Sklodowskite |
Ryan R R, Rosenzweig A |
Crystal Structure Communications 6 (1977) 611-615 |
Sklodowskite, MgO*2UO3*2SiO2*7H2O |
Locality: Naica, Chihuahua, Mexico |
_database_code_amcsd 0012337 |
17.3820 7.047 6.610 90 105.9 90 C2/m |
atom x y z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Mg .5 .5 .5 .014 .021 .019 0 .003 0 |
U .25763 0 .13838 .0144 .0080 .0084 0 .0037 0 |
Si .2836 .5 .3578 .0167 .0088 .0081 0 .0049 0 |
O1 .3639 0 .1619 .019 .019 .026 0 .008 0 |
O2 .1509 0 .1065 .017 .028 .017 0 .002 0 |
O3 .2263 .5 .5119 .018 .018 .009 0 .004 0 |
O4 .3779 .5 .5016 .017 .032 .016 0 .006 0 |
O5 .2673 .3243 .1917 .031 .008 .008 .002 .007 .000 |
Wat .5196 .3029 .7301 .033 .142 .155 .008 .013 .126 |
OH3 .5760 0 .2275 .031 .059 .048 0 .012 0 |
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Sklodowskite |
Mokeeva V I |
Soviet Physics Crystallography 9 (1964) 217-218 |
The structure of sklodowskite |
_database_code_amcsd 0015548 |
16.89 7.01 6.60 90 96.33 90 I2/m |
atom x y z Biso |
Mg 0 0 .5 2.5 |
U .257 0 .120 2.5 |
Si .218 0 .570 2.5 |
OSi1 .28 0 .78 2.5 |
OSi2 .128 0 .627 2.5 |
OSi3 .235 .187 .44 2.5 |
OU1 .155 0 .035 2.5 |
OU2 .355 0 .185 2.5 |
Wat .020 .21 .30 2.5 |
WatX .08 .5 .82 2.5 |
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Sklodowskite |
Mokeeva V I |
Soviet Physics Doklady 4 (1959) 27-29 |
The crystal structure of sklodowskite |
_database_code_amcsd 0015594 |
16.74 7.01 6.59 90 96 90 I2/m |
atom x y z |
Mg 0 0 .5 |
U .259 0 .115 |
Si .219 0 .588 |
OSi1 .273 0 .800 |
OSi2 .125 0 .625 |
OSi3 .240 .187 .442 |
OU1 .143 0 .038 |
OU2 .373 0 .189 |
Wat .027 .208 .304 |
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