Moore P B, Araki T
American Mineralogist 60 (1975) 460-465
Palermoite, SrLi2[Al4(OH)4(PO4)4]: Its atomic arrangement and relationship to
carminite, Pb2[Fe4(OH)4(AsO4)4]
Locality: Palermo pegmatite, near North Groton, New Hampshire, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0000463
11.556 15.847 7.315 90 90 90 Imcb
atom x y z Biso
Sr .25 .5 .5 .80
Li .5 .2851 .2723 2.20
Al .1307 .3727 .1374 .56
P .25 .2922 .5 .45
O1 .1438 .2632 .0387 .75
O2 .2257 .3515 .3389 .59
P2 0 .4576 .7731 .50
O3 0 .3993 .6107 .98
O4 0 .4014 .9502 .76
O5 .1083 .4857 .2275 .69
OH1 0 .3363 .2606 .62
OH2 .25 .4117 0 .87
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