Uchucchacuaite |
Yang H, Downs R T, Evans S H, Feinglos M N, Tait K T |
American Mineralogist 96 (2011) 1186-1189 |
Crystal structure of uchucchacuaite, AgMnPb3Sb5S12, and its relationship with |
ramdohrite and fizelyite |
Note: Sample ID R100213 |
Locality: Uchuc-Chacua, Lima, Peru |
_database_code_amcsd 0018371 |
19.3645 12.7287 8.7571 90 90.059 90 P2_1/n |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Pb1 .25569 .90189 .38932 .02333 .02553 .02243 .02205 -.00220 .00235 -.00225 |
Pb2 .24831 .91430 -.09676 .02597 .03002 .02111 .02677 -.00179 -.00287 .00027 |
Pb3 .05187 .90209 .62985 .02171 .02333 .02331 .01848 .00071 -.00042 -.00062 |
MnM2 .13248 .14672 .12630 .901 .02215 .02553 .01820 .02271 -.00195 .00023 .00100 |
AgM2 .13248 .14672 .12630 .049 .02215 .02553 .01820 .02271 -.00195 .00023 .00100 |
SbM2 .13248 .14672 .12630 .049 .02215 .02553 .01820 .02271 -.00195 .00023 .00100 |
Ag1 .14180 .17609 .62300 .04323 .04022 .05037 .03909 .02409 -.00854 -.00213 |
Sb1 .35239 .12500 .64424 .01855 .02275 .01688 .01602 .00103 -.00096 .00094 |
Sb2 .44416 .86816 .61507 .01736 .01626 .01710 .01872 -.00008 -.00132 .00165 |
Sb3 .12858 .64468 .38406 .01656 .01846 .01558 .01564 -.00013 .00014 .00058 |
Sb4 -.05365 .64186 .63757 .01826 .01878 .01942 .01659 -.00110 -.00056 -.00098 |
Sb5 .05504 .88068 .14369 .01725 .01895 .01619 .01661 -.00224 .00011 .00100 |
S1 .39618 .99378 -.16787 .01855 .02497 .01978 .01092 .00521 -.00037 -.00052 |
S2 -.00750 .75035 .84718 .02154 .02400 .02774 .01287 -.00777 -.00253 -.00139 |
S3 .23547 .04514 -.35328 .01971 .01922 .02005 .01984 .00465 -.00118 -.00123 |
S4 .33934 .76560 .60393 .01936 .01995 .01958 .01855 -.00387 .00040 .00119 |
S5 .10238 .98922 .93968 .01940 .02329 .02091 .01402 -.00606 -.00117 .00165 |
S6 .16465 .76181 .59014 .01839 .01787 .02207 .01525 -.00114 .00177 -.00037 |
S7 .40150 .00041 .42961 .01823 .01898 .02056 .01514 -.00130 .00070 .00216 |
S8 -.01717 .76461 .42988 .01853 .01901 .02455 .01204 -.00030 -.00014 .00038 |
S9 .25576 .06069 .13379 .01861 .01729 .01943 .01913 -.00381 -.00120 .00155 |
S10 -.16685 .72249 .65532 .01833 .01691 .02127 .01679 -.00115 -.00068 .00151 |
S11 .09330 .00701 .33500 .01970 .02643 .01805 .01463 -.00125 .00234 -.00122 |
S12 .15984 .76684 .16766 .01789 .02021 .01749 .01597 .00078 .00191 .00131 |
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Uchucchacuaite |
Yang H, Downs R T, Evans S H, Feinglos M N, Tait K T |
American Mineralogist 96 (2011) 1186-1189 |
Crystal structure of uchucchacuaite, AgMnPb3Sb5S12, and its relationship with |
ramdohrite and fizelyite |
Note: Sample ID R070760 |
Locality: Inakuraishi mine, Shakotan peninsula, Shiribeshi, Hokkaido Island, Japan |
_database_code_amcsd 0018372 |
19.3462 12.7251 8.7472 90 90.017 90 P2_1/n |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Pb1 .25586 .90166 .38972 .02268 .02419 .02214 .02172 -.00335 .00297 -.00268 |
Pb2 .24825 .91460 -.09672 .02481 .02801 .02039 .02603 -.00215 -.00251 .00026 |
Pb3 .05180 .90146 .62997 .02017 .02071 .02176 .01803 .00080 -.00013 -.00048 |
MnM2 .13211 .14680 .12588 .919 .02146 .02509 .01643 .02287 -.00079 .00285 -.00035 |
AgM2 .13211 .14680 .12588 .041 .02146 .02509 .01643 .02287 -.00079 .00285 -.00035 |
SbM2 .13211 .14680 .12588 .041 .02146 .02509 .01643 .02287 -.00079 .00285 -.00035 |
Ag .14163 .17629 .62300 .04260 .03778 .04964 .04037 .02410 -.00956 -.00215 |
Sb1 .35223 .12524 .64425 .01701 .01950 .01597 .01556 .00112 -.00052 .00065 |
Sb2 .44411 .86875 .61565 .01603 .01384 .01628 .01798 -.00015 -.00117 .00216 |
Sb3 .12878 .64473 .38365 .01556 .01579 .01474 .01617 .00021 .00045 .00025 |
Sb4 -.05359 .64154 .63753 .01644 .01639 .01757 .01537 -.00037 -.00019 -.00096 |
Sb5 .05487 .88067 .14325 .01530 .01551 .01544 .01495 -.00198 .00028 .00071 |
S1 .39626 .99419 -.16734 .01814 .02290 .01939 .01214 .00497 -.00045 -.00025 |
S2 -.00740 .74981 .84770 .01975 .02152 .02470 .01303 -.00636 -.00200 .00076 |
S3 .23527 .04558 -.35350 .01868 .01762 .01872 .01970 .00387 -.00070 -.00173 |
S4 .33928 .76619 .60375 .01837 .01645 .01894 .01974 -.00389 .00112 .00320 |
S5 .10245 .98885 .93949 .01907 .02051 .02276 .01395 -.00604 -.00133 .00257 |
S6 .16491 .76177 .59025 .01746 .01781 .01853 .01603 -.00118 .00130 -.00050 |
S7 .40142 .00063 .42987 .01598 .01860 .01581 .01352 .00012 .00072 .00204 |
S8 -.01713 .76437 .43022 .01735 .01561 .02404 .01239 -.00203 -.00078 .00060 |
S9 .25571 .06084 .13438 .01763 .01518 .01680 .02092 -.00308 .00087 .00135 |
S10 -.16697 .72155 .65435 .01791 .01466 .02164 .01742 -.00133 -.00007 .00263 |
S11 .09300 .00653 .33590 .01991 .02549 .01757 .01666 -.00152 .00192 -.00221 |
S12 .15966 .76696 .16719 .01658 .01734 .01725 .01515 .00027 .00011 .00138 |
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