Schlemaite |
Forster H J, Cooper M A, Roberts A C, Stanley C J, Criddle A J, |
Hawthorne F C, Laflamme J H G, Tischendorf G |
The Canadian Mineralogist 41 (2003) 1433-1444 |
Schlemaite, (Cu,_)6(Pb,Bi)Se4, a new mineral species from Niederschlema-Alberoda, |
Erzgebirge, Germany: Description and crystal structure |
Locality: Niederschlema-Alberoda, Erzgebirge, Germany |
_database_code_amcsd 0005918 |
9.5341 4.1004 10.2546 90 100.066 90 P2_1/m |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Cu1 -.0872 1/4 -.0409 .035 .048 .020 .042 0 .018 0 |
Cu2 .2588 1/4 .0273 .034 .044 .023 .043 0 .026 0 |
Cu3 .583 1/4 .474 .54 .024 .013 .036 .024 0 .005 0 |
Cu4 .500 .327 -.0849 .92 .044 .038 .056 .034 .014 -.004 -.001 |
Cu5 .7127 .075 .7208 .48 .062 .038 .083 .065 .029 .012 .039 |
Cu6 .509 1/4 .212 .18 .018 |
Cu7 .561 1/4 .891 .07 .010 |
Cu8 .537 1/4 .446 .26 .036 |
Ag .3457 1/4 .2912 .20 .054 .035 .057 .061 0 -.017 0 |
Pb .1178 1/4 .6702 .61 .0354 .0460 .0220 .0425 0 .0200 0 |
Bi .1178 1/4 .6702 .39 .0354 .0460 .0220 .0425 0 .0200 0 |
Se1 .1650 3/4 .4887 .0179 .018 .019 .017 0 .004 0 |
Se2 .3008 3/4 -.0880 .0171 .018 .017 .017 0 .0058 0 |
Se3 .0883 1/4 .1837 .0188 .024 .017 .017 0 .009 0 |
Se4 .5289 3/4 .3268 .0238 .024 .030 .020 0 .009 0 |
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