American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

4 matching records for this search.

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Lazic B, Armbruster T, Liebich B W, Perfler L
American Mineralogist 97 (2012) 1866-1873
Hydrogen-bond system and dehydration behavior of the natural zeolite partheite
Note: room temperature
Locality: Denezhkin Kamen, Urals Region, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0019713
21.5474 8.75638 9.30578 90 91.5524 90 C2/c
atom      x      y      z   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ca1  .35596 .19896 .04443 .01130  .0126  .0107  .0105 -.0031 -.0020  .0002
Al1  .11617 .08403 .60078 .00693  .0072  .0079  .0058  .0005  .0010  .0013
Al2  .19981 .31654 .28577 .00626  .0068  .0064  .0055 -.0009  .0001  .0004
Si1  .06721 .18348 .28940 .00653  .0059  .0079  .0059  .0000  .0005  .0002
Si2  .23984 .00789 .46198 .00596  .0062  .0061  .0057  .0009  .0007 -.0003
O1   .06952  .0168 .21617  .0098  .0094  .0107  .0095 -.0003  .0044 -.0017
O2   .07252  .1721 .46320  .0100  .0106  .0117  .0076  .0026  .0004  .0008
O3   .12242  .2886 .22936  .0094  .0075  .0110  .0096 -.0020  .0000  .0012
O4   .17245  .0354 .02491  .0093  .0065  .0097  .0119  .0004  .0037 -.0005
O5   .20795 .46651 .40976  .0090  .0101  .0085  .0084  .0004 -.0016 -.0011
O6   .23450  .1559 .36083  .0109  .0139  .0090  .0099  .0012 -.0002  .0045
O7   .23371  .3601 .12194  .0084  .0112  .0089  .0053 -.0031  .0023  .0003
O8        0  .2627    .25  .0082  .0046  .0088  .0112      0 -.0006      0
O9   .35277  .2676  .2914  .0125  .0123  .0139  .0114 -.0051  .0011 -.0023
O10  .07184  .5030  .0158  .0342  .0301  .0124  .0604  .0015  .0062  .0054
O11  .45417  .3049  .0797  .0212  .0145  .0265  .0231 -.0073  .0081 -.0139
H1    .4552   .387   .141   .038
H2    .4911   .312   .033   .051
H3    .3205   .216   .327   .034
H4     .051   .466   .095    .18
H5    .0772   .609   .014   .060
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Lazic B, Armbruster T, Liebich B W, Perfler L
American Mineralogist 97 (2012) 1866-1873
Hydrogen-bond system and dehydration behavior of the natural zeolite partheite
Note: T = 150 C
Locality: Denezhkin Kamen, Urals Region, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0019714
21.524 8.667 9.292 90 91.067 90 C2/c
atom      x      y      z occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ca1  .35172 .21062 .04383     .0213  .0248  .0222  .0168 -.0051 -.0038  .0010
Al1  .11439 .09085 .60152     .0149  .0118  .0185  .0144  .0007 -.0006  .0006
Al2  .19875 .31896 .28582     .0139  .0142  .0156  .0119  .0000 -.0013 -.0008
Si1  .06687 .18563 .28767     .0154  .0105  .0203  .0154  .0010 -.0014 -.0012
Si2  .24008 .01065 .46284     .0139  .0120  .0164  .0133  .0007 -.0006 -.0006
O1   .06940  .0181  .2143     .0202  .0141   .022   .025 -.0023  .0065 -.0071
O2   .07327  .1748  .4609     .0208   .022   .029  .0117  .0065 -.0016  .0025
O3   .12215  .2932  .2225     .0178  .0097   .025  .0186 -.0046  .0000  .0004
O4   .17264  .0304  .0293     .0161  .0111   .020  .0176 -.0040  .0045 -.0005
O5   .20593  .4691  .4126     .0165  .0163   .017  .0163  .0015 -.0045 -.0031
O6   .23476  .1580  .3608     .0184   .022  .0161  .0173  .0027  .0000  .0038
O7   .23635  .3586  .1232     .0163   .015  .0190  .0147 -.0006 -.0005  .0024
O8        0  .2671    .25     .0185   .015   .019   .022      0  -.002      0
O9   .35323  .2632  .2884     .0256   .021   .033   .022 -.0074 -.0001 -.0036
O11A  .0402   .333  -.078 .27  .092   .039    .15   .082   .037   .033    .04
O11B  .4544  .2796  .0813 .73  .037   .017   .065   .030  -.008   .008  -.014
H1     .492   .266   .033 .73  .050
H2     .467   .368   .132 .73  .050
H3    .3168   .224   .330       .05
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Lazic B, Armbruster T, Liebich B W, Perfler L
American Mineralogist 97 (2012) 1866-1873
Hydrogen-bond system and dehydration behavior of the natural zeolite partheite
Note: T = 275 C
Locality: Denezhkin Kamen, Urals Region, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0019715
20.82 9.350 8.359 90 78.86 90 C2/c
atom     x      y     z  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ca1  .3381  .1878 .0636 .0485   .064   .059   .029  -.004  -.023  -.003
Al1  .0925  .1123 .6391 .0452   .066   .047   .028  -.003  -.023   .000
Al2  .2041  .3130 .2866 .0419   .058   .044   .028   .001  -.018   .002
Si1  .0624  .2007 .2969 .0438   .058   .048   .032   .007  -.023  -.005
Si2  .2415  .0525 .4526 .0394   .060   .033   .032   .002  -.026  -.005
O1   .0697  .0570 .3036  .090   .122   .065   .096   .023  -.054  -.041
O2   .0539  .1847 .4903  .045   .063   .046   .030  -.003  -.015   .014
O3   .1291  .2954 .2252  .050   .058   .068   .029  -.004  -.024   .007
O4   .1760 -.0984 .0659  .055   .050   .050   .068  -.008  -.023   .012
O5   .1968  .4310 .4506  .043   .048   .049   .036  -.004  -.022  -.001
O6   .2525  .1574 .2924  .044   .066   .050   .025  -.005  -.026   .004
O7   .2539  .3842 .3906  .040   .056   .044   .025  -.006  -.023   .004
O8       0  .2869   .25  .037   .056   .024   .032   .000  -.013   .000
O9   .4178  .2720 .1886  .064   .077   .093   .026   .002  -.023  -.026
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Engel N, Yvon K
Download zk/vol169/ZK169_165.pdf
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 169 (1984) 165-175
The crystal structure of partheite
Locality: Taurus mountains, Southwest Turkey
_database_code_amcsd 0010873
21.5550 8.761 9.304 90 91.55 90 C2/c
atom      x     y     z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ca   .35586 .1991 .0444  .0122  .0130  .0099 -.0048 -.0023  .0010
Al1   .1161 .0844 .6006  .0073  .0077  .0063 -.0006  .0013 -.0003
Al2   .1999 .3162 .2858   .009  .0055  .0049  .0008 -.0001  .0009
Si1  .06729 .1832 .2896  .0046   .009  .0065  .0008 -.0007  .0004
Si2  .23983 .0077 .4621  .0046  .0062  .0069  .0017  .0012 -.0001
O1    .0695 .0181 .2162   .006   .013   .009   .002   .003  -.001
O2    .0725 .1719 .4626   .008   .017   .007   .004   .000   .001
O3    .1222 .2883 .2295   .011   .017   .006  -.004   .000  -.001
O4    .1722 .0363 .0250   .011   .009   .013   .000   .007  -.002
O5    .2081 .4669 .4096   .010   .006   .011  -.004  -.002   .001
O6    .2345 .1550 .3605   .014   .007   .011   .003   .001   .005
O7    .2340 .3599 .1221   .013   .009   .007  -.005   .001   .002
O8        0 .2632   .25   .006   .007   .011      0  -.002      0
OH    .3523 .2673 .2918   .017   .016   .009  -.006  -.002  -.006
Wat1  .0712 .5050 .0159   .028   .004   .068  -.002   .006   .001
Wat2  .4541 .3070 .0800   .009   .025   .032  -.009   .012  -.007
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