Sebals M, Dorokhova G I, Pobedimskaya E A, Khomyakov A P
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 278 (1984) 353-357
The crystal structure of nefedovite and its typomorphism
_database_code_amcsd 0012476
11.644 11.644 5.396 90 90 90 I-4
atom x y z Biso
Na1 .0943 .3886 -.008 1.23
Na2 0 0 .5 1.1
Ca .1786 .1114 .0181 .38
P .1045 .2499 .4898 .42
O1 .0385 .2168 .256 .8
O2 .1036 .3805 .523 1.08
O3 .2277 .2079 .454 .71
O4 .0498 .1943 .721 .86
F 0 0 0 .9
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