Slavikite |
Parafiniuk J, Bobrzycki L, Wozniak K |
American Mineralogist 95 (2010) 11-18 |
Slavikite - revision of chemical composition and crystal structure |
Locality: Wiesciszowice, Rudawy Janowickie, Poland |
_database_code_amcsd 0004998 |
12.1347 12.1347 34.706 90 90 120 R-3 |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Mg 2/3 1/3 .1769 .015 .014 .014 .018 .007 0 0 |
Fe1 2/3 1/3 .0286 .010 .008 .008 .015 .004 0 0 |
Fe2 .5 0 0 .011 .010 .008 .016 .004 -.001 0 |
S1 .7219 .1145 .0625 .014 .013 .009 .019 .006 -.004 -.001 |
O1 .6831 .2123 .0665 .015 .018 .013 .018 .009 -.003 -.001 |
O2 .6637 .0409 .0263 .015 .013 .014 .019 .008 -.003 -.003 |
O3 .8595 .1748 .0591 .022 .011 .016 .036 .005 -.006 -.002 |
O4 .6744 .0279 .0951 .023 .035 .015 .020 .013 -.003 .002 |
O5 .5543 .1823 -.0022 .013 .012 .009 .018 .005 -.002 .000 |
O6 .4125 -.0130 .0511 .016 .015 .012 .020 .006 .002 .001 |
O7 .5198 .3169 .2101 .025 .020 .033 .026 .016 .008 .012 |
O8 .5529 .1845 .1406 .021 .020 .017 .020 .004 .001 .00 |
S2 1/3 2/3 1/6 .015 .015 .015 .016 .007 0 0 |
O9 .3922 -.2032 .1809 .295 .026 .030 .013 .029 .005 -.004 -.008 |
O10A .4546 -.2862 .1877 .116 .025 |
O10B .4295 -.2604 .1968 .189 .024 |
O11 1/3 2/3 .2084 .201 .024 .027 .027 .019 .013 0 0 |
O12 .6448 -.0142 .1735 .023 .021 .022 .025 .011 -.003 0 |
O13 .2272 -.2442 .0736 .020 .014 .020 .022 .006 .002 .001 |
O14 0 0 .0440 1/3 .027 .027 .027 .027 .014 0 0 |
O15 .7706 .8807 .0233 .363 .028 .023 .023 .034 .009 -.005 -.004 |
O16 .8540 .9260 .0100 .137 .084 |
H5 .5330 .2080 -.0267 .049 |
H6A .3880 .0510 .0580 .060 |
H6B .3440 -.0952 .0607 .057 |
H7A .4830 .2690 .2339 .078 |
H7B .4540 .3300 .1978 .088 |
H8A .4705 .1080 .1458 .038 |
H8B .5740 .1790 .1136 .058 |
H12A .6490 .0040 .1454 .047 |
H12B .5650 -.0960 .1773 .073 |
H13A .1400 -.2610 .0797 .059 |
H13B .2590 -.2620 .0977 .050 |
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Slavikite |
Susse P |
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1973 (1973) 93-95 |
Slavikit: kristallstruktur und chemische formel |
Locality: La Alcaparros, Argentina |
_database_code_amcsd 0014747 |
12.20 12.20 35.130 90 90 120 R-3 |
atom x y z occ Biso |
Na 0 0 .4559 .5 2. |
Mg 0 0 .3434 2. |
Fe1 0 0 .1951 2. |
Fe2 .5 0 .5 2. |
S1 0 0 0 2. |
S2 .448 .388 .1041 2. |
O1 .364 .339 .0713 2. |
O2 .508 .524 .1077 2. |
O3 .547 .351 .1003 2. |
O4 .371 .326 .1397 2. |
O5 .938 .902 .0266 1/3 2. |
O6 .874 .943 .0128 1/3 2. |
OH7 .707 .484 .1688 2. |
Wat8 .462 .646 .0434 2. |
Wat9 .700 .482 .0260 2. |
Wat10 .756 .683 .1160 2. |
Wat11 .106 .196 .0921 2. |
Wat12 .683 .692 .0068 2. |
Wat13 .556 .774 .1448 .5 2. |
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Slavikite |
Susse P |
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1975 (1975) 27-40 |
Struktur und kristallchemie des slavikits, NaMg2Fe5(SO4)7(OH)6(H2O)33 |
Locality: La Alcaparrosa, San Juan, Argentina |
_database_code_amcsd 0014752 |
12.20 12.20 35.13 90 90 120 R-3 |
atom x y z occ Biso |
Na 0 0 .463 .5 22 |
Mg 0 0 .3431 1.6 |
Fe1 0 0 .1951 1.8 |
Fe2 .5 0 .5 1.98 |
S1 0 0 0 2.63 |
S2 .4476 .3872 .1040 2.51 |
O1 .362 .340 .0710 4.1 |
O2 .508 .526 .1081 3.5 |
O3 .547 .349 .1001 2.9 |
O4 .373 .328 .1400 2.4 |
O5 .938 .903 .031 1/3 6 |
O6 .865 .947 .014 1/3 11 |
OH7 .706 .484 .1690 2.8 |
Wat8 .462 .647 .0436 4.4 |
Wat9 .700 .483 .0262 4.0 |
Wat10 .756 .680 .1162 3.1 |
Wat11 .106 .195 .0922 3.5 |
Wat12 .682 .690 .0064 3.8 |
Wat13 .549 .768 .1461 .5 6.8 |
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