American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

16 matching records for this search.

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Miyashiro A
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American Mineralogist 41 (1956) 104-116
Osumilite, a new silicate mineral, and its crystal structure
_database_code_amcsd 0000078
10.17 10.17 14.34 90 90 120 P6/mcc
atom     x    y   z occ
K        0    0 .25 .32
Na       0    0 .25 .35
Ca       0    0 .25 .12
Mg     1/3  2/3 .25 .74
Fe1    1/3  2/3 .25 .26
Al      .5    0 .25 .65
Fe2     .5    0 .25 .35
Si    .100 .350 .11 .75
Al    .100 .350 .11 .25
O1    .130 .420   0
O2    .210 .290 .12
O3    .130 .470 .17
H2O      0    0   0
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Brown G E, Gibbs G V
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American Mineralogist 54 (1969) 101-116
Refinement of the crystal structure of osumilite
_database_code_amcsd 0000188
10.155 10.155 14.284 90 90 120 P6/mcc
atom     x     y     z  occ Biso
K        0     0   .25  .71  3.6
Na       0     0   .25  .28  3.6
Ca       0     0   .25  .01  3.6
Mg   .3333 .6667   .25  .46  .90
Fe   .3333 .6667   .25  .46  .90
Mn   .3333 .6667   .25  .08  .90
Si1  .1037 .3513 .1085  .85 1.25
Al1  .1037 .3513 .1085  .15 1.25
Al2     .5     0   .25  .88 1.31
Fe2     .5     0   .25  .12 1.31
O1   .1216 .4046     0       2.5
O2   .2142 .2837 .1316       2.4
O3   .1372 .4913 .1789       1.8
Wat   .031  .114     0 .166    9
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Armbruster T, Oberhansli R
Download am/vol73/AM73_585.pdf
American Mineralogist 73 (1988) 585-594
Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structural, chemical, and optical
variation in osumilites
Sample: Antarctica
_database_code_amcsd 0001149
10.086 10.086 14.325 90 90 120 P6/mcc
atom      x      y      z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
KC        0      0    .25 .91  .0255  .0255   .031 .01275      0      0
FeA     1/3    2/3    .25 .01  .0054  .0054  .0107  .0027      0      0
MgA     1/3    2/3    .25 .99  .0054  .0054  .0107  .0027      0      0
Si1  .24821 .35359 .39206 .86  .0086  .0099  .0077  .0055  .0015  .0017
Al1  .24821 .35359 .39206 .14  .0086  .0099  .0077  .0055  .0015  .0017
Fe2      .5     .5    .25 .01  .0091  .0091  .0068  .0072      0      0
Al2      .5     .5    .25 .99  .0091  .0091  .0068  .0072      0      0
O1    .1229  .4079      0       .026   .020  .0072   .011      0      0
O2    .2166  .2847  .1320       .028   .035  .0228  .0244 -.0017 -.0048
O3    .1398  .4934  .1790      .0138  .0155  .0117  .0087 -.0037 -.0049
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Armbruster T, Oberhansli R
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American Mineralogist 73 (1988) 585-594
Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structural, chemical, and optical
variation in osumilites
Sample: Norway
_database_code_amcsd 0001150
10.104 10.104 14.306 90 90 120 P6/mcc
atom     x     y     z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
KC       0     0   .25 .90   .029   .029   .031  .0145      0      0
FeA    1/3   2/3   .25 .16   .007   .007   .009  .0035      0      0
MgA    1/3   2/3   .25 .84   .007   .007   .009  .0035      0      0
Si1  .2501 .3554 .3921 .86  .0084  .0100  .0058  .0046  .0010  .0010
Al1  .2501 .3554 .3921 .14  .0084  .0100  .0058  .0046  .0010  .0010
Fe2     .5    .5   .25 .03  .0091  .0091  .0068  .0072      0      0
Al2     .5    .5   .25 .97  .0091  .0091  .0068  .0072      0      0
O1   .1238 .4090     0       .025   .017   .009   .004      0      0
O2   .2196 .2911 .1327       .029   .043   .021   .030  -.005  -.004
O3   .1383 .4936 .1789       .016   .016   .012   .010  -.003  -.005
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Armbruster T, Oberhansli R
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American Mineralogist 73 (1988) 585-594
Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structural, chemical, and optical
variation in osumilites
Sample: Eifel-B93
_database_code_amcsd 0001151
10.071 10.071 14.303 90 90 120 P6/mcc
atom     x     y      z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
KC       0     0    .25 .48   .029   .029   .028  .0145      0      0
FeA    1/3   2/3    .25 .67  .0068  .0068  .0105  .0034      0      0
MgA    1/3   2/3    .25 .33  .0068  .0068  .0105  .0034      0      0
Si1  .2466 .3538 .39217 .85  .0113  .0137  .0100  .0063  .0018  .0006
Al1  .2466 .3538 .39217 .15  .0113  .0137  .0100  .0063  .0018  .0006
Fe2     .5    .5    .25 .08   .029   .029  .0177   .026      0      0
Al2     .5    .5    .25 .92   .029   .029  .0177   .026      0      0
O1   .1252 .4085      0       .026   .024   .010   .010      0      0
O2   .2208 .2878  .1323       .032   .036   .029   .027   .006   .001
O3   .1416 .4949  .1790       .022   .023  .0140   .015  -.002  -.002
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Armbruster T, Oberhansli R
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American Mineralogist 73 (1988) 585-594
Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structural, chemical, and optical
variation in osumilites
Sample: Eifel-Nickenich
_database_code_amcsd 0001152
10.078 10.078 14.319 90 90 120 P6/mcc
atom      x      y      z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
KC        0      0    .25 .69   .030   .030   .033   .015      0      0
FeA     1/3    2/3    .25 .01  .0053  .0053  .0098 .00265      0      0
MgA     1/3    2/3    .25 .99  .0053  .0053  .0098 .00265      0      0
Si1  .24734 .35333 .39204 .85  .0094  .0107  .0080  .0060  .0016  .0017
Al1  .24734 .35333 .39204 .15  .0094  .0107  .0080  .0060  .0016  .0017
Fe2      .5     .5    .25 .08  .0163  .0163  .0091  .0137      0      0
Al2      .5     .5    .25 .92  .0163  .0163  .0091  .0137      0      0
O1    .1237  .4071      0       .027   .022  .0079   .012      0      0
O2    .2176  .2851  .1318       .027   .033  .0245  .0238 -.0001 -.0025
O3   .1410   .4937  .1787      .0153  .0169  .0120  .0102 -.0036 -.0048
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Armbruster T, Oberhansli R
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American Mineralogist 73 (1988) 585-594
Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structural, chemical, and optical
variation in osumilites
Sample: Japan-Shimizu
_database_code_amcsd 0001153
10.145 10.145 14.289 90 90 120 P6/mcc
atom      x     y      z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
KC        0     0    .25 .74  .0307  .0307   .034 .01535      0      0
FeA     1/3   2/3    .25 .56  .0072  .0072  .0099  .0036      0      0
MgA     1/3   2/3    .25 .44  .0072  .0072  .0099  .0036      0      0
Si1  .24750 .3507  .3919 .87  .0088  .0105  .0068  .0055  .0013  .0013
Al1  .24750 .3507  .3919 .13  .0088  .0105  .0068  .0055  .0013  .0013
Fe2      .5    .5    .25 .06  .0102  .0102  .0063  .0073      0      0
Al2      .5    .5    .25 .94  .0102  .0102  .0063  .0073      0      0
O1    .1198 .4044      0      .0278  .0214  .0086  .0118      0      0
O2    .2145 .2833 .13159      .0261  .0336  .0228  .0233 -.0011 -.0036
O3    .1373 .4904 .17887      .0164  .0176  .0120  .0106 -.0028 -.0049
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Armbruster T, Oberhansli R
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American Mineralogist 73 (1988) 585-594
Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structural, chemical, and optical
variation in osumilites
_database_code_amcsd 0001154
10.150 10.150 14.286 90 90 120 P6/mcc
atom      x      y      z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
KC        0      0    .25 .76   .031   .031   .034  .0155      0      0
FeA     1/3    2/3    .25 .58  .0066  .0066  .0097  .0033      0      0
MgA     1/3    2/3    .25 .42  .0066  .0066  .0097  .0033      0      0
Si1  .24738 .35055 .39187 .86   .088  .0105  .0069  .0056  .0014  .0014
Al1  .24738 .35055 .39187 .14   .088  .0105  .0069  .0056  .0014  .0014
Fe2      .5     .5    .25 .07  .0105  .0105  .0069  .0080      0      0
Al2      .5     .5    .25 .93  .0105  .0105  .0069  .0080      0      0
O1    .1198  .4041      0       .027   .019  .0080   .010      0      0
O2    .2144  .2830  .1319       .025   .035  .0233  .0239 -.0011 -.0036
O3    .1371  .4905  .1789      .0159  .0167  .0123  .0098 -.0030 -.0048
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Armbruster T, Oberhansli R
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American Mineralogist 73 (1988) 585-594
Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structural, chemical, and optical
variation in osumilites
Sample: Sardinia
_database_code_amcsd 0001155
10.127 10.127 14.288 90 90 120 P6/mcc
atom      x      y      z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
KC        0      0    .25 .75   .032   .032   .035   .016      0      0
FeA     1/3    2/3    .25 .41  .0068  .0068  .0090  .0034      0      0
MgA     1/3    2/3    .25 .59  .0068  .0068  .0090  .0034      0      0
Si1  .24725 .35136 .39189 .86  .0093  .0115  .0068  .0060  .0014  .0015
Al1  .24725 .35136 .39189 .14  .0093  .0115  .0068  .0060  .0014  .0015
Fe2      .5     .5    .25 .06  .0116  .0116  .0061  .0089      0      0
Al2      .5     .5    .25 .94  .0116  .0116  .0061  .0089      0      0
O1    .1207  .4049      0       .027   .021   .007   .010      0      0
O2    .2152  .2833  .1316       .027   .035  .0223   .024 -.0015 -.0035
O3    .1383  .4913  .1787      .0163  .0177  .0124  .0102 -.0034 -.0054
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Armbruster T, Oberhansli R
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American Mineralogist 73 (1988) 585-594
Crystal chemistry of double-ring silicates: Structural, chemical, and optical
variation in osumilites
Sample: Oregon
_database_code_amcsd 0001156
10.137 10.137 14.308 90 90 120 P6/mcc
atom      x      y      z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
KC        0      0    .25 .69   .030   .030   .032   .015      0      0
FeA     1/3    2/3    .25 .51  .0073  .0073  .0100 .00365      0      0
MgA     1/3    2/3    .25 .49  .0073  .0073  .0100 .00365      0      0
Si1  .24775 .35119 .39208 .86  .0099  .0118  .0077  .0062  .0012  .0011
Al1  .24775 .35119 .39208 .14  .0099  .0118  .0077  .0062  .0012  .0011
Fe2      .5     .5    .25 .06  .0139  .0139   .079  .0107      0      0
Al2      .5     .5    .25 .94  .0139  .0139   .079  .0107      0      0
O1    .1204  .4061      0       .026   .023  .0081   .012      0      0
O2    .2159  .2851  .1313      .0260   .034  .0236  .0232 -.0004 -.0018
O3    .1375  .4909 .17918      .0160  .0184  .0122  .0105 -.0020 -.0041
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Winter W, Armbruster T, Lengauer C
European Journal of Mineralogy 7 (1995) 277-286
Crystal structure refinement of synthetic osumilite-type
phases: BaMg2Al6Si9O30, SrMg2Al6Si9O30 and Mg2Al4Si11O30
Sample: MAS, Mg2Al4Si11O30
_database_code_amcsd 0006584
10.058 10.058 14.336 90 90 120 P6/mcc
atom     x     y     z  occ Biso
BaC      0     0   1/4  .09  2.0
MgA    1/3   2/3   1/4       2.0
SiT1 .1046 .3533 .1054   .9  2.0
AlT1 .1046 .3533 .1054   .1  2.0
AlT2   1/2   1/2   1/4       2.0
O1   .1289 .4134     0       2.0
O2   .2220 .2936 .1293       2.0
O3   .1468 .4980 .1799       2.0
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Winter W, Armbruster T, Lengauer C
European Journal of Mineralogy 7 (1995) 277-286
Crystal structure refinement of synthetic osumilite-type
phases: BaMg2Al6Si9O30, SrMg2Al6Si9O30 and Mg2Al4Si11O30
Sample: CBa, BaMg2Al6Si9O30
_database_code_amcsd 0006585
10.129 10.129 14.340 90 90 120 P6/mcc
atom      x      y      z occ  Biso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
BaC       0      0    1/4     1.847  .0238  .0238  .0225 .01191  .0000  .0000
MgA     1/3    2/3    1/4       .53  .0062  .0062  .0078  .0031  .0000  .0000
SiT1 .10461 .35270 .10916 .75  .629  .0081  .0101  .0060  .0048  .0001 -.0010
AlT1 .10461 .35270 .10916 .25  .629  .0081  .0101  .0060  .0048  .0001 -.0010
AlT2    1/2    1/2    1/4       .53  .0086  .0086  .0054  .0063  .0000  .0000
O1    .1205  .4016      0      1.41   .026   .019  .0077   .010  .0000  .0000
O2    .2134  .2807  .1367      1.86  .0273   .036  .0200  .0255 -.0001 -.0033
O3    .1386  .4951 .17939       .90  .0120  .0137  .0099  .0075 -.0015 -.0033
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Winter W, Armbruster T, Lengauer C
European Journal of Mineralogy 7 (1995) 277-286
Crystal structure refinement of synthetic osumilite-type
phases: BaMg2Al6Si9O30, SrMg2Al6Si9O30 and Mg2Al4Si11O30
Sample: CSr, SrMg2Al6Si9O30
_database_code_amcsd 0006586
10.1273 10.1273 14.2274 90 90 120 P6/mcc
atom     x     y     z  occ Biso
SrC      0     0   1/4  .91  3.5
MgA    1/3   2/3   1/4       .34
SiT1 .1043 .3498 .1097 .765  .68
AlT1 .1043 .3498 .1097 .235  .68
AlT2   1/2   1/2   1/4       .48
O1   .1195 .3965     0      1.73
O2   .2120 .2795 .1365      2.71
O3   .1377 .4926 .1772      1.16
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Seryotkin Y V, Sokol E V, Bakakin V V, Likhacheva A Y
European Journal of Mineralogy 20 (2008) 191-198
Pyrometamorphic osumilite: occurrence, paragenesis, and crystal structure as compared to cordierite
Locality: South Urals, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0007256
10.0999 10.0999 14.3355 90 90 120 P6/mcc
atom      x      y      z  occ  Uiso
SiT1 .24852 .35307 .39220  .84 .0105
AlT1 .24852 .35307 .39220  .16 .0105
AlT2     .5     .5    .25  .96 .0129
FeT2     .5     .5    .25  .04 .0129
O1    .1220  .4080      0      .0206
O2    .2165  .2851 .13129      .0254
O3   .13905 .49343 .17921      .0143
MgA     1/3    2/3    .25  .89 .0121
FeA     1/3    2/3    .25  .07 .0121
MnA     1/3    2/3    .25  .02 .0121
TiA     1/3    2/3    .25  .02 .0121
KC        0      0    .25 .829 .0362
NaB     1/3    2/3   .019 .026   .05
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Balassone G, Mormone A, Rossi M, Bernardi A, Fisch M, Armbruster T, Malsy K, Berger A
European Journal of Mineralogy 20 (2008) 713-720
Crystal chemical and structural characterization of an Mg-rich osumilite from
Vesuvius volcano (Italy)
Locality: Vesuvius volcano, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0007263
10.0946 10.0946 14.3311 90 90 120 P6/mcc
atom      x      y      z  occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2)  U(1,3)  U(2,3)
KC        0      0    .25 .811  .0311  .0303  .0303  .0326  .0152       0       0
NaB'    2/3    1/3   .018 .013   .010
AlT2     .5      0    .75 .967  .0100  .0055  .0140  .0077 .00273       0       0
FeT2     .5      0    .75 .033  .0100  .0055  .0140  .0077 .00273       0       0
FeA     2/3    1/3    .25 .007  .0076  .0070  .0070  .0089  .0035       0       0
MgA     2/3    1/3    .25 .993  .0076  .0070  .0070  .0089  .0035       0       0
SiT1 .89434 .24754 .10800      .00931  .0091  .0098  .0077 .00369 -.00004 -.00140
O1    .8770  .2839      0       .0197  .0275  .0268  .0081  .0159       0       0
O2   .78301 .06764 .13184       .0241  .0268  .0130  .0237  .0033  -.0005  -.0023
O3   .85950 .35319 .17868       .0139  .0157  .0129  .0116  .0060   .0028  -.0016
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Chukanov N V, Pekov I V, Rastsvetaeva R K, Aksenov S M, Belakovskiy D I,
Van K V, Schuller V, Ternes B
Zapiski Rossiiskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchetstva 141 (2012) 27-36
Osumilite-(Mg): Validation as a mineral species and new data
Locality: Bellerberg, Eifel volcanic area, Germany
_database_code_amcsd 0020038
10.0959 10.0959 14.3282 90 90 120 P6/mcc
atom     x     y     z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
K        0     0   .25 .72  .0299  .0299  .0352  .0150      0      0
Na       0     0   .25 .03  .0299  .0299  .0352  .0150      0      0
Ca       0     0   .25 .01  .0299  .0299  .0352  .0150      0      0
Mg     1/3   2/3   .25 .98  .0048  .0048  .0072  .0024      0      0
Mn     1/3   2/3   .25 .02  .0048  .0048  .0072  .0024      0      0
Al      .5     0   .25 .85  .0185  .0083  .0116  .0042      0      0
Fe3+    .5     0   .25 .15  .0185  .0083  .0116  .0042      0      0
Si   .1059 .3533 .1077 .86  .0082  .0104  .0077  .0050 -.0001 -.0014
Al   .1059 .3533 .1077 .14  .0082  .0104  .0077  .0050 -.0001 -.0014
O1   .1226 .4073     0      .0267  .0209  .0099  .0113      0      0
O2   .2173 .2850 .1309      .0248  .0317  .0257  .0226  .0005 -.0019
O3   .1407 .4936 .1788      .0152  .0158  .0133  .0090 -.0030 -.0049
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