Giuseppetti G, Tadini C
Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 21 (1974) 101-109
Reexamination of the crystal structure of phosgenite, Pb2Cl2(CO3)
Locality: Monteponi Mine, Iglesias, Iglesiente district, Cagliari Province, Sardinia, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0015646
8.160 8.160 8.883 90 90 90 P4/mbm
atom x y z Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Pb .1659 .6659 .2594 1.25 .0054 .0054 .0028 -.0011 .0004 .0004
Cl1 0 0 .2428 1.65 .0036 .0036 .0097 0 0 0
Cl2 .3521 .8521 .5 1.49 .0067 .0067 .0028 -.0010 0 0
C .3257 .8257 0 1.07
O1 .2110 .7110 0 1.22
O2 .3726 .8726 .1269 .99
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