Nepheline |
Buerger M J, Klein G E, Hamburger G E |
American Mineralogist 32 (1947) 197-197 |
The structure of nepheline |
_database_code_amcsd 0000040 |
10.05 10.05 8.38 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z |
K 0 0 0 |
Na .0100 .4300 0 |
Si1 1/3 2/3 .82 |
Al1 1/3 2/3 .18 |
Si2 .0900 .3300 1/3 |
Al2 .0900 .3300 2/3 |
O1 1/3 2/3 0 |
O2 .0900 .3300 .5 |
O3 .1700 .5200 .75 |
O4 .1700 .5200 .25 |
O5 .25 .2800 .25 |
O6 .25 .2800 .75 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Nepheline |
Buerger M J, Klein G E, Donnay G |
American Mineralogist 39 (1954) 805-818 |
Determination of the crystal structure of nepheline |
_database_code_amcsd 0000067 |
10.01 10.01 8.405 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z |
K 0 0 0 |
Na .0080 .4320 0 |
Si1 1/3 2/3 .82 |
Al1 1/3 2/3 .18 |
Si2 .0920 .3300 1/3 |
Al2 .0920 .3300 2/3 |
O1 1/3 2/3 0 |
O2 .0200 .3300 .5 |
O3 .1800 .5 .75 |
O4 .1700 .5300 .25 |
O5 .2300 .2800 .25 |
O6 .2300 .2800 .75 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Nepheline |
Simmons W B, Peacor D R |
American Mineralogist 57 (1972) 1711-1719 |
Refinement of the crystal structure of a volcanic nepheline |
_database_code_amcsd 0000296 |
10.003 10.003 8.381 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
Na .9972 .4432 .9913 .0082 .0050 .0054 .0032 .0004 .0003 |
K 0 0 .9893 .0102 .0102 .0097 .0051 0 0 |
Al1 .3333 .6667 .1877 .51 .0036 .0036 .0035 .0018 0 0 |
Si1 .3333 .6667 .1877 .49 .0036 .0036 .0035 .0018 0 0 |
Si2 .3333 .6667 .7990 .58 .0060 .0060 .0040 .0030 0 0 |
Al2 .3333 .6667 .7990 .42 .0060 .0060 .0040 .0030 0 0 |
Si3 .0933 .3344 .3090 .84 .0021 .0023 .0044 .0009 -.0009 -.0003 |
Al3 .0933 .3344 .3090 .16 .0021 .0023 .0044 .0009 -.0009 -.0003 |
Al4 .0934 .3318 .6824 .73 .0027 .0033 .0027 .0016 -.0012 -.0005 |
Si4 .0934 .3318 .6824 .27 .0027 .0033 .0027 .0016 -.0012 -.0005 |
O1 .3327 .7024 .9846 .333 .0113 .0079 .0105 .0081 -.0083 -.0068 |
O2 .0269 .3168 .4921 .0062 .0120 .0044 .0061 -.0021 -.0018 |
O3 .1713 .5235 .7210 .0066 .0057 .0183 .0035 .0001 .0022 |
O4 .1647 .5108 .2393 .0022 .0022 .0103 .0005 -.0004 .0016 |
O5 .2258 .2873 .3099 .0037 .0069 .0029 .0038 -.0005 .0000 |
O6 .2229 .2657 .6892 .0063 .0044 .0082 .0038 -.0011 .0003 |
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Nepheline |
Gatta G D, Angel R J |
American Mineralogist 92 (2007) 1446-1455 |
Elastic behavior and pressure-induced structural evolution of nepheline: |
Implications for the nature of the modulated superstructure |
Locality: intrusive aplite of Snipe River, Tambani, Nyasaland, Malawi |
Sample: P = .0001 GPa, in air |
_database_code_amcsd 0004422 |
9.9995 9.9995 8.3766 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K 0 0 .00410 .54 .03296 |
NaK 0 0 .00410 .24 .03296 |
CaK 0 0 .00410 .03 .03296 |
Na .55412 .99724 .50845 .02537 |
AlT1 2/3 1/3 .70194 .01271 |
SiT2 2/3 1/3 .31362 .01423 |
SiT3 .90568 .66614 .82276 .01378 |
AlT4 .90645 .66759 .19630 .01235 |
O1 .6619 .2891 .50178 1/3 .0335 |
O2 .97288 .68347 .00309 .03350 |
O3 .82649 .47750 .25170 .03807 |
O4 .83665 .48973 .76444 .03390 |
O5 .77365 .71475 .82462 .02064 |
O6 .77607 .73287 .20149 .02315 |
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Nepheline |
Gatta G D, Angel R J |
American Mineralogist 92 (2007) 1446-1455 |
Elastic behavior and pressure-induced structural evolution of nepheline: |
Implications for the nature of the modulated superstructure |
Locality: intrusive aplite of Snipe River, Tambani, Nyasaland, Malawi |
Sample: P = .0001 GPa, in DAC |
_database_code_amcsd 0004423 |
9.9910 9.9910 8.3702 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K 0 0 .0051 .54 .032 |
NaK 0 0 .0051 .24 .032 |
CaK 0 0 .0051 .03 .032 |
Na .55384 .99711 .5071 .0239 |
AlT1 2/3 1/3 .7028 .0069 |
SiT2 2/3 1/3 .3144 .0173 |
SiT3 .90486 .66596 .82172 .0112 |
AlT4 .90743 .66818 .19535 .0128 |
O1 .6565 .2857 .5022 1/3 .0234 |
O2 .9740 .6844 .0021 .0244 |
O3 .8220 .4743 .2304 .0373 |
O4 .8393 .4905 .7526 .0198 |
O5 .7705 .7130 .8226 .0108 |
O6 .7787 .7369 .2016 .0274 |
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Nepheline |
Gatta G D, Angel R J |
American Mineralogist 92 (2007) 1446-1455 |
Elastic behavior and pressure-induced structural evolution of nepheline: |
Implications for the nature of the modulated superstructure |
Locality: intrusive aplite of Snipe River, Tambani, Nyasaland, Malawi |
Sample: P = 1.967 GPa |
_database_code_amcsd 0004424 |
9.8499 9.8499 8.2838 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K 0 0 .0029 .54 .0268 |
NaK 0 0 .0029 .24 .0268 |
CaK 0 0 .0029 .03 .0268 |
Na .55578 .99782 .5066 .0217 |
AlT1 2/3 1/3 .7049 .0096 |
SiT2 2/3 1/3 .3107 .0113 |
SiT3 .91197 .66799 .82507 .0092 |
AlT4 .91316 .67064 .19626 .0114 |
O1 .6621 .2962 .5011 1/3 .0238 |
O2 .98771 .69126 .0055 .0205 |
O3 .8293 .47474 .2310 .0222 |
O4 .8432 .48988 .7551 .0244 |
O5 .77506 .71427 .8302 .0138 |
O6 .7815 .7375 .1941 .0212 |
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Nepheline |
Gatta G D, Angel R J |
American Mineralogist 92 (2007) 1446-1455 |
Elastic behavior and pressure-induced structural evolution of nepheline: |
Implications for the nature of the modulated superstructure |
Locality: intrusive aplite of Snipe River, Tambani, Nyasaland, Malawi |
Sample: P = 4.130 GPa |
_database_code_amcsd 0004425 |
9.7178 9.7178 8.2030 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K 0 0 .0041 .54 .0190 |
NaK 0 0 .0041 .24 .0190 |
CaK 0 0 .0041 .03 .0190 |
Na .55760 .99930 .5064 .0182 |
AlT1 2/3 1/3 .71222 .0087 |
SiT2 2/3 1/3 .31158 .0075 |
SiT3 .91817 .67174 .82475 .0091 |
AlT4 .91775 .67115 .19370 .0075 |
O1 2/3 1/3 .5059 .0406 |
O2 .00071 .69849 .0042 .0144 |
O3 .8336 .47374 .2310 .0207 |
O4 .8456 .48771 .7642 .0166 |
O5 .77691 .71442 .8345 .0126 |
O6 .7850 .7392 .1875 .0135 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Nepheline |
Gatta G D, Angel R J |
American Mineralogist 92 (2007) 1446-1455 |
Elastic behavior and pressure-induced structural evolution of nepheline: |
Implications for the nature of the modulated superstructure |
Locality: intrusive aplite of Snipe River, Tambani, Nyasaland, Malawi |
Sample: P = 6.108 GPa |
_database_code_amcsd 0004426 |
9.6189 9.6189 8.1423 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K 0 0 -.0073 .54 .0171 |
NaK 0 0 -.0073 .24 .0171 |
CaK 0 0 -.0073 .03 .0171 |
Na .55850 .00022 .5027 .0169 |
AlT1 2/3 1/3 .70282 .0085 |
SiT2 2/3 1/3 .29904 .0089 |
SiT3 .92093 .67173 .81891 .0081 |
AlT4 .92279 .67442 .18671 .0073 |
O1 2/3 1/3 .4957 .0355 |
O2 .00916 .70138 -.0036 .0138 |
O3 .8360 .47420 .2237 .0172 |
O4 .8486 .48610 .7632 .0175 |
O5 .77757 .71312 .8327 .0107 |
O6 .7868 .7399 .1798 .0135 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Nepheline |
Gatta G D, Angel R J |
American Mineralogist 92 (2007) 1446-1455 |
Elastic behavior and pressure-induced structural evolution of nepheline: |
Implications for the nature of the modulated superstructure |
Locality: intrusive aplite of Snipe River, Tambani, Nyasaland, Malawi |
Sample: P = 7.462 GPa |
_database_code_amcsd 0004427 |
9.5587 9.5587 8.1051 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K 0 0 .0028 .54 .0220 |
NaK 0 0 .0028 .24 .0220 |
CaK 0 0 .0028 .03 .0220 |
Na .56008 .00140 .5064 .0195 |
AlT1 2/3 1/3 .71012 .0108 |
SiT2 2/3 1/3 .30483 .0101 |
SiT3 .92358 .67276 .82528 .0100 |
AlT4 .92423 .67448 .19201 .0114 |
O1 2/3 1/3 .5018 .0299 |
O2 .01431 .70341 .0017 .0143 |
O3 .8408 .4758 .2446 .0202 |
O4 .8457 .4826 .7859 .0164 |
O5 .7801 .7144 .8417 .0077 |
O6 .7866 .7396 .1862 .0197 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Nepheline |
Gatta G D, Angel R J |
American Mineralogist 92 (2007) 1446-1455 |
Elastic behavior and pressure-induced structural evolution of nepheline: |
Implications for the nature of the modulated superstructure |
Locality: intrusive aplite of Snipe River, Tambani, Nyasaland, Malawi |
Sample: P = .0001 GPa, in air after decompression |
_database_code_amcsd 0004428 |
9.9907 9.9907 8.3695 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K 0 0 .00350 .54 .03448 |
NaK 0 0 .00350 .24 .03448 |
CaK 0 0 .00350 .03 .03448 |
Na .55414 .99762 .50785 .02594 |
AlT1 2/3 1/3 .70209 .01355 |
SiT2 2/3 1/3 .31353 .01392 |
SiT3 .90606 .66644 .82291 .01334 |
AlT4 .90620 .66767 .19635 .01306 |
O1 .6708 .2957 .5008 1/3 .0348 |
O2 .97316 .68409 .00228 .03106 |
O3 .82600 .47725 .25143 .0360 |
O4 .83662 .48965 .76565 .0328 |
O5 .77305 .71396 .82379 .01929 |
O6 .77664 .73391 .20013 .0230 |
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Nepheline |
Tait K T, Sokolova E V, Hawthorne F C, Khomyakov A P |
The Canadian Mineralogist 41 (2003) 61-70 |
The crystal chemistry of nepheline |
Note: sample 1 |
Locality: Khibina-Lovozero complex, Kola peninsula, Russia |
_database_code_amcsd 0005822 |
9.9995 9.9995 8.384 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
KA 0 0 .01170 .955 .02164 .01898 .01898 .0270 .00949 0 0 |
NaB .99905 .55466 .5178 .02311 .0311 .0238 .0193 .0174 -.0013 .0010 |
AlT1 2/3 1/3 .2121 .97 .01011 .0096 .0096 .0112 .00478 0 0 |
SiT1 2/3 1/3 .2121 .02 .01011 .0096 .0096 .0112 .00478 0 0 |
FeT1 2/3 1/3 .2121 .01 .01011 .0096 .0096 .0112 .00478 0 0 |
SiT2 1/3 2/3 .3222 .01037 .0101 .0101 .0109 .00506 0 0 |
SiT3 .75946 .66605 .33229 .00985 .0091 .0096 .0115 .0051 -.0001 -.0002 |
AlT4 .09249 .75965 .20566 .97 .00899 .0077 .0084 .0107 .0038 .0001 -.0001 |
SiT4 .09249 .75965 .20566 .02 .00899 .0077 .0084 .0107 .0038 .0001 -.0001 |
FeT4 .09249 .75965 .20566 .01 .00899 .0077 .0084 .0107 .0038 .0001 -.0001 |
O1 .3697 .696 .5103 1/3 .027 .017 .049 .0091 .013 .002 .005 |
O2 .71067 .68560 .5113 .02036 .0170 .0384 .0107 .0176 -.0007 -.0003 |
O3 .1728 .6484 .2610 .0274 .0111 .0104 .0618 .0063 -.0042 .0030 |
O4 .6516 .48999 .2766 .0240 .0140 .0105 .0484 .0075 -.0061 -.0086 |
O5 .94000 .71478 .3346 .0136 .0097 .0174 .0133 .0065 .0001 -.0014 |
O6 .73563 .77827 .2110 .0166 .0211 .0163 .0185 .0138 .0026 .0041 |
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Nepheline |
Tait K T, Sokolova E V, Hawthorne F C, Khomyakov A P |
The Canadian Mineralogist 41 (2003) 61-70 |
The crystal chemistry of nepheline |
Note: sample 2 |
Locality: Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
_database_code_amcsd 0005823 |
9.985 9.985 8.372 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
KA 0 0 .01170 .80 .0241 .0204 .0204 .0316 .01019 0 0 |
CaA 0 0 .01170 .04 .0241 .0204 .0204 .0316 .01019 0 0 |
NaB .99813 .55455 .5174 .02352 .0312 .0241 .0204 .0176 -.0017 .0002 |
AlT1 2/3 1/3 .2114 .97 .0119 .0108 .0108 .0142 .0054 0 0 |
SiT1 2/3 1/3 .2114 .03 .0119 .0108 .0108 .0142 .0054 0 0 |
SiT2 1/3 2/3 .3225 .0118 .0123 .0123 .0110 .00613 0 0 |
SiT3 .75966 .66575 .3322 .01130 .0107 .0109 .0129 .0058 .0004 .0003 |
AlT4 .09294 .76047 .2056 .94 .01051 .0082 .0095 .0127 .0036 .0001 -.0001 |
SiT4 .09294 .76047 .2056 .06 .01051 .0082 .0095 .0127 .0036 .0001 -.0001 |
O1 .3720 .694 .5091 1/3 .035 .017 .072 .012 .020 .0070 .029 |
O2 .71056 .68338 .5121 .0243 .0187 .0462 .0140 .0208 -.0012 .0030 |
O3 .1731 .6497 .2621 .0314 .0131 .0119 .0692 .0064 -.0058 .0017 |
O4 .6516 .4889 .2759 .0263 .0148 .0113 .0541 .0076 -.0083 -.0078 |
O5 .9399 .7137 .3328 .0141 .0090 .0178 .0161 .0072 .0004 -.0012 |
O6 .7341 .7764 .2111 .0188 .0223 .0208 .0202 .0159 .0035 .0030 |
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Nepheline |
Tait K T, Sokolova E V, Hawthorne F C, Khomyakov A P |
The Canadian Mineralogist 41 (2003) 61-70 |
The crystal chemistry of nepheline |
Note: sample 3 |
Locality: Monte Somma, Italy |
_database_code_amcsd 0005824 |
9.9979 9.9979 8.3852 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
KA 0 0 .01170 .88 .02170 .01841 .01841 .0283 .00920 0 0 |
NaB .99817 .55432 .5179 .98 .02255 .0305 .0230 .0190 .01703 -.0011 .0008 |
CaB .99817 .55432 .5179 .02 .02255 .0305 .0230 .0190 .01703 -.0011 .0008 |
AlT1 2/3 1/3 .2118 .99 .01030 .0098 .0098 .0113 .00491 0 0 |
SiT1 2/3 1/3 .2118 .01 .01030 .0098 .0098 .0113 .00491 0 0 |
SiT2 1/3 2/3 .32226 .01048 .01035 .01035 .0107 .00517 0 0 |
SiT3 .75948 .66603 .33221 .00994 .00933 .00965 .0117 .00538 -.0001 -.00061 |
AlT4 .09289 .76022 .20557 .98 .00960 .0081 .0085 .0117 .00376 .0003 -.0002 |
SiT4 .09289 .76022 .20557 .01 .00960 .0081 .0085 .0117 .00376 .0003 -.0002 |
FeT4 .09289 .76022 .20557 .01 .00960 .0081 .0085 .0117 .00376 .0003 -.0002 |
O(1) .3698 .7021 .5099 1/3 .0273 .027 .043 .0088 .0152 -.001 .001 |
O(2) .71021 .68420 .5111 .02174 .0178 .0416 .0112 .0189 .0009 .0011 |
O(3) .17348 .64926 .2616 .0290 .0096 .0124 .0657 .0060 -.0042 .0032 |
O(4) .65115 .48976 .2757 .0251 .0133 .0097 .0531 .0062 -.0061 -.0083 |
O(5) .94001 .71420 .3341 .0146 .0098 .0189 .0151 .0073 .0011 -.0008 |
O(6) .73421 .77705 .2109 .0167 .0220 .0172 .0175 .0147 .0036 .0040 |
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Nepheline |
Hassan I, Antao S M, Hersi A A M |
The Canadian Mineralogist 41 (2003) 759-783 |
Single-crystal XRD, TEM, and thermal studies of the satellite |
reflection in nepheline |
_database_code_amcsd 0005859 |
9.9853 9.9853 8.3689 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
K 0 0 .9920 .675 .026 .022 .022 .034 .011 0 0 |
Na .4429 .9970 .9952 .023 .020 .029 .018 .012 -.002 .001 |
Al1 2/3 1/3 .1907 .011 .012 .012 .010 .006 0 0 |
Si2 2/3 1/3 .8024 .013 .013 .013 .012 .007 0 0 |
Si3 .3339 .0939 .3103 .012 .013 .010 .014 .005 .000 .000 |
Al4 .3321 .0931 .6838 .011 .011 .009 .013 .005 .001 .000 |
O1 .7113 .3470 .9850 1/3 .030 .029 .046 .003 .008 .006 -.007 |
O2 .3174 .0272 .4911 .029 .056 .028 .014 .029 .001 .001 |
O3 .5238 .1731 .7348 .034 .012 .012 .075 .005 -.005 -.001 |
O4 .5095 .1621 .2487 .031 .011 .013 .066 .004 .005 .002 |
O5 .2857 .2271 .3113 .020 .025 .018 .018 .013 .004 .005 |
O6 .2679 .2239 .6881 .022 .029 .018 .023 .016 -.002 -.003 |
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Nepheline |
Angel R J, Gatta G C, Boffa Ballaran T, Carpenter M A |
The Canadian Mineralogist 46 (2008) 1465-1476 |
The mechanism of coupling in the modulated structure of nepheline |
Locality: Snipe River, Tambani, Malawi |
Note: natural sample |
Note: T = 110 K |
_database_code_amcsd 0006202 |
9.9820 9.9820 8.3670 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K 0 0 .0031 .57 .024 |
Na1 0 0 .0031 .24 .024 |
Na2 .5547 .9971 .5082 .017 |
Al1 2/3 1/3 .7014 .48 .010 |
Si1 2/3 1/3 .7014 .52 .010 |
Al2 2/3 1/3 .3137 .48 .012 |
Si2 2/3 1/3 .3137 .52 .012 |
Al3 .9064 .6660 .8222 .48 .012 |
Si3 .9064 .6660 .8222 .52 .012 |
Al4 .9071 .6672 .1959 .48 .010 |
Si4 .9071 .6672 .1959 .52 .010 |
O1 .6611 .2825 .5005 1/3 .024 |
O2 .9734 .6822 .0022 .034 |
O3 .8270 .4774 .2518 .038 |
O4 .8374 .4891 .7613 .032 |
O5 .7736 .7143 .8253 .016 |
O6 .7765 .7329 .2012 .018 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Nepheline |
Angel R J, Gatta G C, Boffa Ballaran T, Carpenter M A |
The Canadian Mineralogist 46 (2008) 1465-1476 |
The mechanism of coupling in the modulated structure of nepheline |
Locality: Snipe River, Tambani, Malawi |
Note: natural sample |
Note: T = 200 K |
_database_code_amcsd 0006203 |
9.9890 9.9890 8.3687 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K 0 0 .0034 .57 .028 |
Na1 0 0 .0034 .24 .028 |
Na2 .5545 .9972 .5081 .021 |
Al1 2/3 1/3 .7014 .48 .012 |
Si1 2/3 1/3 .7014 .52 .012 |
Al2 2/3 1/3 .3134 .48 .013 |
Si2 2/3 1/3 .3134 .52 .013 |
Al3 .9061 .6660 .8223 .48 .013 |
Si3 .9061 .6660 .8223 .52 .013 |
Al4 .9068 .6675 .1959 .48 .011 |
Si4 .9068 .6675 .1959 .52 .011 |
O1 .6620 .2858 .5015 1/3 .028 |
O2 .9734 .6830 .0027 .033 |
O3 .8269 .4775 .2516 .037 |
O4 .8373 .4896 .7629 .033 |
O5 .7736 .7145 .8249 .018 |
O6 .7765 .7330 .2011 .021 |
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Nepheline |
Angel R J, Gatta G C, Boffa Ballaran T, Carpenter M A |
The Canadian Mineralogist 46 (2008) 1465-1476 |
The mechanism of coupling in the modulated structure of nepheline |
Locality: Snipe River, Tambani, Malawi |
Note: natural sample |
Note: T = 290 K |
_database_code_amcsd 0006204 |
9.9995 9.9995 8.3766 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K 0 0 .0037 .57 .033 |
Na1 0 0 .0037 .24 .033 |
Na2 .5541 .9972 .5080 .025 |
Al1 2/3 1/3 .7015 .48 .013 |
Si1 2/3 1/3 .7015 .52 .013 |
Al2 2/3 1/3 .3132 .48 .014 |
Si2 2/3 1/3 .3132 .52 .014 |
Al3 .9057 .6661 .8224 .48 .014 |
Si3 .9057 .6661 .8224 .52 .014 |
Al4 .9064 .6676 .1959 .48 .012 |
Si4 .9064 .6676 .1959 .52 .012 |
O1 .6620 .2891 .5013 1/3 .033 |
O2 .9729 .6835 .0027 .034 |
O3 .8265 .4775 .2514 .038 |
O4 .8367 .4898 .7642 .034 |
O5 .7737 .7147 .8241 .020 |
O6 .7760 .7329 .2011 .023 |
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Nepheline |
Angel R J, Gatta G C, Boffa Ballaran T, Carpenter M A |
The Canadian Mineralogist 46 (2008) 1465-1476 |
The mechanism of coupling in the modulated structure of nepheline |
Locality: Snipe River, Tambani, Malawi |
Note: annealed |
Note: T = 220 K |
_database_code_amcsd 0006205 |
9.9751 9.9751 8.3658 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K 0 0 .0031 .57 .028 |
Na1 0 0 .0031 .24 .028 |
Na2 .5547 .9979 .5081 .020 |
Al1 2/3 1/3 .7017 .48 .011 |
Si1 2/3 1/3 .7017 .52 .011 |
Al2 2/3 1/3 .3124 .48 .012 |
Si2 2/3 1/3 .3124 .52 .012 |
Al3 .9066 .6664 .8226 .48 .011 |
Si3 .9066 .6664 .8226 .52 .011 |
Al4 .9071 .6679 .1958 .48 .010 |
Si4 .9071 .6679 .1958 .52 .010 |
O1 .6640 .2910 .5023 1/3 .028 |
O2 .9743 .6842 .0022 .028 |
O3 .8272 .4773 .2512 .033 |
O4 .8373 .4896 .7645 .029 |
O5 .7739 .7145 .8252 .016 |
O6 .7767 .7335 .2007 .018 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Nepheline |
Angel R J, Gatta G C, Boffa Ballaran T, Carpenter M A |
The Canadian Mineralogist 46 (2008) 1465-1476 |
The mechanism of coupling in the modulated structure of nepheline |
Locality: Snipe River, Tambani, Malawi |
Note: annealed |
Note: T = 150 K |
_database_code_amcsd 0006206 |
9.9698 9.9698 8.3615 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K 0 0 .0029 .57 .024 |
Na1 0 0 .0029 .24 .024 |
Na2 .5550 .9978 .5082 .017 |
All 2/3 1/3 .7017 .48 .01 |
Sil 2/3 1/3 .7017 .52 .01 |
Al2 2/3 1/3 .3124 .48 .011 |
Si2 2/3 1/3 .3124 .52 .011 |
Al3 .9067 .6662 .8226 .48 .010 |
Si3 .9067 .6662 .8226 .52 .010 |
Al4 .9073 .6677 .1958 .48 .009 |
Si4 .9073 .6677 .1958 .52 .009 |
O1 .6623 .2875 .5015 1/3 .024 |
O2 .9745 .6837 .0023 .028 |
O3 .8273 .4771 .2517 .033 |
O4 .8377 .4894 .7635 .029 |
O5 .7739 .7143 .8255 .014 |
O6 .7767 .7333 .2008 .016 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Nepheline |
Angel R J, Gatta G C, Boffa Ballaran T, Carpenter M A |
The Canadian Mineralogist 46 (2008) 1465-1476 |
The mechanism of coupling in the modulated structure of nepheline |
Locality: Snipe River, Tambani, Malawi |
Note: annealed |
Note: T = 100 K |
_database_code_amcsd 0006207 |
9.9685 9.9685 8.3608 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K 0 0 .0028 .57 .022 |
Na1 0 0 .0028 .24 .022 |
Na2 .5551 .9976 .5085 .015 |
Al1 2/3 1/3 .7017 .48 .009 |
Si1 2/3 1/3 .7017 .52 .009 |
Al2 2/3 1/3 .3124 .48 .010 |
Si2 2/3 1/3 .3124 .52 .010 |
Al3 .9067 .6661 .8225 .48 .010 |
Si3 .9067 .6661 .8225 .52 .010 |
Al4 .9074 .6675 .1958 .48 .008 |
Si4 .9074 .6675 .1958 .52 .008 |
O1 .6605 .2846 .5008 1/3 .021 |
O2 .9743 .6830 .0023 .029 |
O3 .8273 .4771 .2518 .033 |
O4 .8379 .4894 .7624 .034 |
O5 .7736 .7141 .8257 .014 |
O6 .7769 .7333 .2011 .015 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Nepheline |
Angel R J, Gatta G C, Boffa Ballaran T, Carpenter M A |
The Canadian Mineralogist 46 (2008) 1465-1476 |
The mechanism of coupling in the modulated structure of nepheline |
Locality: Snipe River, Tambani, Malawi |
Note: annealed |
Note: T = 15 K |
_database_code_amcsd 0006208 |
9.9801 9.9801 8.3707 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K 0 0 .0037 .57 .022 |
Na1 0 0 .0037 .24 .022 |
Na2 .5554 .9976 .5086 .017 |
Al1 2/3 1/3 .7010 .48 .012 |
Si1 2/3 1/3 .7010 .52 .012 |
Al2 2/3 1/3 .3136 .48 .014 |
Si2 2/3 1/3 .3136 .52 .014 |
Al3 .9067 .6658 .8222 .48 .014 |
Si3 .9067 .6658 .8222 .52 .014 |
Al4 .9073 .6671 .1961 .48 .012 |
Si4 .9073 .6671 .1961 .52 .012 |
O1 .6602 .2797 .5053 1/3 .023 |
O2 .9732 .6814 .0034 .035 |
O3 .8287 .4781 .2515 .038 |
O4 .8365 .4889 .7610 .034 |
O5 .7746 .7152 .8251 .019 |
O6 .7762 .7315 .2007 .020 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Nepheline |
Angel R J, Gatta G C, Boffa Ballaran T, Carpenter M A |
The Canadian Mineralogist 46 (2008) 1465-1476 |
The mechanism of coupling in the modulated structure of nepheline |
Locality: Snipe River, Tambani, Malawi |
Note: annealed |
Note: T = 298 K |
_database_code_amcsd 0006209 |
9.9867 9.9861 8.3697 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K 0 0 .0030 .57 .032 |
Na1 0 0 .0030 .24 .032 |
Na2 .5545 .9980 .5080 .024 |
Al1 2/3 1/3 .7018 .48 .012 |
Si1 2/3 1/3 .7018 .52 .012 |
Al2 2/3 1/3 .3123 .48 .013 |
Si2 2/3 1/3 .3123 .52 .013 |
Al3 .9063 .6665 .8226 .48 .012 |
Si3 .9063 .6665 .8226 .52 .012 |
Al4 .9067 .6680 .1959 .48 .010 |
Si4 .9067 .6680 .1959 .52 .010 |
O1 .6660 .2950 .5021 1/3 .030 |
O2 .9739 .6845 .0022 .028 |
O3 .8267 .4773 .2508 .033 |
O4 .8371 .4898 .7651 .030 |
O5 .7739 .7148 .8246 .018 |
O6 .7764 .7334 .2008 .021 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Nepheline |
Antao S M, Hassan I |
The Canadian Mineralogist 48 (2010) 69-80 |
Nepheline: structure of three samples from the Bancroft area, Ontario, |
obtained using synchrotron high-resolution powder x-ray diffraction |
Locality: Egan Chute, Bancroft area, Ontario, Canada |
Sample: 1b |
_database_code_amcsd 0006318 |
9.99567 9.99567 8.37777 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K 0 0 .0006 .716 .0263 |
Na .44318 .99665 .9893 .96 .0227 |
Ca .44318 .99665 .9893 .04 .0227 |
Al1 2/3 1/3 .8057 .0114 |
Al2 .3307 .0916 .3111 .01031 |
Si1 2/3 1/3 .1901 .0114 |
Si2 .3374 .0970 .6852 .01031 |
O1 .7154 .3371 .0054 1/3 .027 |
O2 .3199 .0310 .5008 .0318 |
O3 .5154 .1655 .7182 .0346 |
O4 .5188 .1751 .2362 .0274 |
O5 .2852 .2308 .3046 .0310 |
O6 .2680 .2182 .6862 .0153 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Nepheline |
Antao S M, Hassan I |
The Canadian Mineralogist 48 (2010) 69-80 |
Nepheline: structure of three samples from the Bancroft area, Ontario, |
obtained using synchrotron high-resolution powder x-ray diffraction |
Locality: Nephton, Bancroft area, Ontario, Canada |
Sample: 2 |
_database_code_amcsd 0006319 |
10.00215 10.00215 8.38742 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K1 0 0 .9950 .920 .0202 |
Na1 .44424 .99778 .0019 .02620 |
Al1 2/3 1/3 .1875 .0100 |
Al2 .3332 .0938 .6842 .00938 |
Si1 2/3 1/3 .7984 .0100 |
Si2 .3337 .0927 .3104 .00938 |
O1 .7073 .3371 .9874 1/3 .028 |
O2 .3159 .0261 .4995 .0245 |
O3 .5236 .1759 .7223 .0313 |
O4 .5112 .1627 .2390 .0225 |
O5 .2861 .2235 .3140 .0136 |
O6 .2651 .2235 .6938 .0159 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Nepheline |
Antao S M, Hassan I |
The Canadian Mineralogist 48 (2010) 69-80 |
Nepheline: structure of three samples from the Bancroft area, Ontario, |
obtained using synchrotron high-resolution powder x-ray diffraction |
Locality: Davis Hill, Bancroft area, Ontario, Canada |
Sample: 3 |
_database_code_amcsd 0006320 |
9.99567 9.99567 8.37873 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
K1 0 0 .9992 .778 .0209 |
Na1 .44381 .9973 .9987 .0259 |
Al1 2/3 1/3 .8035 .0096 |
Al2 .3369 .0948 .3105 .00880 |
Si1 2/3 1/3 .1934 .0096 |
Si2 .3305 .0929 .6842 1/3 .00880 |
O1 .7125 .3452 .0063 .022 |
O2 .3166 .0280 .4996 .0234 |
O3 .5138 .1672 .7198 .0234 |
O4 .5195 .1734 .2347 .0234 |
O5 .2663 .2236 .3008 .0234 |
O6 .2834 .2252 .6828 .0234 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Nepheline |
Buerger M, Klein G, Hamburger G |
Geological Society of America, Bulletin 57 (1946) 1182-1183 |
Structure of Nepheline |
_cod_database_code 1008761 |
_database_code_amcsd 0016638 |
10.05 10.05 8.38 90 90 120 P6_3 |
atom x y z |
Na1 0 0 0 |
Si1 1/3 2/3 .82 |
Al1 1/3 2/3 .18 |
O1 1/3 2/3 0 |
Na2 .01 .43 0 |
Si2 .09 1/3 1/3 |
Al2 .09 1/3 2/3 |
O2 .02 1/3 .5 |
O3 .17 .52 .75 |
O4 .17 .52 .25 |
O5 .25 .28 .25 |
O6 .25 .28 .75 |
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