Suanite |
Guo G-C, Cheng W-D, Chen J-T, Zhuang H-H, Huang J-S, Zhang Q-E |
Acta Crystallographica C51 (1995) 2469-2471 |
Monoclinic Mg2B2O5 |
Locality: synthetic |
_database_code_amcsd 0010304 |
9.197 3.1228 12.303 90 104.26 90 P2_1/c |
atom x y z Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Mg1 .1023 .2133 .18580 .0056 .0080 .0060 .0035 .0000 .0018 .0009 |
Mg2 .6440 .2961 .89470 .0065 .0067 .0070 .0063 -.0018 .0021 -.0009 |
B1 .3573 -.228 .3411 .0050 .006 .007 .004 .000 .0030 .004 |
B2 .1683 -.654 -.0606 .0050 .006 .004 .006 .000 .003 -.001 |
O1 .4957 -.8020 .1370 .0071 .0030 .008 .0090 .001 .0020 .000 |
O2 .2582 -.2780 .2381 .0058 .0060 .006 .0050 .001 .0000 .002 |
O3 .1804 .2200 .0463 .0071 .0090 .008 .0040 -.001 .0010 .001 |
O4 -.0535 -.2910 .1522 .0065 .0060 .008 .0040 .001 -.0010 .002 |
O5 .3005 -.4260 -.0693 .0069 .0060 .011 .0040 -.0030 .0020 .0000 |
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