Tetranatrolite |
Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Vogt T |
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 247-251 |
Variable-temperature structural studies of tetranatrolite from Mt. Saint-Hilaire: |
Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and Rietveld analysis |
Sample: at ambient conditions |
_database_code_amcsd 0003727 |
13.1988 13.1988 6.6288 90 90 90 I-42d |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
SiT1 0 0 0 .537 .0080 |
AlT1 0 0 0 .463 .0080 |
SiT2 .0550 .1326 .6210 .537 .0080 |
AlT2 .0550 .1326 .6210 .463 .0080 |
O1 .3918 .25 .125 .0120 |
O2 .1339 .0607 .4780 .0120 |
O3 .0526 .0951 .8662 .0120 |
Na .6923 .25 .125 .731 .0268 |
Ca .6923 .25 .125 .237 .0268 |
Wat4 .1277 .25 .125 .038 |
Wat5 .875 .25 .125 .370 .038 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Tetranatrolite |
Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Vogt T |
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 247-251 |
Variable-temperature structural studies of tetranatrolite from Mt. Saint-Hilaire: |
Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and Rietveld analysis |
Sample: T = 100 C |
_database_code_amcsd 0003728 |
13.0666 13.0666 6.6632 90 90 90 I-42d |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
SiT1 0 0 0 .537 .0083 |
AlT1 0 0 0 .463 .0083 |
SiT2 .0560 .1336 .6220 .537 .0083 |
AlT2 .0560 .1336 .6220 .463 .0083 |
O1 .3888 .25 .125 .0155 |
O2 .1351 .0590 .4857 .0155 |
O3 .0516 .0943 .8664 .0155 |
Na .6923 .25 .125 .731 .0195 |
Ca .6923 .25 .125 .237 .0195 |
Wat4 .1287 .25 .125 .023 |
Wat5 .895 .25 .125 .185 .023 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Tetranatrolite |
Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Vogt T |
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 247-251 |
Variable-temperature structural studies of tetranatrolite from Mt. Saint-Hilaire: |
Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and Rietveld analysis |
Sample: T = 200 C |
_database_code_amcsd 0003729 |
12.9815 12.9815 6.6808 90 90 90 I-42d |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
SiT1 0 0 0 .537 .0119 |
AlT1 0 0 0 .463 .0119 |
SiT2 .0564 .1340 .6224 .537 .0119 |
AlT2 .0564 .1340 .6224 .463 .0119 |
O1 .3842 .25 .125 .0206 |
O2 .1356 .0591 .4881 .0206 |
O3 .0533 .0950 .8650 .0206 |
Na .6925 .25 .125 .731 .0240 |
Ca .6925 .25 .125 .237 .0240 |
Wat4 .1258 .25 .125 .027 |
Wat5 .942 .25 .125 .051 .027 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Tetranatrolite |
Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Vogt T |
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 247-251 |
Variable-temperature structural studies of tetranatrolite from Mt. Saint-Hilaire: |
Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and Rietveld analysis |
Sample: T = 300 C, phase I |
_database_code_amcsd 0003730 |
12.9202 12.9202 6.6950 90 90 90 I-42d |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
SiT1 0 0 0 .537 .048 |
AlT1 0 0 0 .463 .048 |
SiT2 .051 .136 .625 .537 .048 |
AlT2 .051 .136 .625 .463 .048 |
O1 .392 .25 .125 .026 |
O2 .126 .069 .476 .026 |
O3 .045 .097 .862 .026 |
Na .687 .25 .125 .731 .046 |
Ca .687 .25 .125 .237 .046 |
Wat4 .134 .25 .125 .046 |
| Download AMC data (View Text File) Download CIF data (View Text File) Download diffraction data (View Text File) View JMOL 3-D Structure (permalink) |
Tetranatrolite |
Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Vogt T |
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 247-251 |
Variable-temperature structural studies of tetranatrolite from Mt. Saint-Hilaire: |
Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and Rietveld analysis |
Sample: T = 300 C, phase II |
_database_code_amcsd 0003731 |
13.1503 13.1503 6.2469 90 90 90 I-42d |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
SiT1 0 0 0 .537 .0155 |
AlT1 0 0 0 .463 .0155 |
SiT2 .0526 .1302 .6186 .537 .0155 |
AlT2 .0526 .1302 .6186 .463 .0155 |
O1 .3949 .25 .125 .0171 |
O2 .1378 .0433 .5635 .0171 |
O3 -.0019 .1102 .8594 .0171 |
Na -.0282 .25 .125 .731 .036 |
Ca .026 .25 .125 .237 .036 |
Wat5 .800 .25 .125 .201 .036 |
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