Bjoerling C, Westgren A
Geologiska Foreningens i Stockholm Forhandlingar 60 (1938) 67-72
Minerals of the Varutrask pegmatite. IX. X-ray studies on triphylite,
varulite, and their oxidation products
_cod_database_code 1011230
_database_code_amcsd 0018097
4.76 9.68 5.819 90 90 90 Pbnm
atom x y z occ
Mn1 -.0278 .2778 .25 .65
Fe1 -.0278 .2778 .25 .35
P1 .4167 .0972 .25
O1 -.25 .0556 .25
O2 .25 .4444 .25
O3 .1944 .1667 .0278
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