American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

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Walenta K, Dunn P J, Hentschel G, Mereiter K
Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 31 (1983) 165-173
Schumacherit, ein neues Wismutmineral von Schneeberg in Sachsen
Note: structure determined after the paper was published: Schumacherite,
Bi3O(OH)((V0.55,As0.22,P0.23)O4)2, using a triclinic reduced cell
instead of the non-reduced cell applied in the publication
Locality: Schneeberg, Sachsen, Germany
_database_code_amcsd 0020890
6.909 7.401 9.399 110.72 106.05 92.20 P-1
atom      x      y      z occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Bi1  .77098 .41322 .52578     .0213  .0125  .0292  .0271  .0078  .0096  .0133
Bi2  .74272 .74225 .30028     .0208  .0161  .0244  .0253  .0052  .0065  .0131
Bi3  .79699 .15741 .07448     .0275  .0263  .0319  .0261  .0105  .0086  .0121
V1    .7748  .0188  .6959 .65 .0182   .012   .027   .020  .0044  .0071   .012
P1    .7748  .0188  .6959 .24 .0182   .012   .027   .020  .0044  .0071   .012
As1   .7748  .0188  .6959 .10 .0182   .012   .027   .020  .0044  .0071   .012
V2    .3095  .3737  .0965 .45 .0192  .0151   .024   .021  .0069  .0066  .0101
P2    .3095  .3737  .0965 .21 .0192  .0151   .024   .021  .0069  .0066  .0101
As2   .3095  .3737  .0965 .34 .0192  .0151   .024   .021  .0069  .0066  .0101
O1X    .903   .538  .3801      .023
OH2    .742   .155   .304      .026
O3     .958   .021   .853      .027
O4     .696  -.199   .558      .038
O5     .863   .161   .623      .031
O6     .593   .104   .767      .027
O7     .502   .515  .2573      .023
O8     .260   .466 -.0488      .021
O9     .381   .153   .026      .026
O10    .115   .375   .168      .029
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