American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

4 matching records for this search.

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Thorogood G J, Kennedy B J, Griffith C S, Elcombe M E, Avdeev M,
Hanna J V, Thorogood S K, Luca V
Chemistry of Materials 22 (2010) 4222-4231
Structure and phase transformations in the titanosilicate, sitinakite.
The importance of water
Locality: synthetic
Note: T = 20 K with neutron
_database_code_amcsd 0012222
7.880 7.880 11.953 90 90 90 P4_2/mcm
atom     x    y     z Biso
Na       0   .5    .5  1.1
Ti    .156 .156  .153   .3
Si       0   .5   .25  1.4
O1    .121 .379 .1686 1.01
O2    .116 .116  .327   .4
O4    .151 .151     0  2.3
O(W1) .283 .283    .5  2.4
O(W2)   .5   .5  .192 12.1
D(W1) .211 .211  .434  6.2
D(W2) .548 .548  .950  2.8
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Download hom/sitinakite.pdf
Thorogood G J, Kennedy B J, Griffith C S, Elcombe M E, Avdeev M,
Hanna J V, Thorogood S K, Luca V
Chemistry of Materials 22 (2010) 4222-4231
Structure and phase transformations in the titanosilicate, sitinakite.
The importance of water
Locality: synthetic
Note: T = 298 K with neutron
_database_code_amcsd 0012223
7.8099 7.8099 11.956 90 90 90 P4_2/mcm
atom     x    y     z Biso
Na1      0   .5    .5    7
Na2    .27  .27     0    3
Na3     .5   .5   .38    3
Ti    .147 .147  .160  1.7
Si       0   .5   .25  2.6
O1    .127 .384 .1710   .9
O2    .109 .109  .327   .9
O4    .147 .147     0   .9
O(W1) .294 .294    .5    9
O(W2) .439 .439  .333    3
D(W1) .217 .217  .445  6.2
D(W2) .439 .439  .124    6
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Download hom/sitinakite.pdf
Thorogood G J, Kennedy B J, Griffith C S, Elcombe M E, Avdeev M,
Hanna J V, Thorogood S K, Luca V
Chemistry of Materials 22 (2010) 4222-4231
Structure and phase transformations in the titanosilicate, sitinakite.
The importance of water
Locality: synthetic
Note: T = 573 K dehydrated sample
_database_code_amcsd 0012224
10.6772 10.6772 11.8850 90 90 90 P4_2/mbc
atom     x     y     z Biso
Na1   .717 -.199     0  2.6
Na2   .648  .258     0  1.3
Na3   .585  .121  .189  1.5
Na4   .475  .917     0    3
Na5     .5     0   .25    6
Ti   .8599 .0329 .1560  .71
Si    .311  .198   .25  1.5
O1    .853 .0162     0   .6
O2   .7127 .9350 .1828  1.8
O3   .8859 .0276 .3320  1.6
O4   .7870 .1983 .1582  1.9
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Sokolova E V, Rastsvetaeva R K, Andrianov V I, Egorov-Tismenko Y K,
Men'shikov Y P
Soviet Physics Doklady 34 (1989) 583-585
The crystal structure of a new sodium titanosilicate
Locality: Khibinskii alkaline massif, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0015618
7.819 7.819 12.099 90 90 90 P4_2/mcm
atom     x     y     z   occ Biso
Na       0    .5     0        3.3
K1    .398  .398    .5 .1925  5.1
K2    .463  .463  .372 .0763  6.7
Ti   .1387 .1387 .6535   .95  .62
NbTi .1387 .1387 .6535   .05  .62
Si       0    .5   .25       1.04
O2   .1426 .1426    .5        1.0
O3   .1142 .1142 .1723        1.2
O4   .1195 .3828 .6700        1.3
Wat1  .269  .269     0        3.4
Wat5    .5    .5   .25   .82  4.7
Wat6    .5    .5   .31    .1  6.6
Wat7  .478  .478  .421 .0988  6.4
Wat8   .42   .42  .161 .0688  4.4
Na8    .42   .42  .161 .0275  4.4
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