 7.4405 90 90 120 P6_3/m
atom       x       y       z  occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2)  U(1,3)  U(2,3)
Pb1      1/3     2/3 .006758 .999 .019 .02135 .02135 .01378 .01067  .00000  .00000
Pb2  .250781 .004019     .25 .999 .022 .01208 .01499 .04020 .00697  .00000  .00000
As    .40911  .38452     .25 .925 .011 .00937 .00836 .01448 .00456  .00000  .00000
P     .40911  .38452     .25 .012 .011 .00937 .00836 .01448 .00456  .00000  .00000
O1     .3293    .494     .25      .020 .02741 .01786 .02554 .01946  .00000  .00000
O2     .5986   .4866     .25      .042 .01147 .01104 .09705 .00104  .00000  .00000
O3     .3617   .2721   .0698      .061 .08878 .08173 .05393 .07466 -.05603 -.05587
Cl         0       0       0      .024 .02531 .02531 .02231 .01266  .00000  .00000
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Yongshan D, Hughes J M, Moore P B
Download cm/vol29/CM29_369.pdf
The Canadian Mineralogist 29 (1991) 369-376
The crystal structures of mimetite and clinomimetite, Pb5(AsO4)3Cl
Locality: Durango, Mexico
_database_code_amcsd 0005264
10.211 10.211 7.4185 90 90 120 P6_3/m
atom     x     y     z  Uiso
Pb1    1/3   2/3 .5070 .0143
Pb2  .0047 .2511   1/4 .0149
As   .3837 .4091   1/4 .0059
O1    .495  .328   1/4 .0218
O2    .486  .604   1/4 .0166
O3    .275  .359  .067 .0409
Cl       0     0     0 .0205
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Yongshan D, Hughes J M, Moore P B
Download cm/vol29/CM29_369.pdf
The Canadian Mineralogist 29 (1991) 369-376
The crystal structures of mimetite and clinomimetite, Pb5(AsO4)3Cl
Note: previously known as clinomimetite, now considered a polytype, mimetite-M
Locality: Johanngeorgenstat, Erzgebirge, Sachsen, Germany
_database_code_amcsd 0005265
10.1891 20.3723 7.4564 90 90 119.8827 P2_1/b
atom     x      y     z  Uiso
Pb1A .6694 .41415 .0071 .0144
Pb1B .3367 .58059 .5059 .0142
Pb2A .0045 .37558 .2364 .0143
Pb2B .2527 .37298 .7383 .0157
Pb2C .2466 .74861 .2723 .0137
AsA  .3840  .4545 .2545 .0161
AsB  .4103  .2633 .7533 .0150
AsC  .0248  .5580 .2449 .0123
O1A   .494   .413  .250 .0194
O1B   .331   .667  .760 .0272
O1C   .839   .504  .249 .0156
O2A   .486  .5486  .232 .0074
O2B   .603   .310  .742 .0382
O2C   .109   .505  .278 .0145
O3A   .256   .422  .089 .0240
O3B   .619   .710  .052 .0410
O3C   .085   .599  .050 .0286
O3D   .288   .440  .449 .0312
O3E   .651   .705  .415 .0029
O3F   .084   .623  .407 .0141
Cl    .008  .2505  .490 .0204
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Baikie T, Ferraris C, Klooster W T, Madhavi S, Pramana S S, Pring A, Schmidt G,
White T J
Acta Crystallographica B64 (2008) 34-41
Crystal chemistry of mimetite, Pb10(AsO4)6Cl1.48O0.26, and finnemanite, Pb10(AsO3)6Cl2
Note: T = 298 K
Locality: Synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0020315
10.2055 10.2055 7.4483 90 90 120 P6_3/m
atom     x        y      z occ Biso
Pb1    1/3      2/3  .0073      1.3
Pb2  .2491    .0027    .25      1.4
As1  .4060    .3822    .25      1.2
O1   .3268    .4932    .25      1.7
O2   .5965    .4851  .2193  .5  1.9
O3a  .3306    .2444  .0917  .5  1.2
O3b  .3847    .2953  .0501  .5  1.6
O4       0        0    .25 .13  2.5
Cl1      0        0      0 .74  1.5
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Baikie T, Ferraris C, Klooster W T, Madhavi S, Pramana S S, Pring A, Schmidt G,
White T J
Acta Crystallographica B64 (2008) 34-41
Crystal chemistry of mimetite, Pb10(AsO4)6Cl1.48O0.26, and finnemanite, Pb10(AsO3)6Cl2
Note: T = 373 K
Locality: Synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0020316
10.2224 10.2224 7.4494 90 90 120 P6_3/m
atom     x     y     z occ
Pb1    1/3   2/3 .0049
Pb2  .2497 .0043   .25
As1  .4050 .3809   .25
O1   .3282 .4934   .25
O2   .5959 .4833 .2225  .5
O3a  .3310 .2456 .0890  .5
O3b  .3832 .2923 .0544  .5
O4       0     0   .25 .13
Cl       0     0     0 .74
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Baikie T, Ferraris C, Klooster W T, Madhavi S, Pramana S S, Pring A, Schmidt G,
White T J
Acta Crystallographica B64 (2008) 34-41
Crystal chemistry of mimetite, Pb10(AsO4)6Cl1.48O0.26, and finnemanite, Pb10(AsO3)6Cl2
Note: T = 423 K
Locality: Synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0020317
10.2323 10.2323 7.4533 90 90 120 P6_3/m
atom     x     y     z occ
Pb1    1/3   2/3 .0048
Pb2  .2499 .0041   .25
As1  .4048 .3806   .25
O1   .3283 .4924   .25
O2   .5965 .4825 .2214  .5
O3a  .3344 .2484 .0906  .5
O3b  .3910 .2907 .0532  .5
O4       0     0   .25 .13
Cl1      0     0     0 .74
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Baikie T, Ferraris C, Klooster W T, Madhavi S, Pramana S S, Pring A, Schmidt G,
White T J
Acta Crystallographica B64 (2008) 34-41
Crystal chemistry of mimetite, Pb10(AsO4)6Cl1.48O0.26, and finnemanite, Pb10(AsO3)6Cl2
Note: T = 473 K
Locality: Synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0020318
10.2415 10.2415 7.4594 90 90 120 P6_3/m
atom     x     y     z occ
Pb1    1/3   2/3 .0046
Pb2  .2506 .0045   .25
As1  .4057 .3807   .25
O1   .3280 .4921   .25
O2   .5966 .4826 .2227  .5
O3a  .3317 .2477 .0903  .5
O3b  .3821 .2895 .0539  .5
O4       0     0   .25 .13
Cl1      0     0     0 .74
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Baikie T, Ferraris C, Klooster W T, Madhavi S, Pramana S S, Pring A, Schmidt G,
White T J
Acta Crystallographica B64 (2008) 34-41
Crystal chemistry of mimetite, Pb10(AsO4)6Cl1.48O0.26, and finnemanite, Pb10(AsO3)6Cl2
Note: T = 298 K
Locality: Synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0020319
10.2055 10.2055 7.4483 90 90 120 P6_3/m
atom     x        y      z occ Biso
Pb1    1/3      2/3  .0073      1.3
Pb2  .2491    .0027    .25      1.4
As1  .4060    .3822    .25      1.2
O1   .3268    .4932    .25      1.7
O2   .5965    .4851  .2193  .5  1.9
O3a  .3306    .2444  .0917      1.2
O4       0        0    .25 .13  2.5
Cl1      0        0      0 .74  1.5
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Baikie T, Ferraris C, Klooster W T, Madhavi S, Pramana S S, Pring A, Schmidt G,
White T J
Acta Crystallographica B64 (2008) 34-41
Crystal chemistry of mimetite, Pb10(AsO4)6Cl1.48O0.26, and finnemanite, Pb10(AsO3)6Cl2
Note: T = 298 K
Locality: Synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0020320
10.2055 10.2055 7.4483 90 90 120 P6_3/m
atom     x        y      z occ Biso
Pb1    1/3      2/3  .0073      1.3
Pb2  .2491    .0027    .25      1.4
As1  .4060    .3822    .25      1.2
O1   .3268    .4932    .25      1.7
O2   .5965    .4851  .2193  .5  1.9
O3b  .3847    .2953  .0501      1.6
O4       0        0    .25 .13  2.5
Cl1      0        0      0 .74  1.5
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Baikie T, Ferraris C, Klooster W T, Madhavi S, Pramana S S, Pring A, Schmidt G,
White T J
Acta Crystallographica B64 (2008) 34-41
Crystal chemistry of mimetite, Pb10(AsO4)6Cl1.48O0.26, and finnemanite, Pb10(AsO3)6Cl2
Note: T = 373 K
Locality: Synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0020321
10.2224 10.2224 7.4494 90 90 120 P6_3/m
atom     x     y     z occ
Pb1    1/3   2/3 .0049
Pb2  .2497 .0043   .25
As1  .4050 .3809   .25
O1   .3282 .4934   .25
O2   .5959 .4833 .2225  .5
O3a  .3310 .2456 .0890
O4       0     0   .25 .13
Cl       0     0     0 .74
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Baikie T, Ferraris C, Klooster W T, Madhavi S, Pramana S S, Pring A, Schmidt G,
White T J
Acta Crystallographica B64 (2008) 34-41
Crystal chemistry of mimetite, Pb10(AsO4)6Cl1.48O0.26, and finnemanite, Pb10(AsO3)6Cl2
Note: T = 373 K
Locality: Synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0020322
10.2224 10.2224 7.4494 90 90 120 P6_3/m
atom     x     y     z occ
Pb1    1/3   2/3 .0049
Pb2  .2497 .0043   .25
As1  .4050 .3809   .25
O1   .3282 .4934   .25
O2   .5959 .4833 .2225  .5
O3b  .3832 .2923 .0544
O4       0     0   .25 .13
Cl       0     0     0 .74
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Baikie T, Ferraris C, Klooster W T, Madhavi S, Pramana S S, Pring A, Schmidt G,
White T J
Acta Crystallographica B64 (2008) 34-41
Crystal chemistry of mimetite, Pb10(AsO4)6Cl1.48O0.26, and finnemanite, Pb10(AsO3)6Cl2
Note: T = 423 K
Locality: Synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0020323
10.2323 10.2323 7.4533 90 90 120 P6_3/m
atom     x     y     z occ
Pb1    1/3   2/3 .0048
Pb2  .2499 .0041   .25
As1  .4048 .3806   .25
O1   .3283 .4924   .25
O2   .5965 .4825 .2214  .5
O3a  .3344 .2484 .0906
O4       0     0   .25 .13
Cl1      0     0     0 .74
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Baikie T, Ferraris C, Klooster W T, Madhavi S, Pramana S S, Pring A, Schmidt G,
White T J
Acta Crystallographica B64 (2008) 34-41
Crystal chemistry of mimetite, Pb10(AsO4)6Cl1.48O0.26, and finnemanite, Pb10(AsO3)6Cl2
Note: T = 423 K
Locality: Synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0020324
10.2323 10.2323 7.4533 90 90 120 P6_3/m
atom     x     y     z occ
Pb1    1/3   2/3 .0048
Pb2  .2499 .0041   .25
As1  .4048 .3806   .25
O1   .3283 .4924   .25
O2   .5965 .4825 .2214  .5
O3b  .3910 .2907 .0532
O4       0     0   .25 .13
Cl1      0     0     0 .74
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Baikie T, Ferraris C, Klooster W T, Madhavi S, Pramana S S, Pring A, Schmidt G,
White T J
Acta Crystallographica B64 (2008) 34-41
Crystal chemistry of mimetite, Pb10(AsO4)6Cl1.48O0.26, and finnemanite, Pb10(AsO3)6Cl2
Note: T = 473 K
Locality: Synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0020325
10.2415 10.2415 7.4594 90 90 120 P6_3/m
atom     x     y     z occ
Pb1    1/3   2/3 .0046
Pb2  .2506 .0045   .25
As1  .4057 .3807   .25
O1   .3280 .4921   .25
O2   .5966 .4826 .2227  .5
O3a  .3317 .2477 .0903
O4       0     0   .25 .13
Cl1      0     0     0 .74
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Baikie T, Ferraris C, Klooster W T, Madhavi S, Pramana S S, Pring A, Schmidt G,
White T J
Acta Crystallographica B64 (2008) 34-41
Crystal chemistry of mimetite, Pb10(AsO4)6Cl1.48O0.26, and finnemanite, Pb10(AsO3)6Cl2
Note: T = 473 K
Locality: Synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0020326
10.2415 10.2415 7.4594 90 90 120 P6_3/m
atom     x     y     z occ
Pb1    1/3   2/3 .0046
Pb2  .2506 .0045   .25
As1  .4057 .3807   .25
O1   .3280 .4921   .25
O2   .5966 .4826 .2227  .5
O3b  .3821 .2895 .0539
O4       0     0   .25 .13
Cl1      0     0     0 .74
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Hendricks S, Jefferson M, Mosley V
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 81 (1932) 352-369
The Crystal Structures of Some Natural and Synthetic Apatite-Like
_cod_database_code 1010997
_database_code_amcsd 0017912
10.24 10.24 7.43 90 90 120 P6_3/m
atom    x    y    z
Pb1   1/3  2/3    0
Pb2   .25    0  .25
As1  .411 .392  .25
O1   .317 .458  .25
O2   .644 .503  .25
O3   .336 .272 .061
Cl1     0    0    0
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Sokolova E V, Egorov-Tismenko Y K
Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta Geologiya 37 (1982) 50-56
Study of crystalline structures of rare arsentates: duftite and mimetite
Locality: Cassiterite-sulfide field, Festivalnyi, East Siberia, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0020489
10.248 10.248 7.441 90 90 120 P6_3/m
atom     x     y     z occ Biso
Pb1  .9961 .7494   .25     1.29
Pb2    1/3   2/3 .0073     1.05
As    .409  .025   .25       .4
O1    .174  .493   .25      3.0
O2    .598  .111   .25      2.7
O3    .353  .091  .070      3.8
Cl       0     0  .572  .5  4.3
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