American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

3 matching records for this search.

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Parafiniuk J, Bobrzycki L, Wozniak K
Download am/vol95/AM95_11.pdf
American Mineralogist 95 (2010) 11-18
Slavikite - revision of chemical composition and crystal structure
Locality: Wiesciszowice, Rudawy Janowickie, Poland
_database_code_amcsd 0004998
12.1347 12.1347 34.706 90 90 120 R-3
atom     x      y      z  occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Mg     2/3    1/3  .1769      .015   .014   .014   .018   .007      0      0
Fe1    2/3    1/3  .0286      .010   .008   .008   .015   .004      0      0
Fe2     .5      0      0      .011   .010   .008   .016   .004  -.001      0
S1   .7219  .1145  .0625      .014   .013   .009   .019   .006  -.004  -.001
O1   .6831  .2123  .0665      .015   .018   .013   .018   .009  -.003  -.001
O2   .6637  .0409  .0263      .015   .013   .014   .019   .008  -.003  -.003
O3   .8595  .1748  .0591      .022   .011   .016   .036   .005  -.006  -.002
O4   .6744  .0279  .0951      .023   .035   .015   .020   .013  -.003   .002
O5   .5543  .1823 -.0022      .013   .012   .009   .018   .005  -.002   .000
O6   .4125 -.0130  .0511      .016   .015   .012   .020   .006   .002   .001
O7   .5198  .3169  .2101      .025   .020   .033   .026   .016   .008   .012
O8   .5529  .1845  .1406      .021   .020   .017   .020   .004   .001    .00
S2     1/3    2/3    1/6      .015   .015   .015   .016   .007      0      0
O9   .3922 -.2032  .1809 .295 .026   .030   .013   .029   .005  -.004  -.008
O10A .4546 -.2862  .1877 .116 .025
O10B .4295 -.2604  .1968 .189 .024
O11    1/3    2/3  .2084 .201 .024   .027   .027   .019   .013      0      0
O12  .6448 -.0142  .1735      .023   .021   .022   .025   .011  -.003      0
O13  .2272 -.2442  .0736      .020   .014   .020   .022   .006   .002   .001
O14      0      0  .0440  1/3 .027   .027   .027   .027   .014      0      0
O15  .7706  .8807  .0233 .363 .028   .023   .023   .034   .009  -.005  -.004
O16  .8540  .9260  .0100 .137 .084
H5   .5330  .2080 -.0267      .049
H6A  .3880  .0510  .0580      .060
H6B  .3440 -.0952  .0607      .057
H7A  .4830  .2690  .2339      .078
H7B  .4540  .3300  .1978      .088
H8A  .4705  .1080  .1458      .038
H8B  .5740  .1790  .1136      .058
H12A .6490  .0040  .1454      .047
H12B .5650 -.0960  .1773      .073
H13A .1400 -.2610  .0797      .059
H13B .2590 -.2620  .0977      .050
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Susse P
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1973 (1973) 93-95
Slavikit: kristallstruktur und chemische formel
Locality: La Alcaparros, Argentina
_database_code_amcsd 0014747
12.20 12.20 35.130 90 90 120 R-3
atom     x    y     z occ Biso
Na       0    0 .4559  .5   2.
Mg       0    0 .3434       2.
Fe1      0    0 .1951       2.
Fe2     .5    0    .5       2.
S1       0    0     0       2.
S2    .448 .388 .1041       2.
O1    .364 .339 .0713       2.
O2    .508 .524 .1077       2.
O3    .547 .351 .1003       2.
O4    .371 .326 .1397       2.
O5    .938 .902 .0266 1/3   2.
O6    .874 .943 .0128 1/3   2.
OH7   .707 .484 .1688       2.
Wat8  .462 .646 .0434       2.
Wat9  .700 .482 .0260       2.
Wat10 .756 .683 .1160       2.
Wat11 .106 .196 .0921       2.
Wat12 .683 .692 .0068       2.
Wat13 .556 .774 .1448  .5   2.
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Susse P
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1975 (1975) 27-40
Struktur und kristallchemie des slavikits, NaMg2Fe5(SO4)7(OH)6(H2O)33
Locality: La Alcaparrosa, San Juan, Argentina
_database_code_amcsd 0014752
12.20 12.20 35.13 90 90 120 R-3
atom      x     y     z occ Biso
Na        0     0  .463  .5   22
Mg        0     0 .3431      1.6
Fe1       0     0 .1951      1.8
Fe2      .5     0    .5     1.98
S1        0     0     0     2.63
S2    .4476 .3872 .1040     2.51
O1     .362  .340 .0710      4.1
O2     .508  .526 .1081      3.5
O3     .547  .349 .1001      2.9
O4     .373  .328 .1400      2.4
O5     .938  .903  .031 1/3    6
O6     .865  .947  .014 1/3   11
OH7    .706  .484 .1690      2.8
Wat8   .462  .647 .0436      4.4
Wat9   .700  .483 .0262      4.0
Wat10  .756  .680 .1162      3.1
Wat11  .106  .195 .0922      3.5
Wat12  .682  .690 .0064      3.8
Wat13  .549  .768 .1461  .5  6.8
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