American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

19 matching records for this search.

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Foit F F
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American Mineralogist 74 (1989) 422-431
Crystal chemistry of alkali-deficient schorl and tourmaline structural
Locality: Jack Creek deposit, near Basin, Montana, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0001229
15.963 15.963 7.148 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x      y     z  occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3)  U(2,3)
NaX       0      0 .2215  .55      0.0268 0.0268 0.0207 0.0134      0       0
FeY  .12292 .06146 .6297 .587      0.0073 0.0044 0.0125 .00365 -.0039 -.00195
AlY  .12292 .06146 .6297 .297      0.0240 0.0237 0.0083 0.0120 0.0036   .0018
MgY  .12292 .06146 .6297 .110      0.0240 0.0237 0.0083 0.0120 0.0036   .0018
TiY  .12292 .06146 .6297 .006      0.0240 0.0237 0.0083 0.0120 0.0036   .0018
AlZ  .29800 .26134 .6094           0.0049 0.0056 0.0047 0.0026 -.0002   .0007
SiT  .19180 .18981     0 .977      0.0055 0.0056 0.0060 0.0026 -.0002  -.0006
AlT  .19180 .18981     0 .023      0.0055 0.0056 0.0060 0.0026 -.0002  -.0006
B     .1101  .2202 .4535           0.0072 0.0093 0.0085 .00465  .0000   .0000
O1        0      0 .7771  .48      0.0339 0.0339 0.0107 .01695      0       0
OH1       0      0 .7771  .38      0.0339 0.0339 0.0107 .01695      0       0
F1        0      0 .7771  .14      0.0339 0.0339 0.0107 .01695      0       0
O2   .06166 .12332 .4871           0.0217 0.0086 0.0101 0.0043 .00035   .0007
O3    .2666  .1333 .5083           0.0222 0.1199 0.0074 0.0111  .0007  .00035
O4   .09380 .18760 .0694           0.0081 0.0159 0.0104 .00795 -.0003  -.0006
O5    .1877 .09385 .0922           0.0153 0.0087 0.0105 .00765  .0010   .0005
O6    .1971  .1867 .7754           0.0106 0.0105 0.0053 0.0049 -.0002  -.0006
O7    .2854 .28601 .0783           0.0079 0.0072 0.0081 0.0022  .0003  -.0011
O8    .2099  .2706 .4397           0.0068 0.0116 0.0107 0.0048  .0008   .0020
H3     .268   .134  .398      .047
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Bloodaxe E S, Hughes J M, Dyar M D, Grew E S, Guidotti C V
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American Mineralogist 84 (1999) 922-928
Linking structure and chemistry in the schorl-dravite series
Sample 108749
Locality: Madagascar
_database_code_amcsd 0002238
15.939 15.939 7.146 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x      y      z  occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3)  B(1,2)  B(1,3)   B(2,3)
NaX       0      0    .25 .711 .00202 .00202  .0091  .00101       0        0
CaX       0      0    .25 .100 .00202 .00202  .0091  .00101       0        0
KX        0      0    .25 .043 .00202 .00202  .0091  .00101       0        0
FeY  .27140 .54280 .32225 .411 .00082 .00110 .00571  .00055 .000385   .00077
MgY  .27140 .54280 .32225 .136 .00082 .00110 .00571  .00055 .000385   .00077
AlY  .27140 .54280 .32225 .428 .00082 .00110 .00571  .00055 .000385   .00077
TiY  .27140 .54280 .32225 .016 .00082 .00110 .00571  .00055 .000385   .00077
VY   .27140 .54280 .32225 .002 .00082 .00110 .00571  .00055 .000385   .00077
LiY  .27140 .54280 .32225 .002 .00082 .00110 .00571  .00055 .000385   .00077
ZnY  .27140 .54280 .32225 .002 .00082 .00110 .00571  .00055 .000385   .00077
AlZ  .29802 .26158 .63386 .927 .00050 .00049 .00161 .000245 -.00007   .00004
MgZ  .29802 .26158 .63386 .073 .00050 .00049 .00161 .000245 -.00007   .00004
SiT  .19205 .19007 .02373 .972 .00055 .00052 .00218  .00027 -.00002 -.000115
AlT  .19205 .19007 .02373 .028 .00055 .00052 .00218  .00027 -.00002 -.000115
B    .10995 .21990  .4766      .00090  .0007  .0022  .00035  .00005    .0001
O1        0      0  .7984 .233  .0028  .0028  .0038   .0014       0        0
OH1       0      0  .7984 .465  .0028  .0028  .0038   .0014       0        0
F1        0      0  .7984 .302  .0028  .0028  .0038   .0014       0        0
O2   .06111 .12222  .5082      .00193 .00079  .0040 .000395  .00000   .00000
OH3   .2660  .1330  .5326      .00242 .00125  .0025  .00121  .00000   .00000
O4   .09313 .18626  .0940      .00095 .00175  .0039 .000885 -.00015   -.0003
O5    .1858  .0929  .1168      .00180 .00086  .0041  .00090  .00015    .0003
O6   .19696 .18640  .7984      .00099 .00119  .0025 .000545  -.0001   -.0002
O7   .28589 .28604  .1022      .00083 .00076  .0031 .000205  -.0001  -.00025
O8   .20956 .27008  .4632      .00074 .00105  .0040  .00049  .00005   .00045
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Bloodaxe E S, Hughes J M, Dyar M D, Grew E S, Guidotti C V
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American Mineralogist 84 (1999) 922-928
Linking structure and chemistry in the schorl-dravite series
Sample HP2-1
Locality: Harney Peak Granite, Custer County, South Dakota, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0002241
15.946 15.946 7.157 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x      y     z  occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3)  B(1,2)  B(1,3)  B(2,3)
NaX       0      0   .25 .540  .0017  .0017  .0079  .00085       0       0
CaX       0      0   .25 .027  .0017  .0017  .0079  .00085       0       0
KX        0      0   .25 .025  .0017  .0017  .0079  .00085       0       0
FeY  .27130 .54260 .3159 .557 .00075 .00110 .00579  .00055  .00026  .00052
MgY  .27130 .54260 .3159 .026 .00075 .00110 .00579  .00055  .00026  .00052
MnY  .27130 .54260 .3159 .004 .00075 .00110 .00579  .00055  .00026  .00052
ZnY  .27130 .54260 .3159 .002 .00075 .00110 .00579  .00055  .00026  .00052
AlY  .27130 .54260 .3159 .399 .00075 .00110 .00579  .00055  .00026  .00052
TiY  .27130 .54260 .3159 .003 .00075 .00110 .00579  .00055  .00026  .00052
VY   .27130 .54260 .3159 .002 .00075 .00110 .00579  .00055  .00026  .00052
AlZ  .29822 .26160 .6299 .907 .00041 .00045 .00142 .000195 .000005  .00009
MgZ  .29822 .26160 .6299 .093 .00041 .00045 .00142 .000195 .000005  .00009
SiT  .19184 .18982 .0193      .00055 .00047 .00235 .000255 -.00008 -.00013
B     .1104  .2208 .4741       .0007  .0011  .0027  .00055   .0001   .0002
O1        0      0 .7957 .400  .0033  .0033  .0035  .00165       0       0
OH1       0      0 .7957 .396  .0033  .0033  .0035  .00165       0       0
F1        0      0 .7957 .204  .0033  .0033  .0035  .00165       0       0
O2   .06144 .12288 .5064       .0022  .0009  .0044  .00045   .0001   .0002
OH3   .2665 .13325 .5288       .0027 .00130  .0023  .00135   .0001  .00005
O4   .09323 .18646 .0880      .00082  .0015  .0041  .00075 -.00015  -.0003
O5    .1868  .0934 .1109       .0016 .00084  .0041   .0008  .00025 .000125
O6    .1968  .1864 .7949      .00120 .00122  .0023 .000635 -.00025  -.0002
O7    .2853  .2856 .0981      .00072 .00065  .0037  .00020 -.00015 -.00025
O8    .2099  .2703 .4597      .00084 .00121  .0049  .00065   .0001  .00035
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Camara F, Ottolini L, Hawthorne F C
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American Mineralogist 87 (2000) 1437-1442
Crystal chemistry of three tourmalines by SREF, EMPA and SIMS
Sample: Crystal 2
Locality: Alto Lighona pegmatite field, Zambezia, Mozambique
_database_code_amcsd 0002914
15.983 15.983 7.152 90 90 120 R3m
atom     x     y     z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
NaX      0     0 .8186 .64        .024   .024   .024   .012      0      0
CaX      0     0 .8186 .03        .024   .024   .024   .012      0      0
KX       0     0 .8186 .01        .024   .024   .024   .012      0      0
Fe2Y .0617 .9383 .4102 .57        .007   .007   .012   .002   .002  -.002
AlY  .0617 .9383 .4102 .29        .007   .007   .012   .002   .002  -.002
TiY  .0617 .9383 .4102 .02        .007   .007   .012   .002   .002  -.002
MnY  .0617 .9383 .4102 .06        .007   .007   .012   .002   .002  -.002
ZnY  .0617 .9383 .4102 .01        .007   .007   .012   .002   .002  -.002
LiY  .0617 .9383 .4102 .11        .007   .007   .012   .002   .002  -.002
AlZ  .2615 .2983 .4291 .94        .006   .006   .006   .003  -.001   .000
FeZ  .2615 .2983 .4291 .05        .006   .006   .006   .003  -.001   .000
MgZ  .2615 .2983 .4291 .01        .006   .006   .006   .003  -.001   .000
Si   .1900 .1919 .0393 .96        .005   .005   .006   .003   .000   .000
Al   .1900 .1919 .0393 .04        .005   .005   .006   .003   .000   .000
B    .8898 .1102 .5853            .007   .007   .008   .003   .000   .000
OH1      0     0 .2563 .85        .048   .048   .014   .024      0      0
F1       0     0 .2563 .15        .048   .048   .014   .024      0      0
O2   .9384 .0616 .5560            .021   .021   .012   .018   .000   .000
OH3  .1344 .8657 .5300            .012   .012   .007   .002   .000   .000
O4   .9066 .0934 .9704            .008   .008   .009   .001  -.001   .001
O5   .0935 .9065 .9482            .008   .008   .009   .000   .000   .000
O6   .1877 .1978 .2642            .010   .009   .006   .004   .000   .000
O7   .2859 .2854 .9602            .006   .007   .008   .002   .001   .001
O8   .2708 .2099 .5990            .010   .006   .011   .004  -.002  -.001
H3   .1319 .8681 .6610     .023
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Bosi F, Andreozzi G B, Federico M, Graziani G, Lucchesi S
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American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1784-1792
Crystal chemistry of the elbaite-schorl series
Locality: Cruziero pegmatite, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Sample: L3h
_database_code_amcsd 0003957
15.9784 15.9784 7.1495 90 90 120 R3m
atom       x       y      z   occ  Uiso
CaX        0       0 .22524  .036  .024
NaX        0       0 .22524  .602  .024
KX         0       0 .22524  .008  .024
TiY   .12441 .062205 .62765  .009 .0085
AlY   .12441 .062205 .62765 .3337 .0085
Fe3+Y .12441 .062205 .62765  .180 .0085
Fe2+Y .12441 .062205 .62765 .3883 .0085
MnY   .12441 .062205 .62765 .0327 .0085
ZnY   .12441 .062205 .62765 .0157 .0085
LiY   .12441 .062205 .62765 .0403 .0085
AlZ   .29841  .26156 .61074  .961 .0054
FeZ   .29841  .26156 .61074 .0338 .0054
MgZ   .29841  .26156 .61074  .010 .0054
B     .11023  .22046 .45497       .0062
SiT   .19199  .18992      0 .9723 .0048
AlT   .19199  .18992      0 .0277 .0048
F1W        0       0 .78194  .235  .051
OH1W       0       0 .78194  .303  .051
O1         0       0 .78194  .462  .051
O2    .06164  .12328 .48594       .0159
O3V   .26832  .13416 .50951       .0112
O4    .09332  .18664 .06841       .0094
O5    .18760  .09380 .09145       .0098
O6    .19796  .18744 .77538       .0079
O7    .28530  .28592 .07952       .0072
O8    .20982  .27070 .44079       .0085
H3      .249   .1245    .36         .06
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Bosi F, Andreozzi G B, Federico M, Graziani G, Lucchesi S
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American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1784-1792
Crystal chemistry of the elbaite-schorl series
Locality: Cruziero pegmatite, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Sample: L4b
_database_code_amcsd 0003958
15.9658 15.9658 7.1487 90 90 120 R3m
atom       x      y      z   occ   Uiso
CaX        0      0 .22748  .009  .0234
NaX        0      0 .22748  .632  .0234
KX         0      0 .22748  .009  .0234
TiY   .12424 .06212 .62749 .0077 .00755
AlY   .12424 .06212 .62749 .3523 .00755
Fe3+Y .12424 .06212 .62749 .1393 .00755
Fe2+Y .12424 .06212 .62749 .3797 .00755
MnY   .12424 .06212 .62749 .0413 .00755
ZnY   .12424 .06212 .62749 .0223 .00755
LiY   .12424 .06212 .62749 .0573 .00755
AlZ   .29832 .26140 .61065 .9618  .0048
Fe3Z  .29832 .26140 .61065 .0275  .0048
FeZ   .29832 .26140 .61065 .0087  .0048
MgZ   .29832 .26140 .61065  .002  .0048
B     .11013 .22026 .45520        .0054
SiT   .19190 .18991      0 .9882  .0040
AlT   .19190 .18991      0 .0118  .0040
F1W        0      0 .78097  .295   .045
OH1W       0      0 .78097  .363   .045
O1         0      0 .78097  .342   .045
O2    .06147 .12294 .48621        .0152
O3V   .26860 .13430 .50962        .0104
O4    .09339 .18678 .06905        .0086
O5    .18714 .09357 .09126        .0085
O6    .19779 .18738 .77572        .0069
O7    .28519 .28571 .07954        .0062
O8    .20980 .27072 .44095        .0077
H3      .261  .1305   .390          .06
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Bosi F, Andreozzi G B, Federico M, Graziani G, Lucchesi S
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American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1784-1792
Crystal chemistry of the elbaite-schorl series
Locality: Cruziero pegmatite, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Sample: L4d
_database_code_amcsd 0003959
15.9768 15.9768 7.1534 90 90 120 R3m
atom       x       y      z   occ   Uiso
CaX        0       0 .22648  .022  .0228
NaX        0       0 .22648  .556  .0228
KX         0       0 .22648  .007  .0228
TiY   .12429 .062145 .62778 .0063 .00759
AlY   .12429 .062145 .62778 .3557 .00759
Fe3+Y .12429 .062145 .62778 .1347 .00759
Fe2+Y .12429 .062145 .62778  .442 .00759
MnY   .12429 .062145 .62778 .0143 .00759
MgY   .12429 .062145 .62778 .0357 .00759
ZnY   .12429 .062145 .62778  .011 .00759
AlZ   .29840  .26155 .61057 .9533 .00447
Fe3Z  .29840  .26155 .61057 .0417 .00447
FeZ   .29840  .26155 .61057 .0002 .00447
MgZ   .29840  .26155 .61057  .005 .00447
B     .11032  .22064 .45469        .0052
SiT   .19196  .18992      0 .9805 .00387
AlT   .19196  .18992      0 .0195 .00387
F1W        0       0 .78056  .201   .039
OH1W       0       0 .78056  .347   .039
O1         0       0 .78056  .452   .039
O2    .06170  .12340 .48699        .0146
O3V   .26807 .134035 .50941        .0111
O4    .09342  .18684 .06841        .0084
O5    .18750  .09375 .09164        .0086
O6    .19789  .18741 .77562        .0070
O7    .28522  .28575 .07907        .0064
O8    .20983  .27073 .44069        .0079
H3      .254    .127   .386          .09
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Fortier S, Donnay G
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The Canadian Mineralogist 13 (1975) 173-177
Schorl refinement showing composition dependence of the tourmaline structure
Locality: Andreasberg, Harz, Lower Saxony, Germany
_database_code_amcsd 0005111
15.992 15.992 7.190 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x      y      z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
NaX       0      0 .22353 .88  .0226  .0226  .0275  .0113      0      0
CaX       0      0 .22353 .11  .0226  .0226  .0275  .0113      0      0
KX        0      0 .22353 .01  .0226  .0226  .0275  .0113      0      0
FeY  .12566 .06283 .62792 .69  .0046  .0046  .0107  .0011  .0016 -.0016
AlY  .12566 .06283 .62792 .15  .0046  .0046  .0107  .0011  .0016 -.0016
MgY  .12566 .06283 .62792 .04  .0046  .0046  .0107  .0011  .0016 -.0016
CaY  .12566 .06283 .62792 .02  .0046  .0046  .0107  .0011  .0016 -.0016
TiY  .12566 .06283 .62792 .02  .0046  .0046  .0107  .0011  .0016 -.0016
LiY  .12566 .06283 .62792 .02  .0046  .0046  .0107  .0011  .0016 -.0016
MnY  .12566 .06283 .62792 .01  .0046  .0046  .0107  .0011  .0016 -.0016
AlZ  .29883 .26171 .61158 .94  .0034  .0038  .0044  .0016  .0001  .0007
FeZ  .29883 .26171 .61158 .06  .0034  .0038  .0044  .0016  .0001  .0007
SiT  .19177 .18986      0      .0034  .0031  .0052  .0016 -.0002 -.0005
B    .11029 .22058 .45461      .0043  .0043  .0081  .0021  .0007  .0007
OH1       0      0 .78366      .0514  .0514  .0087  .0257      0      0
O2   .06154 .12308 .48301      .0165  .0165  .0128  .0147  .0006 -.0006
OH3  .27060 .13530 .51146      .0104  .0104  .0067  .0019 -.0009  .0009
O4   .09278 .18556 .06907      .0054  .0054  .0086 -.0007 -.0006  .0006
O5   .18566 .09283 .09037      .0058  .0058  .0086 -.0002 -.0005  .0005
O6   .19772 .18787 .77785      .0080  .0083  .0049  .0041  .0002 -.0007
O7   .28462 .28518 .07966      .0054  .0045  .0077  .0010 -.0011 -.0011
O8   .20985 .27048 .44247      .0042  .0094  .0112  .0035  .0012  .0027
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Peterson R C, Locock A J, Luth R W
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The Canadian Mineralogist 33 (1995) 627-631
Positional disorder of oxygen in garnet: the crystal-structure
refinement of schorlomite
Sample: model 1
_database_code_amcsd 0005430
12.157 12.157 12.157 90 90 90 Ia-3d
atom     x     y     z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
SiZ   .375     0   .25 .78   .014   .011   .011      0      0      0
FeZ   .375     0   .25 .22   .014   .011   .011      0      0      0
TiY      0     0     0 .53  .0070  .0070  .0070   .001   .001   .001
FeY      0     0     0 .35  .0070  .0070  .0070   .001   .001   .001
AlY      0     0     0 .07  .0070  .0070  .0070   .001   .001   .001
ZrY      0     0     0 .02  .0070  .0070  .0070   .001   .001   .001
MgY      0     0     0 .02  .0070  .0070  .0070   .001   .001   .001
MnY      0     0     0 .01  .0070  .0070  .0070   .001   .001   .001
CaX   .125     0   .25 .96   .003   .008   .008      0      0   .006
MgX   .125     0   .25 .03   .003   .008   .008      0      0   .006
NaX   .125     0   .25 .01   .003   .008   .008      0      0   .006
O    .0368 .0488 .6528       .016   .006   .012  -.003   .009  -.002
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Peterson R C, Locock A J, Luth R W
Download cm/vol33/CM33_627.pdf
The Canadian Mineralogist 33 (1995) 627-631
Positional disorder of oxygen in garnet: the crystal-structure
refinement of schorlomite
Sample: model 2, split oxygen
_database_code_amcsd 0005431
12.157 12.157 12.157 90 90 90 Ia-3d
atom     x     y     z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
SiZ   .375     0   .25 .78        .017   .010   .010      0      0      0
FeZ   .375     0   .25 .22        .017   .010   .010      0      0      0
TiY      0     0     0 .53       .0071  .0071  .0071   .001   .001   .001
FeY      0     0     0 .35       .0071  .0071  .0071   .001   .001   .001
AlY      0     0     0 .07       .0071  .0071  .0071   .001   .001   .001
ZrY      0     0     0 .02       .0071  .0071  .0071   .001   .001   .001
MgY      0     0     0 .02       .0071  .0071  .0071   .001   .001   .001
MnY      0     0     0 .01       .0071  .0071  .0071   .001   .001   .001
CaX   .125     0   .25 .96        .000   .009   .009      0      0   .006
MgX   .125     0   .25 .03        .000   .009   .009      0      0   .006
NaX   .125     0   .25 .01        .000   .009   .009      0      0   .006
O1   .0406 .0479 .6556  .5 .006
O2    .521  .448  .360  .5 .006
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Bosi F, Lucchesi S
European Journal of Mineralogy 16 (2004) 335-344
Crystal chemistry of the schorl-dravite series
Note: TourmalineTM60e
Locality: Bovey Tracy, Devonshire, England
_database_code_amcsd 0007047
15.9856 15.9856 7.1840 90 90 120 R3m
atom       x      y      z  occ
NaX        0      0 .22615 .682
CaX        0      0 .22615 .093
KX         0      0 .22615 .009
Fe2+Y .12432 .06216 .63004 .408
AlY   .12432 .06216 .63004 .310
MgY   .12432 .06216 .63004 .153
Fe3+Y .12432 .06216 .63004 .090
Ti4+Y .12432 .06216 .63004 .027
ZnY   .12432 .06216 .63004 .005
Mn2+Y .12432 .06216 .63004 .004
AlZ   .29837 .26172 .61130 .874
MgZ   .29837 .26172 .61130 .086
Fe2+Z .29837 .26172 .61130 .039
Fe3+Z .29837 .26172 .61130 .001
SiT   .19179 .18989      0 .979
AlT   .19179 .18989      0 .021
B     .11016 .22032 .45485
OH1W       0      0 .77957 .443
O1W        0      0 .77957 .352
F1W        0      0 .77957 .205
O2    .06134 .12268 .48358
OH3V  .26782 .13391 .51073
O4    .09302 .18604 .06911
O5    .18550 .09275 .09080
O6    .19708 .18716 .77670
O7    .28482 .28505 .07962
O8    .20962 .27036 .44127
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Bosi F, Lucchesi S
European Journal of Mineralogy 16 (2004) 335-344
Crystal chemistry of the schorl-dravite series
Note: Tourmaline TMl2ap
Locality: Cruziero, Minas Gerais, Brazil
_database_code_amcsd 0007050
15.9659 15.9659 7.1693 90 90 120 R3m
atom       x       y      z  occ
NaX        0       0  .2278 .633
KX         0       0  .2278 .013
Fe2+Y .12397 .061985 .63021 .500
AlY   .12397 .061985 .63021 .427
MgY   .12397 .061985 .63021 .047
Ti4+Y .12397 .061985 .63021 .017
LiY   .12397 .061985 .63021 .004
ZnY   .12397 .061985 .63021 .003
AlZ   .29824  .26159 .61062 .884
MgZ   .29824  .26159 .61062 .087
Fe2+Z .29824  .26159 .61062 .014
Fe3+Z .29824  .26159 .61062 .014
SiT   .19183  .18984      0 .985
AlT   .19183  .18984      0 .015
B     .11011  .22022 .45451
OH1W       0       0 .77754 .512
O1W        0       0 .77754 .311
F1W        0       0 .77754 .177
O2    .06144  .12288 .48679
OH3V  .26680  .13340 .50999
O4    .09336  .18672 .06897
O5    .18643 .093215 .09130
O6    .19705  .18667 .77613
O7    .28512  .28544 .07885
O8    .20971  .27044 .44066
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Bosi F, Lucchesi S
European Journal of Mineralogy 16 (2004) 335-344
Crystal chemistry of the schorl-dravite series
Note: Tourmaline TMl2al
Locality: Cruziero, Minas Gerais, Brazil
_database_code_amcsd 0007051
15.9736 15.9736 7.1644 90 90 120 R3m
atom       x       y      z  occ
NaX        0       0 .22668 .678
KX         0       0 .22668 .013
Fe2+Y .12423 .062115 .62941 .507
AlY   .12423 .062115 .62941 .418
MgY   .12423 .062115 .62941 .028
Mn2+Y .12423 .062115 .62941 .016
ZnY   .12423 .062115 .62941 .013
Ti4+Y .12423 .062115 .62941 .010
LiY   .12423 .062115 .62941 .008
AlZ   .29833  .26162 .61077 .897
MgZ   .29833  .26162 .61077 .069
Fe2+Z .29833  .26162 .61077 .019
Fe3+Z .29833  .26162 .61077 .015
SiT   .19193  .18995      0 .973
AlT   .19193  .18995      0 .027
B     .11017  .22034 .45467
OH1W       0       0 .77878 .538
O1W        0       0 .77878 .283
F1W        0       0 .77878 .178
O2    .06149  .12298 .48599
OH3V  .26753 .133765 .50982
O4    .09333  .18666 .06922
O5    .18660  .09330 .09133
O6    .19735  .18704 .77584
O7    .28527  .28559 .07921
O8    .20979  .27061 .44070
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Bosi F, Lucchesi S
European Journal of Mineralogy 16 (2004) 335-344
Crystal chemistry of the schorl-dravite series
Note: Tourmaline TM9914b
Locality: Lake Baikal, Siberia
_database_code_amcsd 0007056
15.9821 15.9821 7.2215 90 90 120 R3m
atom       x       y      z  occ
NaX        0       0 .23234 .731
CaX        0       0 .23234 .163
KX         0       0 .23234 .005
Fe2+Y .12401 .062005 .63406 .286
AlY   .12401 .062005 .63406 .277
MgY   .12401 .062005 .63406 .240
Fe3+Y .12401 .062005 .63406 .146
Ti4+Y .12401 .062005 .63406 .030
V3+Y  .12401 .062005 .63406 .015
ZnY   .12401 .062005 .63406 .003
Cr3+Y .12401 .062005 .63406 .001
Mn2+Y .12401 .062005 .63406 .001
AlZ   .29844  .26187 .61212 .814
MgZ   .29844  .26187 .61212 .168
Fe3+Z .29844  .26187 .61212 .018
SiT   .19178  .18992      0 .985
AlT   .19178  .18992      0 .015
B     .11016  .22032 .45471
OH1W       0       0 .77623 .509
O1W        0       0 .77623 .449
F1W        0       0 .77623 .042
O2    .06099  .12198 .48286
OH3V  .26648  .13324 .51198
O4    .09266  .18532 .06979
O5    .18376  .09188 .09075
O6    .19641  .18664 .77815
O7    .28456  .28446 .08000
O8    .20933  .27003 .44199
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Ertl A, Schuster R, Hughes J M, Ludwig T, Meyer H-P,
Finger F, Dyar M D, Ruschel K, Rossman G R, Klotzli U,
Brandstatter F, Lengauer C L, Tillmanns E
European Journal of Mineralogy 24 (2012) 695-715
Li-bearing tourmalines in Variscan granitic pegmatites
from the Moldanubian nappes, Lower Austria
Note: Sample MASR
Locality: Maigen, Moldanubian nappes, Lower Austria
_database_code_amcsd 0019401
15.9783 15.9783 7.1507 90 90 120 R3m
atom       x       y      z  occ   Uiso
NaX        0       0  .7500  .61  .0277
CaX        0       0  .7500  .01  .0277
KX         0       0  .7500  .01  .0277
Fe2+Y .12436 -.06218 .34676 .493  .0105
AlY   .12436 -.06218 .34676 .297  .0105
MgY   .12436 -.06218 .34676 .043  .0105
Ti4+Y .12436 -.06218 .34676 .040  .0105
Mn2+Y .12436 -.06218 .34676 .037  .0105
Fe3+Y .12436 -.06218 .34676 .017  .0105
ZnY   .12436 -.06218 .34676 .013  .0105
LiY   .12436 -.06218 .34676 .010  .0105
AlZ   .29837  .26159 .36438 .957  .0076
Fe3+Z .29837  .26159 .36438 .033  .0076
MgZ   .29837  .26159 .36438 .010  .0076
SiT   .19190  .18991 .02552 .942 .00700
AlT   .19190  .18991 .02552 .058 .00700
B     .11018  .22036  .4798       .0091
OH1        0       0  .1948  .74  .0332
F1         0       0  .1948  .26  .0332
O2    .06174 -.12348  .5119       .0174
O3     .2675 -.13375  .4656       .0142
H3      .268    .134   .584         .06
O4    .09342 -.18684  .0939       .0120
O5     .1875  .09375  .1170       .0121
O6    .19775   .1873  .1995       .0105
O7    .28539  .28590  .1043       .0097
O8    .20985  .27070  .4656       .0113
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Chakhmouradian A R, McCammon C A
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 32 (2005) 277-289
Schorlomite: a discussion of the crystal chemistry, formula,
and inter-species boundaries
Sample: Afrikanda, Kola Peninsula, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0008963
12.1464 12.1464 12.1464 90 90 90 Ia3d
atom      x     y      z   occ  Uiso
CaX    .125     0    .25 .9663 .0110
Fe2+X  .125     0    .25 .0193 .0110
NaX    .125     0    .25 .0077 .0110
MnX    .125     0    .25 .0067 .0110
Ti4+Y     0     0      0 .4795 .0074
Fe3+Y     0     0      0  .278 .0074
Fe2+Y     0     0      0 .0985 .0074
MgY       0     0      0  .078 .0074
ZrY       0     0      0  .040 .0074
AlY       0     0      0 .0245 .0074
NbY       0     0      0 .0015 .0074
SiZ    .375     0    .25 .7673 .0077
Fe3+Z  .375     0    .25 .1657 .0077
AlZ    .375     0    .25  .057 .0077
HZ     .375     0    .25 .0397 .0077
O     .0373 .0483 .65348       .0122
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Chakhmouradian A R, McCammon C A
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 32 (2005) 277-289
Schorlomite: a discussion of the crystal chemistry, formula,
and inter-species boundaries
Sample: Magnet Cove alkaline complex, Hot Springs County, Arkansas
_database_code_amcsd 0008964
12.1524 12.1524 12.1524 90 90 90 Ia3d
atom       x      y      z   occ  Uiso
CaX     .125      0    .25 .9717 .0097
Fe2+X   .125      0    .25 .0103 .0097
NaX     .125      0    .25 .0067 .0097
MnX     .125      0    .25 .0113 .0097
Ti4+Y      0      0      0  .527 .0059
Fe3+Y      0      0      0  .265 .0059
Fe2+Y      0      0      0  .100 .0059
MgY        0      0      0  .079 .0059
ZrY        0      0      0  .028 .0059
NbY        0      0      0  .001 .0059
SiZ     .375      0    .25 .7543 .0060
Fe3+Z   .375      0    .25 .1933 .0060
AlZ     .375      0    .25 .0523 .0060
O     .03706 .04822 .65335       .0112
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Grice J D, Ercit T S
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 165 (1993) 245-266
Ordering of Fe and Mg in the tourmaline crystal structure: The correct formula
Sample: Schorl 2672
Locality: Silver Crater, Hastings Co., Ontario, Canada
_database_code_amcsd 0018784
16.073 16.073 7.306 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x      y      z  occ  Uiso
NaX       0      0  .2301  .99 .0267
CaX       0      0  .2301  .01 .0267
Fe2Y .12356 .06178 .63534 .756 .0090
MgY  .12356 .06178 .63534 .237 .0090
VY   .12356 .06178 .63534 .007 .0090
AlZ  .29853 .26198 .61195  .57 .0061
Fe3Z .29853 .26198 .61195  .26 .0061
MgZ  .29853 .26198 .61195 .093 .0061
TiZ  .29853 .26198 .61195 .067 .0061
SiT  .19081 .18917      0      .0064
B     .1101  .2202  .4554      .0092
O1        0      0  .7800      .0202
O2   .06145  .1229  .4844      .0108
O3    .2658 .13290  .5122      .0138
O4   .09252 .18504  .0686      .0113
O5   .18348 .09174  .0875      .0110
O6   .19557  .1864  .7806      .0101
O7   .28323 .28328  .0783      .0109
O8   .20850  .2696  .4422      .0124
H1        0      0   .655   .6   .01
H3     .254   .127   .416        .01
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Grice J D, Ercit T S
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 165 (1993) 245-266
Ordering of Fe and Mg in the tourmaline crystal structure: The correct formula
Sample: Schorl CROSS
Locality: Cross Lake, Manitoba, Canada
_database_code_amcsd 0018786
15.972 15.972 7.160 90 90 120 R3m
atom      x      y     z  occ  Uiso
NaX       0      0 .2257  .49 .0298
Fe2Y .12304 .06152 .6299 .626 .0096
AlY  .12304 .06152 .6299 .207 .0096
LiY  .12304 .06152 .6299  .03 .0096
MgY  .12304 .06152 .6299 .057 .0096
MnY  .12304 .06152 .6299 .027 .0096
ZnY  .12304 .06152 .6299 .053 .0096
AlZ  .29827 .26162 .6105 .962 .0054
FeZ  .29827 .26162 .6105 .038 .0054
SiT  .19178 .18989     0 .983 .0049
BT   .19178 .18989     0 .017 .0049
B     .1102  .2204 .4538      .0082
OH1       0      0 .7809  .65 .0328
O1        0      0 .7809  .35 .0328
O2   .06181 .12362 .4840      .0142
O3    .2682  .1341 .5109      .0121
O4   .09328 .18656 .0682      .0092
O5   .18662 .09331 .0901      .0092
O6    .1977  .1876 .7759      .0086
O7    .2850  .2854 .0785      .0081
O8    .2098  .2707 .4408      .0095
H3     .264   .132  .416        .01
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