American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

5 matching records for this search.

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Arletti R, Mazzucato E, Vezzalini G
Download am/vol91/AM91_628.pdf
American Mineralogist 91 (2006) 628-634
Influence of dehydration kinetics on T-O-T bridge breaking
in zeolites with framework type STI: The case of stellerite
Locality: Seremida, Sardinia, Italy
Sample: T = 302 K
Note: occupancies invented to match formula
_database_code_amcsd 0004140
13.5947 18.1823 17.8335 90 90 90 Fmmm
atom     x     y     z occ  Uiso
Ca      .5    .0 .2920 .78  .042
Na      .5    .0 .2920 .10  .042
K       .5    .0 .2920 .01  .042
SiT1 .3847 .3068 .3787 .88 .0337
AlT1 .3847 .3068 .3787 .22 .0337
SiT3 .3034 .4114    .5 .88 .0337
AlT3 .3034 .4114    .5 .22 .0337
SiT4 .3859 .1832    .5 .88 .0337
AlT4 .3859 .1832    .5 .22 .0337
SiT5   .25   .25   .25 .88 .0337
AlT5   .25   .25   .25 .22 .0337
O1   .3151 .3094 .2995      .043
O3   .3716 .2353 .4265      .043
O4   .3548 .3804 .4205      .043
O7      .5 .3164 .3532      .043
O8   .3179 .1121    .5      .043
O9    .311    .5    .5      .043
O10     .5  .148    .5      .043
Wat1  .401  .117  .307 .27  .091
Wat2    .5  .131  .302 .84  .091
Wat3  .460    .0  .419 .46  .091
Wat4  .349  .071  .330 .30  .091
Wat5  .420    .5  .336 .64  .091
Wat7  .315  .053  .246 .27  .091
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Download hom/stellerite.pdf
Arletti R, Mazzucato E, Vezzalini G
Download am/vol91/AM91_628.pdf
American Mineralogist 91 (2006) 628-634
Influence of dehydration kinetics on T-O-T bridge breaking
in zeolites with framework type STI: The case of stellerite
Locality: Seremida, Sardinia, Italy
Sample: T = 503 K
Note: occupancies invented to match formula
_database_code_amcsd 0004141
13.6629 17.6064 17.3629 90 90 90 Amma
atom      x     y     z  occ Uiso
Ca1     .25  .179  .067  .13 .083
Na1     .25  .179  .067  .02 .083
Ca4     .25    .5  .171  .08 .083
Na4     .25    .5  .171  .01 .083
Ca5    .080    .5  .093  .36 .083
Na5    .080    .5  .093  .04 .083
Ca6    .083     0 -.018  .20 .083
Na6    .083     0 -.018  .03 .083
SiT1  .1373 .3340 .1346  .88 .037
AlT1  .1373 .3340 .1346  .22 .037
SiT1P .1369 .2851 .3792  .88 .037
AlT1P .1369 .2851 .3792  .22 .037
SiT3  .0505 .4087 .2819  .88 .037
AlT3  .0505 .4087 .2819  .22 .037
SiT4  .1350 .1882 .2330  .88 .037
AlT4  .1350 .1882 .2330  .22 .037
SiT5      0 .2969     0  .88 .037
AlT5      0 .2969     0  .22 .037
O1     .066 .3577 .0588      .053
O1P    .064 .2658 .4557      .053
O3     .127 .2447 .1580      .053
O3P    .117 .2164 .3188      .053
O4     .100 .3927 .1956      .053
O4P    .117 .3672 .3470      .053
O7      .25  .363  .103      .053
O7P     .25  .287  .410      .053
O8    .0738 .1158  .212      .053
O9     .047    .5  .289      .053
O10     .25  .162  .231      .053
Wat1    .25     0  .343  .44 .132
Wat2    .25  .094  .431  .13 .132
Wat3    .25    .5  .410  .83 .132
Wat4    .25     0  .213  .44 .132
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Download hom/stellerite.pdf
Arletti R, Mazzucato E, Vezzalini G
Download am/vol91/AM91_628.pdf
American Mineralogist 91 (2006) 628-634
Influence of dehydration kinetics on T-O-T bridge breaking
in zeolites with framework type STI: The case of stellerite
Locality: Seremida, Sardinia, Italy
Sample: T = 740 K
Note: occupancies invented to match formula
_database_code_amcsd 0004142
13.5426 17.557 17.102 90 90 90 Amma
atom      x     y     z occ Uiso
Ca1     .25  .243  .051 .40 .044
Na1     .25  .243  .051 .05 .044
Ca4     .25    .5  .187 .34 .044
Na4     .25    .5  .187 .04 .044
SiT1   .138  .334  .137 .55 .063
AlT1   .138  .334  .137 .07 .063
SiT1P .1348 .2745 .3762 .88 .063
AlT1P .1348 .2745 .3762 .22 .063
SiT3  .0551 .4134 .2873 .88 .063
AlT3  .0551 .4134 .2873 .22 .063
SiT4  .1337 .1751 .2243 .88 .063
AlT4  .1337 .1751 .2243 .22 .063
SiT5      0 .3091     0 .88 .063
AlT5      0 .3091     0 .22 .063
SiT1D  .141 .4109  .116 .33 .063
AlT1D  .141 .4109  .116 .05 .063
O1     .073  .363  .058     .084
O1P    .072 .2482  .455     .084
O3     .128  .239  .152     .084
O3P    .123  .210 .3107     .084
O4     .118  .396  .206     .084
O4P    .110 .3577  .345     .084
O7      .25  .367  .100     .084
O7P     .25  .272  .406     .084
O8     .071  .100  .214     .084
O9     .082    .5  .310     .084
O10     .25  .142  .221     .084
OD     .139    .5  .097 .76 .084
Wat     .25     0  .303 .61 .180
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Alberti A, Rinaldi R, Vezzalini G
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 2 (1978) 365-375
Dynamics of dehydration in stilbite-type structures; stellerite phase B
Sample: Stellerite phase B
_database_code_amcsd 0007338
13.62 17.16 16.68 90 90 90 Amma
atom       x     y     z    occ  Uiso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
SiT1   .1344 .3541 .1373   .779        .0015  .0050  .0035 -.0009  .0001 -.0004
AlT1   .1344 .3541 .1373   .221        .0015  .0050  .0035 -.0009  .0001 -.0004
SiT1P  .1390 .2690 .3833  .7011        .0011  .0020  .0024  .0001 -.0002 -.0001
AlT1P  .1390 .2690 .3833  .1989        .0011  .0020  .0024  .0001 -.0002 -.0001
SiT3   .0513 .4109 .3045   .779        .0020  .0023  .0039 -.0006 -.0002  .0002
AlT3   .0513 .4109 .3045   .221        .0020  .0023  .0039 -.0006 -.0002  .0002
SiT4   .1394 .1861 .2188  .7011        .0011  .0021  .0024 -.0002  .0001 -.0008
AlT4   .1394 .1861 .2188  .1989        .0011  .0021  .0024 -.0002  .0001 -.0008
SiT5       0 .3222     0   .779        .0018  .0023  .0031      0  .0004      0
AlT5       0 .3222     0   .221        .0018  .0023  .0031      0  .0004      0
SiT1PD  .141  .302  .434  .0779 .0007
AlT1PD  .141  .302  .434  .0221 .0007
SiT4D   .149  .168  .174  .0779 .0002
AlT4D   .149  .168  .174  .0221 .0002
O1     .0637 .3769 .0649               .0058  .0045  .0035      0 -.0033 -.0006
O1P    .0741 .2343 .4579               .0082  .0073  .0031 -.0028  .0012  .0012
O3     .1284 .2569 .1525               .0054  .0037  .0041  .0009  .0005  .0005
O3P    .1226 .2156 .3063     .9        .0063  .0037  .0028  .0024  .0005 -.0015
O4     .1080 .4006 .2173               .0058  .0037  .0029 -.0011  .0003 -.0017
O4P    .1030 .3567 .3693               .0064  .0044  .0082  .0028 -.0019  .0036
O7       .25 .3829 .1119               .0076  .0065  .0043      0      0 -.0034
O7P      .25 .2675 .4149               .0009  .0085  .0071      0      0  .0014
O8     .0678 .1194 .1998               .0026  .0046  .0086 -.0006 -.0009  .0009
O9     .0519    .5 .3311               .0088  .0016  .0080      0      0      0
O10      .25 .1552 .2063               .0001  .0062  .0094      0      0 -.0037
OH1     .150  .130  .010    .10 .0005
OH2     .160  .130  .080    .10 .0005
CaC1     .25  .252  .050 .26908 .0007
NaC1     .25  .252  .050 .03658 .0007
KC1      .25  .252  .050 .00279 .0007
MgC1     .25  .252  .050 .00155 .0007
CaC2    .216     0  .188  .0868 .0008
NaC2    .216     0  .188  .0118 .0008
KC2     .216     0  .188  .0009 .0008
MgC2    .216     0  .188  .0005 .0008
CaC3       0     0    .5  .1302 .0011
NaC3       0     0    .5  .0177 .0011
KC3        0     0    .5 .00135 .0011
MgC3       0     0    .5 .00075 .0011
CaC4     .25    .5  .211 .54684 .0005
NaC4     .25    .5  .211 .07434 .0005
KC4      .25    .5  .211 .00567 .0005
MgC4     .25    .5  .211 .00315 .0005
Wat1     .25     0  .355    .24 .0003
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Sacerdoti M, Gomedi I
Bulletin de Mineralogie 107 (1984) 799-804
Crystal structural refinement of Ca-exchanged barrerite
Note: made from natural barrierite in the lab
Locality: Capo Pula, Sardegna, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0012083
13.610 18.214 17.833 90 90 90 Fmmm
atom     x     y     z  occ Uiso
Ca      .5     0 .2908  .92 .054
Si1  .3861 .3071 .3768 .764 .019
Al1  .3861 .3071 .3768 .236 .019
Si3  .3018 .4113    .5 .764 .019
Al3  .3018 .4113    .5 .236 .019
Si4  .3886 .1832    .5 .764 .017
Al4  .3886 .1832    .5 .236 .017
Si5    .25   .25   .25 .764 .022
Al5    .25   .25   .25 .236 .022
O1   .3181 .3036 .3008      .039
O3   .3714 .2319 .4253      .038
O4   .3569 .3803 .4240      .041
O7      .5 .3154 .3483      .034
O8   .3145 .1129    .5      .036
O9   .3059    .5    .5      .037
O10     .5 .1501    .5      .031
Wat1 .3722 .0884 .3129  .54 .241
Wat2    .5 .1279 .2367  .92 .127
Wat3 .4542     0 .4230  .57 .117
Wat4 .3673     0 .3781  .26 .102
Wat5 .4233    .5 .3336  .32 .065
Wat6 .3655    .5 .3101  .56 .126
Wat7 .3052 .0546 .2859  .31 .188
Wat8    .5    .5 .3463  .39 .083
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