Martinez-Ripoll M, Martinez-Carrera S, Garcia-Blanco S
Acta Crystallographica B27 (1971) 677-681
The crystal structure of copper metaborate, CuB2O4
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0009389
11.484 11.484 5.620 90 90 90 I-42d
atom x y z Biso
Cu1 0 0 .5 .75
Cu2 .0815 .25 .125 .76
B1 .1838 .1484 .6992 .10
B2 -.0011 .25 .625 .10
O1 .1590 .0708 .4981 .20
O2 .2528 .25 .625 .20
O3 .25 .0827 .8750 .88
O4 .0745 .1890 .7956 .20
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