Tsepinite-Ca |
Pekov I V, Chukanov N V, Ferraris G, Gula A, Pushcharovsky D Y, Zadov A E |
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte 2003 (2003) 461-480 |
Tsepinite-Ca,(Ca,K,Na,[])2(Ti,Nb)2(Si4O12)(OH,O)2*4H2O, a new mineral |
of the labuntsovite group from the Khibiny alkaline massif, Kola peninsula |
- novel disordered sites in the vuoriyarvite-type structure |
Locality: Lovchorrite mine, Hackman Valley, Yukspor Mountian, Khibiny massif, |
Kola Peninsula, Russia |
_database_code_amcsd 0014929 |
14.484 14.191 7.907 90 117.26 90 C2/m |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
NaA .4134 .7401 -.000 .175 .049 |
KA .4134 .7401 -.000 .1388 .049 |
WatA .4134 .7401 -.000 .0437 .049 |
BaA' .5 .657 0 .0875 .23 |
WatA' .5 .657 0 .9125 .23 |
CaB .432 0 .700 .13 .15 |
SrB .432 0 .700 .10 .15 |
WatB .432 0 .700 .65 .15 |
BaB'1 .5 .829 0 .0158 .12 |
WatB'1 .5 .829 0 .3175 .12 |
BaB'2 .462 .907 .851 .0079 .02 |
WatB'2 .462 .907 .851 .1587 .02 |
BaB'3 .462 .849 .847 .0079 .10 |
WatB'3 .462 .849 .847 .1587 .10 |
SrC .086 0 .330 .07 .10 |
WatC .086 0 .330 .93 .10 |
CaC' .251 0 .501 .21 .015 |
CaD 0 0 .5 .425 .024 |
MnD 0 0 .5 .025 .024 |
FeD 0 0 .5 .005 .024 |
ZnD 0 0 .5 .015 .024 |
TiM1 0 .7583 .5 .8 .027 |
NbM1 0 .7583 .5 .2 .027 |
TiM2 .750 .750 .5 .8 .033 |
NbM2 .750 .750 .5 .2 .033 |
Si1 .2004 .1114 .7911 .0174 |
Si2 .6887 .8894 .7648 .0171 |
O1 .9001 .7605 .602 .39 .023 |
OH1 .9001 .7605 .602 .61 .023 |
O2 .9194 .8626 .326 .040 |
O3 .2482 .8605 .342 .037 |
O4 .2694 .8334 .709 .037 |
O5 .4190 .8331 .308 .044 |
O6 .340 0 .254 .049 |
O7 .2418 .8689 .014 .037 |
O8 .215 0 .762 .045 |
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