Pertsevite-(F) |
Schreyer W, Armbruster T, Bernhardt H J, Medenbach O |
European Journal of Mineralogy 15 (2003) 1007-1018 |
Pertsevite, a new silication magnesioborate mineral with an end-member |
composition Mg2BO3F, in kotoite marble from east of Verkhoyansk, Sakha-Yakutia, Russia |
Locality: east of Verkhoyansk, Sakha-Yakutia, Russia |
_database_code_amcsd 0007020 |
20.490 4.571 11.890 90 90 90 Pna2_1 |
atom x y z occ Biso |
Mg1 .3780 .5195 .2506 .75 |
Mg2 .6179 .9879 .2455 .75 |
Mg3 .2464 .532 .1137 .75 |
Mg4 .2479 .532 .3903 .75 |
Mg5 .3784 .517 -.0205 .75 |
Mg6 .3768 .519 .5256 .75 |
Mg7 .4850 .995 .1234 .75 |
Mg8 .5117 .978 -.1227 .75 |
B1 .3435 .044 .418 .91 .36 |
Si1 .330 .117 .372 .09 .36 |
B2 .523 .530 .220 .60 .36 |
B2A .522 .58 .034 .15 .36 |
Si2 .5346 .576 .263 .25 .36 |
B3 .1848 .067 .243 .73 .36 |
Si3 .2103 .108 .258 .27 .36 |
B4 .3450 .079 .093 .36 |
O1 .3339 .766 .1148 .96 |
O2 .3375 .769 .390 .96 |
O3 .2033 .769 .256 .96 |
O4 .3286 .713 -.1505 .96 |
O5 .1705 .238 .1471 .96 |
O6 .4619 .750 -.0068 .48 .96 |
OH6 .4619 .750 -.0068 .16 .96 |
F6 .4619 .750 -.0068 .36 .96 |
O7 .5368 .249 .0082 .48 .96 |
OH7 .5368 .249 .0082 .16 .96 |
F7 .5368 .249 .0082 .36 .96 |
O8 .5308 .244 .245 .48 .96 |
OH8 .5308 .244 .245 .16 .96 |
F8 .5308 .244 .245 .36 .96 |
O9 .4013 .213 .1200 .96 |
O10 .3992 .219 .3856 .96 |
O11 .1992 .719 -.013 .96 |
O12 .3018 .211 .0189 .96 |
O13 .4663 .702 .250 .48 .96 |
OH13 .4663 .702 .250 .16 .96 |
F13 .4663 .702 .250 .36 .96 |
O14 .4239 .243 -.1228 .48 .96 |
OH14 .4239 .243 -.1228 .16 .96 |
F14 .4239 .243 -.1228 .36 .96 |
O15 .5675 .705 .1505 .96 |
O16 .2884 .317 .250 .48 .96 |
OH16 .2884 .317 .250 .16 .96 |
F16 .2884 .317 .250 .36 .96 |
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Pertsevite-(OH) |
Galuskina I O, Kadiyski M, Armbruster T, Galuskin E V, Pertsev N N, |
Dzierzanowski P, Wrzalik R |
European Journal of Mineralogy 20 (2008) 951-964 |
A new natural phase in the system Mg2SiO4-Mg2BO3F-Mg2BO3(OH): composition, |
paragenesis and structure of OH-dominant pertsevite |
Locality: East Vekhoyan'ye region, northern Siberia |
_database_code_amcsd 0007266 |
20.494 11.890 4.5880 90 90 90 Pnma |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Mg1 .37724 .2500 .0193 .0130 .0113 .0110 .0168 .000 .0012 .000 |
Mg2 .37760 -.02284 .0173 .0128 .0167 .0107 .0110 -.0012 -.0019 .0010 |
Mg3 .24737 .11148 .0326 .0129 .0100 .0126 .0160 -.0013 -.0005 -.0008 |
Mg4 -.01370 .12252 -.0079 .0145 .0122 .0140 .0173 -.0005 -.0002 -.0021 |
Mg5 .11879 .2500 .0133 .0154 .0136 .0155 .0171 .000 -.0017 .000 |
B1 .3446 .0856 -.4362 .856 .0102 |
B2 .0243 .2202 .456 .271 .0102 |
B2A .4766 -.034 -.076 .144 .0102 |
B3 .1851 .2500 -.433 .57 .0102 |
Si1 .3325 .1243 -.3968 .113 .0102 |
Si2 .0350 .2500 .4291 .398 .0102 |
Si3 .2104 .2500 -.3917 .404 .0102 |
O1 .20521 .2500 .2686 .0167 .0200 .0145 .0155 .000 -.0026 .000 |
O2 .33513 .11208 .2687 .0151 .0146 .0185 .0121 -.0020 .0003 .0002 |
O3 .03173 .2500 -.2384 .0147 .0135 .0144 .0164 .000 .0017 .000 |
O4 .32872 -.14794 .2301 .0158 .0157 .0172 .0144 .0007 .0000 .0025 |
O5 .40017 .11717 -.2806 .0146 .0139 .0165 .0135 -.0002 .0014 .0000 |
O6 .46568 .2500 .2054 .0150 .0148 .0143 .0159 .000 -.0037 .000 |
O7 .46278 -.00783 .2486 .0108 .0095 .0087 .0141 .0019 -.0040 -.0006 |
O8 .4216 -.1257 -.271 .271 .0099 |
O8A .4302 -.109 -.233 .14 .0099 |
O8B .4312 -.1486 -.2066 .602 .0099 |
O9 .30137 .01635 -.2816 .0139 .0149 .0138 .0130 -.0021 -.0015 -.0010 |
O10 .28769 .2500 -.1984 .0254 .030 .0202 .026 .000 .0048 .000 |
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Pertsevite-(F) |
Brovkin A A, Nikishova L V |
Soviet Physics Crystallography 20 (1975) 452-455 |
The crystal structure of a-Mg2BO3F and the isomorphic substitution (3F)=(BO3) |
Locality: synthetic |
_database_code_amcsd 0015570 |
20.44 4.530 11.80 90 90 90 Pna2_1 |
atom x y z occ Biso |
Mg1 .0149 .504 .0235 .5 |
Mg2 .4859 .974 .2699 .6 |
Mg3 .2453 .468 .2591 .3 |
Mg4 .2542 .956 .0319 .3 |
Mg5 .1276 .974 .1657 .6 |
Mg6 .1157 .482 .3989 .6 |
Mg7 .3812 .486 .1201 .5 |
Mg8 .3780 .472 .393 .2 |
B1 .344 .924 .233 .3 |
B2 .183 .927 .394 .3 |
B3 .157 .445 .061 .1 |
B4 .023 .032 .428 .2 |
B5 .024 .07 .193 .56 .3 |
O1 .0389 .743 .156 .56 .5 |
F1 .0389 .743 .156 .44 .5 |
O2 .0295 .747 .395 .6 |
O3 .1015 .280 .027 .9 |
O4 .0665 .200 .492 .5 |
O5 .1665 .732 .030 .3 |
O6 .1703 .782 .494 .2 |
O7 .1986 .289 .125 .4 |
O8 .2002 .215 .390 .1 |
O9 .3006 .773 .161 .2 |
O10 .4663 .269 .142 .56 .4 |
F10 .4663 .269 .142 .44 .4 |
O11 .4669 .303 .391 .2 |
O12 .1704 .758 .297 .5 |
O13 .3366 .222 .253 .3 |
O14 .0722 .254 .263 .56 .8 |
F14 .0722 .254 .263 .44 .8 |
O15 .3989 .788 .265 .1 |
F .2889 .644 .395 .3 |
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