Poudretteite |
Grice J D, Ercit T S, Van Velthuizen J, Dunn P J |
The Canadian Mineralogist 25 (1987) 763-766 |
Poudretteite, KNa2B3Si12O30, a new member of the osumilite group from |
Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, and its crystal structure |
Locality: Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
_database_code_amcsd 0005217 |
10.253 10.253 13.503 90 90 120 P6/mcc |
atom x y z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
K 0 0 .25 .0164 .0164 .0205 .0082 0 0 |
Na 1/3 2/3 .25 .0105 .0105 .0235 .0052 0 0 |
B 0 .5 .25 .0093 .0081 .0070 .0047 0 0 |
Si .06952 .33761 .11333 .0062 .0074 .0060 .0036 .0002 -.0006 |
O1 .0821 .3921 0 .0225 .0156 .0054 .0103 0 0 |
O2 .1892 .2820 .1333 .0110 .0156 .0165 .0091 -.0017 -.0033 |
O3 .1004 .4710 .1873 .0097 .0104 .0077 .0051 .0012 -.0029 |
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