American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Pekov I V, Chukanov N V, Ferraris G, Gula A, Pushcharovsky D Y, Zadov A E
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 2003 (2003) 461-480
Tsepinite-Ca,(Ca,K,Na,[])2(Ti,Nb)2(Si4O12)(OH,O)2*4H2O, a new mineral
of the labuntsovite group from the Khibiny alkaline massif, Kola peninsula
- novel disordered sites in the vuoriyarvite-type structure
Locality: Lovchorrite mine, Hackman Valley, Yukspor Mountian, Khibiny massif,
Kola Peninsula, Russia
_database_code_amcsd 0014929
14.484 14.191 7.907 90 117.26 90 C2/m
atom       x     y     z   occ  Uiso
NaA    .4134 .7401 -.000  .175  .049
KA     .4134 .7401 -.000 .1388  .049
WatA   .4134 .7401 -.000 .0437  .049
BaA'      .5  .657     0 .0875   .23
WatA'     .5  .657     0 .9125   .23
CaB     .432     0  .700   .13   .15
SrB     .432     0  .700   .10   .15
WatB    .432     0  .700   .65   .15
BaB'1     .5  .829     0 .0158   .12
WatB'1    .5  .829     0 .3175   .12
BaB'2   .462  .907  .851 .0079   .02
WatB'2  .462  .907  .851 .1587   .02
BaB'3   .462  .849  .847 .0079   .10
WatB'3  .462  .849  .847 .1587   .10
SrC     .086     0  .330   .07   .10
WatC    .086     0  .330   .93   .10
CaC'    .251     0  .501   .21  .015
CaD        0     0    .5  .425  .024
MnD        0     0    .5  .025  .024
FeD        0     0    .5  .005  .024
ZnD        0     0    .5  .015  .024
TiM1       0 .7583    .5    .8  .027
NbM1       0 .7583    .5    .2  .027
TiM2    .750  .750    .5    .8  .033
NbM2    .750  .750    .5    .2  .033
Si1    .2004 .1114 .7911       .0174
Si2    .6887 .8894 .7648       .0171
O1     .9001 .7605  .602   .39  .023
OH1    .9001 .7605  .602   .61  .023
O2     .9194 .8626  .326        .040
O3     .2482 .8605  .342        .037
O4     .2694 .8334  .709        .037
O5     .4190 .8331  .308        .044
O6      .340     0  .254        .049
O7     .2418 .8689  .014        .037
O8      .215     0  .762        .045
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