American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

7 matching records for this search.

Miyake M, Nakamura H, Kojima H, Marumo F
Download am/vol72/AM72_594.pdf
American Mineralogist 72 (1987) 594-598
Cation ordering in Co-Mg olivine solid-solution series
Sample: Co15
_database_code_amcsd 0001089
4.779 10.277 5.995 90 90 90 Pbnm
atom     x     y     z  occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Co1      0     0     0 .816  .0044  .0061  .0044  .0000 -.0006 -.0011
Mg1      0     0     0 .184  .0044  .0061  .0044  .0000 -.0006 -.0011
Co2  .9909 .2765   .25 .589  .0054  .0042  .0049  .0002      0      0
Mg2  .9909 .2765   .25 .411  .0054  .0042  .0049  .0002      0      0
Si   .4278 .0948   .25       .0034  .0042  .0043  .0001      0      0
O1   .7670 .0925   .25       .0040  .0071  .0061  .0003      0      0
O2   .2154 .4481   .25       .0060  .0042  .0070 -.0002      0      0
O3   .2810 .1640 .0335       .0060  .0077  .0054  .0003 -.0004  .0018
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Miyake M, Nakamura H, Kojima H, Marumo F
Download am/vol72/AM72_594.pdf
American Mineralogist 72 (1987) 594-598
Cation ordering in Co-Mg olivine solid-solution series
Sample: Co18
_database_code_amcsd 0001090
4.780 10.290 5.997 90 90 90 Pbnm
atom     x     y     z  occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Co1      0     0     0 .928  .0036  .0076  .0072 -.0001 -.0006 -.0011
Mg1      0     0     0 .072  .0036  .0076  .0072 -.0001 -.0006 -.0011
Co2  .9911 .2765   .25 .807  .0050  .0060  .0081 -.0001      0      0
Mg2  .9911 .2765   .25 .193  .0050  .0060  .0081 -.0001      0      0
Si   .4277 .0948   .25       .0027  .0058  .0072  .0002      0      0
O1   .7665 .0921   .25       .0037  .0096  .0088 -.0003      0      0
O2   .2154 .4483   .25       .0053  .0056  .0104  .0003      0      0
O3   .2816 .1641 .0337       .0069  .0088  .0080  .0004 -.0005  .0015
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Miyake M, Nakamura H, Kojima H, Marumo F
Download am/vol72/AM72_594.pdf
American Mineralogist 72 (1987) 594-598
Cation ordering in Co-Mg olivine solid-solution series
Sample: Co20
_database_code_amcsd 0001091
4.781 10.296 5.998 90 90 90 Pbnm
atom     x     y     z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Co1      0     0     0  .0048  .0068  .0050  .0000 -.0006 -.0010
Co2  .9912 .2765   .25  .0058  .0051  .0055  .0001      0      0
Si   .4283 .0949   .25  .0035  .0049  .0044  .0001      0      0
O1   .7675 .0918   .25  .0046  .0064  .0062  .0000      0      0
O2   .2158 .4486   .25  .0062  .0052  .0069  .0004      0      0
O3   .2818 .1641 .0339  .0063  .0079  .0057  .0009 -.0007  .0017
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Muller-Sommer M, Hock R, Kirfel A
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 24 (1997) 17-23
Rietveld refinement study of the cation distribution in (Co, Mg)-olivine
solid solution
Sample: M00
_database_code_amcsd 0007972
4.7825 10.3040 6.0041 90 90 90 Pbnm
atom     x     y     z Biso
CoM1     0     0     0  .52
CoM2 .9919 .2771   .25  .41
Si   .4279 .0964   .25  .34
O1   .7578 .0919   .25  .47
O2   .2137 .4516   .25  .47
O3   .2879 .1627 .0332  .51
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Muller-Sommer M, Hock R, Kirfel A
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 24 (1997) 17-23
Rietveld refinement study of the cation distribution in (Co, Mg)-olivine
solid solution
Sample: M13
_database_code_amcsd 0007973
4.7814 10.2924 6.0007 90 90 90 Pbnm
atom     x     y     z  occ Biso
CoM1     0     0     0 .934  .52
MgM1     0     0     0 .066  .52
CoM2 .9891 .2767   .25 .816  .41
MgM2 .9891 .2767   .25 .184  .41
Si   .4318 .0949   .25       .34
O1   .7534 .0873   .25       .47
O2   .2223 .4500   .25       .47
O3   .2929 .1641 .0384       .51
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Muller-Sommer M, Hock R, Kirfel A
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 24 (1997) 17-23
Rietveld refinement study of the cation distribution in (Co, Mg)-olivine
solid solution
Sample: M251
_database_code_amcsd 0007974
4.7773 10.2800 5.9971 90 90 90 Pbnm
atom     x     y     z  occ Biso
CoM1     0     0     0 .888  .52
MgM1     0     0     0 .112  .52
CoM2 .9908 .2770   .25 .612  .41
MgM2 .9908 .2770   .25 .388  .41
Si   .4279 .0945   .25       .34
O1   .7603 .0929   .25       .47
O2   .2124 .4506   .25       .47
O3   .2834 .1635 .0377       .51
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Muller-Sommer M, Hock R, Kirfel A
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 24 (1997) 17-23
Rietveld refinement study of the cation distribution in (Co, Mg)-olivine
solid solution
Sample: M38
_database_code_amcsd 0007975
4.7754 10.2672 5.9942 90 90 90 Pbnm
atom     x     y     z  occ Biso
CoM1     0     0     0 .782  .52
MgM1     0     0     0 .217  .52
CoM2 .9905 .2773   .25 .467  .41
MgM2 .9905 .2773   .25 .532  .41
Si   .4259 .0956   .25       .34
O1   .7567 .0897   .25       .47
O2   .2161 .4531   .25       .47
O3   .2795 .1625 .0374       .51
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