Obertiite |
Hawthorne F C, Cooper M A, Grice J D, Ottolini L |
American Mineralogist 85 (2000) 236-241 |
A new anhydrous amphibole from the Eifel region, Germany: |
Description and crystal structure of obertiite, NaNa2(Mg3FeTi)Si8O22O2 |
Note: M1A and M1 are interchanged in the bond length table |
_database_code_amcsd 0002347 |
9.776 17.919 5.292 90 104.05 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
O1 .1136 .0858 .2176 .0062 .0047 .0091 .0000 .0007 .0005 |
O2 .1170 .1652 .7249 .0052 .0128 .0040 .0000 .0001 -.0007 |
O3 .1034 0 .7061 .0054 .0127 .0043 0 .0021 0 |
O4 .3578 .2508 .7995 .0115 .0068 .0111 .0012 .0005 -.0036 |
O5 .3497 .1276 .0805 .0069 .0130 .0075 .0049 .0030 -.0008 |
O6 .3461 .1200 .5798 .0084 .0105 .0066 -.0046 .0003 -.0001 |
O7 .3434 0 .2996 .0099 .0087 .0138 0 .0051 0 |
SiT1 .2836 .08524 .2941 .0058 .0055 .0050 -.0004 .0013 .0008 |
SiT2 .2883 .17078 .7985 .0051 .0063 .0040 .0003 .0001 -.0008 |
Ti1A 0 .0788 .5 .43 .0094 .0094 .0047 0 .0002 0 |
Mn1A 0 .0788 .5 .185 .0094 .0094 .0047 0 .0002 0 |
Mg1 0 .0910 .5 .385 .0094 .0094 .0047 0 .0002 0 |
Mg2 0 .18172 0 .66 .0077 .0084 .0069 0 .0024 0 |
Fe2 0 .18172 0 .325 .0077 .0084 .0069 0 .0024 0 |
Al2 0 .18172 0 .015 .0077 .0084 .0069 0 .0024 0 |
Mg3 0 0 0 .04 .0068 .0082 .0081 0 .0007 0 |
Na4 0 .2738 .5 .92 .0240 .0159 .0253 0 .0160 0 |
Fe4 0 .2738 .5 .03 .0240 .0159 .0253 0 .0160 0 |
Ca4 0 .2738 .5 .0240 .0159 .0253 0 .0160 0 |
KAm .048 .5 .101 .09 .0200 |
NaAm .048 .5 .101 .19 .0200 |
NaA2 0 .4886 0 .22 .0200 |
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