Schumacherite |
Walenta K, Dunn P J, Hentschel G, Mereiter K |
Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 31 (1983) 165-173 |
Schumacherit, ein neues Wismutmineral von Schneeberg in Sachsen |
Note: structure determined after the paper was published: Schumacherite, |
Bi3O(OH)((V0.55,As0.22,P0.23)O4)2, using a triclinic reduced cell |
instead of the non-reduced cell applied in the publication |
Locality: Schneeberg, Sachsen, Germany |
_database_code_amcsd 0020890 |
6.909 7.401 9.399 110.72 106.05 92.20 P-1 |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Bi1 .77098 .41322 .52578 .0213 .0125 .0292 .0271 .0078 .0096 .0133 |
Bi2 .74272 .74225 .30028 .0208 .0161 .0244 .0253 .0052 .0065 .0131 |
Bi3 .79699 .15741 .07448 .0275 .0263 .0319 .0261 .0105 .0086 .0121 |
V1 .7748 .0188 .6959 .65 .0182 .012 .027 .020 .0044 .0071 .012 |
P1 .7748 .0188 .6959 .24 .0182 .012 .027 .020 .0044 .0071 .012 |
As1 .7748 .0188 .6959 .10 .0182 .012 .027 .020 .0044 .0071 .012 |
V2 .3095 .3737 .0965 .45 .0192 .0151 .024 .021 .0069 .0066 .0101 |
P2 .3095 .3737 .0965 .21 .0192 .0151 .024 .021 .0069 .0066 .0101 |
As2 .3095 .3737 .0965 .34 .0192 .0151 .024 .021 .0069 .0066 .0101 |
O1X .903 .538 .3801 .023 |
OH2 .742 .155 .304 .026 |
O3 .958 .021 .853 .027 |
O4 .696 -.199 .558 .038 |
O5 .863 .161 .623 .031 |
O6 .593 .104 .767 .027 |
O7 .502 .515 .2573 .023 |
O8 .260 .466 -.0488 .021 |
O9 .381 .153 .026 .026 |
O10 .115 .375 .168 .029 |
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