Orlandi P, Bonaccorsi E
The Canadian Mineralogist 47 (2009) 143-151
Montetrisaite, a new hydroxy-hydrated copper sulfate species
from Monte Trisa, Vicenza, Italy
Locality: Monte Trisa, Vicenza, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0006275
2.989 16.970 14.812 90 90 90 Cmc2_1
atom x y z occ Uiso
Cul 0 .0363 .5369 .033
Cu2 .5 .8685 .5133 .027
Cu3 .5 .2006 .4950 .024
S 0 .8273 .302 .5 .079
O1 0 .818 .403 .5 .044
OH1b 0 .840 .445 .5 .041
OH2 .5 .980 .472 .052
OH3 0 .883 .592 .5 .078
Wat3b 0 .902 .651 .5 .089
OH4 .5 .0852 .594 .046
Wat5 .5 .982 .789 .5 .038
OH6 .5 .752 .557 .037
OH7 0 .148 .434 .049
O8 0 .750 .253 .5 .09
O9 .5 .851 .284 .08
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