American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

3 matching records for this search.

Gatta D G, Adamo I, Meven M, Lambruschi E
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 39 (2012) 829-840
A single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction of pezzottaite
Note: X-ray data, T = 298 K
Locality: Sakavalana pegmatite, Ambatovita, Madagascar
_database_code_amcsd 0020677
15.9615 15.9615 27.8568 90 90 120 R-3c
atom       x       y       z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Cs1        0       0 -.08208 .694 .0223  .0239  .0239  .0190  .0120      0      0
Cs2        0       0     .25 .764 .0294  .0338  .0338  .0209  .0169      0      0
Na1        0       0       0 .198  .003
Na2        0       0  -.1625 .083  .003
Be    .33791  .17045  .08404      .0083   .009   .009   .008   .005   .001  -.001
Li     .5031   .5031     .75      .0074   .006   .006   .006   .001   .001   .001
Al1      2/3  .00046    1/12      .0053  .0050  .0057  .0048  .0025  .0001  .0001
Al2  -.00541     1/3    1/12      .0047  .0053  .0037  .0046  .0019  .0001  .0001
Si1   .04509  .21954 -.00098      .0045  .0042  .0037  .0052  .0018  .0004  .0001
Si2   .21989  .05039  .16545      .0040  .0032  .0035  .0048  .0013 -.0002  .0001
Si3   .04999 -.17009  .16639      .0042  .0040  .0042  .0048  .0022 -.0006 -.0003
O1    .27627  .06425  .21526      .0104  .0118  .0101  .0072  .0040 -.0035  .0012
O2    .07013  .28069 -.05060      .0101  .0093  .0097  .0095  .0035 -.0005  .0039
O3    .06050 -.22828  .12297      .0148  .0174  .0199  .0121  .0132 -.0049 -.0093
O4    .28879  .07412  .11922      .0094  .0104  .0093  .0083  .0047  .0045  .0006
O5    .05203  .28245  .04471      .0134  .0167  .0083  .0116  .0035  .0052 -.0027
O6    .06834 -.20446  .21767      .0100  .0059  .0134  .0089  .0036  .0010  .0049
O7   -.05907  .12006 -.00504      .0116  .0064  .0077  .0192  .0025  .0012 -.0002
O8   -.05343 -.17373  .16592      .0112  .0060  .0112  .0173  .0049 -.0007  .0015
O9    .12653 -.05597  .16037      .0124  .0076  .0054  .0213  .0011 -.0009  .0015
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Gatta D G, Adamo I, Meven M, Lambruschi E
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 39 (2012) 829-840
A single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction of pezzottaite
Note: Neutron data, T = 2.3 K
Locality: Sakavalana pegmatite, Ambatovita, Madagascar
_database_code_amcsd 0020678
15.95 15.95 27.86 90 90 120 R-3c
atom       x       y       z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Cs1        0       0  -.0820  .95 .0077  .0076  .0076   .008  .0038      0      0
Cs2        0       0     .25  .98 .0103   .011   .011  .0092  .0054      0      0
Na1        0       0       0  .19  .006
Na2        0       0  -.1612  .12  .006
Be1    .3383   .1706  .08428 .965 .0038
Li1    .3383   .1706  .08428 .035 .0038
Li2   .50362  .50362     .75 .852 .0038
Be2   .50362  .50362     .75 .148 .0038
Al1      2/3   .0001    1/12      .0018
Al2   -.0073     1/3    1/12      .0018
Si1    .0452   .2198  -.0008      .0016
Si2    .2192   .0502   .1647      .0015
Si3    .0503  -.1704   .1667      .0019
O1     .2763   .0643  .21556      .0016
O2     .0707   .2803 -.05097      .0017
O3     .0608  -.2301  .12359      .0056
O4     .2912   .0761  .11939      .0042
O5     .0493   .2826  .04384      .0045
O6     .0686  -.2023  .21810      .0038
O7    -.0591   .1197 -.00610      .0053
O8    -.0533  -.1730  .16554      .0036
O9     .1275  -.0557  .15937      .0044
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Yakubivich O V, Pekov I V, Steele I M, Massa W, Chukanov N V
Crystallography Reports 54 (2009) 399-412
Alkali metals in beryl and their role in the formation of derivative structural motifs:
Comparative crystal chemistry of vorobyevite and pezzottaite
Locality: Sakavalana granitic pegmatite, Antsirabe, Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar
Note: T = 100 K
_database_code_amcsd 0012413
15.955 15.955 27.810 90 90 120 R-3c
atom        x       y       z  occ  Uiso
Cs1         0       0  .08211 .725 .0109
Cs2         0       0     .25 .799 .0147
Na1         0       0       0 .275  .016
Na2         0       0   .1642 .201  .054
Al1       2/3  .00060    1/12      .0051
Al2   -.00537     1/3    1/12      .0048
Be      .3379   .1704  .08405      .0092
Li      .5029   .5029     .75
Si1    .04514  .21958 -.00087      .0047
Si2    .21996  .05024  .16537      .0043
Si3    .04988 -.17024  .16640      .0043
O1      .2763   .0641  .21529      .0093
O2      .0700   .2807 -.05057      .0094
O3      .0606  -.2284  .12294      .0132
O4      .2888   .0738  .11915      .0088
O5      .0522   .2824  .04492      .0127
O6      .0680  -.2048  .21771      .0097
O7     -.0587   .1201 -.00490      .0104
O8     -.0534  -.1736  .16590      .0093
O9      .1265  -.0561  .16022      .0112
Wat10   -.038   -.038     .25 .071   .10
Wat11    .026    .003    .084 .107  .099
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