American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

2 matching records for this search.

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Kang H Y, Lee W C, Wang S L
Inorganic Chemistry 31 (1992) 4743-4748
Hydrothermal synthesis and structural characterization of four layered
vanadyl(IV) phosphate hydrates A(VO)2(PO4)2*4H2O (A=Co,Ca,Sr,Pb)
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0012705
6.3484 6.350 6.597 106.81 94.09 90.02 P1
atom     x      y      z  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ca   .6502  .9010  .4983 .0157  .0136  .0220  .0147  .0070  .0061  .0092
V1   .3422  .8625  .9413 .0058  .0060  .0054  .0061  .0014  .0007  .0014
V2   .8504  .4292  .1218 .0059  .0061  .0059  .0058  .0014  .0006  .0012
P1   .3425  .3978  .0367 .0061  .0054  .0063  .0069  .0010 -.0003  .0024
P2   .8430  .8987  .0235 .0056  .0060  .0041  .0059  .0013  .0009  .0005
O1   .3839  .9241  .1944  .012  .0127  .0145  .0073  .0008  .0008  .0007
O2   .3508  .5342  .8775  .010  .0171  .0055  .0086  .0030  .0026  .0026
O3   .0313  .8279  .8876  .010  .0061  .0129  .0103  .0015  .0020  .0009
O4   .3142  .1589  .8991  .011  .0162  .0062  .0102  .0022  .0012  .0027
O5   .6473  .8743  .8653  .009  .0058  .0124  .0099  .0031  .0012  .0032
O6b  .3090  .7744  .5608  .012  .0131  .0127  .0090  .0039  .0003  .0022
H6A  .2599  .8897  .5531  .050
H6B  .2517  .6506  .4537  .050
O7   .8354  .3571 -.1299  .017  .0198  .0192  .0104  .0070  .0020  .0034
O8   .8192  .7560  .1738 .0087  .0087  .0072  .0095  .0018  .0028  .0021
O9   .1632  .4687  .1868 .0099  .0050  .0116  .0115  .0021  .0006  .0019
O10  .5459  .4344  .1875  .010  .0065  .0147  .0106  .0018  .0011  .0053
O11  .8708  .1351  .1720 .0098  .0157  .0037  .0090  .0007 -.0012  .0003
O12b .8516  .5597  .5017  .014  .0136  .0154  .0121 -.0009  .0015  .0047
H12A .7724  .4634  .5401  .050
H12B .9718  .5109  .5369  .050
O13b .5340  .2701  .5342  .016  .0210  .0161  .0101  .0015  .0019  .0012
H13A .4124  .3535  .6235  .050
H13B .5388  .3256  .4191  .050
O14b .0079  .0624  .5403  .017  .0184  .0191  .0129  .0082  .0014  .0029
H14A .0078  .1522  .4607  .050
H14B .0706 -.0356  .4631  .050
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Franke W A, Luger P, Weber M, Ivanova T I
Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva 126N2 (1997) 85-86
Low hydrothermal growth of sincosite Ca(VO/PO4)2*4H2O
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0015719
6.354 6.329 6.598 106.72 94.10 90.06 P1
atom      x      y     z Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ca    .5250  .4600 .1430        .015   .021   .016   .008   .006   .003
V1   -.1670  .4980 .7000        .007   .005   .009   .002   .001  -.002
V2    .3250 -.0690 .5190        .007   .005   .009   .001   .002  -.001
P1    .3330  .4680 .6180        .009   .003   .007   .000   .003  -.001
P2   -.1670 -.0350 .6040        .005   .005   .008   .003  -.001  -.002
O1   -.2090  .4430 .4470        .012   .013   .012   .007   .002  -.001
O2    .3390  .0090 .7710        .015   .022   .012   .006   .000   .006
O3    .3530  .6080 .4650        .009   .010   .009   .000  -.001  -.004
O4    .1460  .5350 .7530        .011   .005   .008   .002   .003  -.003
O5    .3030  .2300 .4680        .024   .003   .011   .001   .001  -.001
O6    .5280  .4920 .7760        .008   .014   .010   .004   .004   .000
O7   -.1410  .2060 .7410        .008   .009   .011  -.001  -.002  -.002
O8    .0140 -.1030 .4550        .002   .013   .015   .005  -.003  -.002
O9   -.1760 -.1710 .7620        .016   .004   .015   .004   .010   .005
O10  -.3690 -.0720 .4560        .006   .005   .013   .004   .001  -.001
O11   .8650  .5870 .0800        .012   .008   .016   .003   .004   .001
O12   .3240  .8040 .1380        .020   .010   .010   .005   .002  -.003
O13   .1670  .3050 .1020        .019   .021   .010  -.001  -.001   .001
O14   .6400  .0950 .1060        .025   .012   .012  -.001   .001  -.004
H1    .9774  .4423 .0833 .035
H2    .8846  .7277 .1217 .035
H3    .3958  .8191 .0671 .035
H4    .1947  .7675 .0280 .035
H5    .1499  .2597 .2589 .035
H6    .1585  .2012 .0000 .035
H7    .6818  .0356 .2321 .035
H8    .8287  .1287 .1352 .035
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