Uranophane - alpha |
Smith D K, Gruner J W, Lipscomb W N |
American Mineralogist 42 (1957) 594-618 |
The crystal structure of uranophane [Ca(H3O)2](UO2)2(SiO4)2.3H2O |
Locality: Chinkolobwe deposits, Belgian Congo, Africa |
_database_code_amcsd 0000081 |
15.97 7.07 6.68 90 97.3 90 P2_1 |
atom x y z Biso |
U1 .256 .787 .138 .35 |
U2 .756 .713 .138 .35 |
Si1 .282 .287 .335 .35 |
Si2 .782 .213 .335 .35 |
Ca .019 .750 .271 .35 |
O1 .374 .787 .138 .35 |
O2 .874 .713 .138 .35 |
O3 .136 .787 .129 .35 |
O4 .636 .713 .129 .35 |
O5 .257 .477 .197 .35 |
O6 .757 .403 .197 .35 |
O7 .257 .097 .197 .35 |
O8 .757 .023 .197 .35 |
O9 .231 .287 .533 .35 |
O10 .731 .213 .533 .35 |
O11 .381 .287 .433 .35 |
O12 .881 .213 .433 .35 |
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Uranophane - alpha |
Stohl F V, Smith D K |
American Mineralogist 66 (1981) 610-625 |
The crystal chemistry of the uranyl silicate minerals |
Note: signs of y and z are changed for many of the atoms |
Locality: Shinkolobwe, Katanga |
_database_code_amcsd 0000837 |
15.858 6.985 6.641 90 97.55 90 P2_1 |
atom x y z Biso |
U1 .2557 .7822 .1344 0.8 |
U2 -.2557 .7822 .1344 0.8 |
Si1 .284 .281 .339 0.8 |
Si2 -.284 .281 .339 0.8 |
O1 .371 .795 .138 2.7 |
O2 -.371 .795 .138 2.7 |
O3 .143 .757 .123 1.3 |
O4 -.143 .757 .123 1.3 |
O5 .271 .453 .187 2.1 |
O6 -.271 .453 .187 2.1 |
O7 .258 .095 .181 2.1 |
O8 -.258 .095 .181 2.1 |
O9 .229 .292 .523 1.0 |
O10 -.229 .292 .523 1.0 |
O11 .381 .272 .432 2.2 |
O12 -.381 .272 .432 2.2 |
Wat1 .069 .345 .359 3.6 |
Wat2 .991 .010 .196 1.1 |
Wat3 .936 .610 .558 2.9 |
Wat4 .993 .507 .945 2.6 |
Ca .019 .672 .280 2.9 |
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Uranophane - beta |
Viswanathan K, Harneit O |
American Mineralogist 71 (1986) 1489-1493 |
Refined crystal structure of beta-uranophane, Ca(UO2)2(SiO3OH)2.5H2O |
Locality: Roessing, South-West Africa |
_database_code_amcsd 0001061 |
13.966 15.443 6.632 90 91.38 90 P2_1/a |
atom x y z Uiso |
Ca .1899 .4848 .2821 .019 |
U1 .0194 .26 .2631 .008 |
U2 .2313 .7397 .4707 .007 |
Si1 .0181 .2224 .7293 .014 |
Si2 .2667 .1944 .0638 .015 |
O1 .258 .354 .479 .025 |
O2 .989 .146 .231 .020 |
O3 .727 .877 .429 .019 |
O4 .051 .373 .300 .016 |
O5 .182 .220 .208 .016 |
O6 .889 .765 .409 .025 |
O7 .358 .200 .223 .011 |
O8 .567 .747 .420 .030 |
O9 .977 .716 .075 .018 |
O10 .725 .744 .138 .020 |
OH1 .982 .880 .211 .027 |
OH2 .745 .907 .004 .021 |
OW1 .544 .949 .167 .027 |
OW2 .360 .491 .325 .034 |
OW3 .804 .591 .032 .043 |
OW4 .875 .502 .37 .029 |
OW5 .131 .005 .231 .053 |
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Uranophane - alpha |
Ginderow D |
Acta Crystallographica C44 (1988) 421-424 |
Structure de l'uranophane alpha, Ca(UO2)2(SiO3OH)2*5H2O |
Locality: Bois Noirs du Puy-de-Dome, France |
_database_code_amcsd 0010068 |
15.909 7.002 6.665 90 97.27 90 P2_1 |
atom x y z Biso |
Ca .7682 .6837 .2767 1.3 |
U1 .00568 .78217 .1340 .58 |
U2 -.50568 -.7822 -.1340 .58 |
Si1 .0329 .2796 .3405 .8 |
Si2 -.5329 -.2796 -.3405 .8 |
O1 .1193 .8004 .1393 1.5 |
O2 -.6193 -.8004 -.1393 1.5 |
O3 -.1076 .7612 .1240 1.4 |
O4 -.3924 -.7612 -.1240 1.4 |
O5 .0198 .4592 .1873 1.1 |
O6 -.5198 -.4592 -.1873 1.1 |
O7 .0048 .1064 .1837 1.2 |
O8 -.5048 -.1064 -.1837 1.2 |
O9 -.0213 .2865 .5271 1.2 |
O10 -.4787 -.2865 -.5271 1.2 |
O11 .1338 .2691 .4274 1.8 |
O12 -.6338 -.2691 -.4274 1.8 |
Ow1 .8190 .3723 .3634 3.1 |
Ow2 .7438 .0145 .2052 3.4 |
Ow3 .6869 .6329 .5493 3.4 |
Ow4 .7431 .5180 .9517 2.2 |
Ow5 .7615 .0299 .7653 11.3 |
H1 .173 .344 .391 4.0 |
H2 .656 .343 .437 4.0 |
H11 .875 .316 .383 4.0 |
H12 .770 .316 .303 4.0 |
H21 .266 .477 .969 4.0 |
H22 .680 .086 .242 4.0 |
H31 .367 .184 .445 4.0 |
H32 .293 .093 .312 4.0 |
H41 .797 .468 .891 4.0 |
H42 .694 .430 .943 4.0 |
H51 .816 .109 .820 4.0 |
H52 .711 .117 .695 4.0 |
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Uranophane - alpha |
Barinova A V, Rastsvetaeva R K, Sidorenko G A, Pushcharovsky D Y |
Doklady Chemistry 378 (2001) 122-124 |
Crystal structure of high-symmetry alpha-uranophane |
Locality: Strel'tsovskii ore field, Transbaikal region, Russia |
_database_code_amcsd 0012507 |
6.670 15.92 6.985 90 90 97.3 P2_1/b |
atom x y z occ Biso |
Ca .2761 .0187 .1831 .5 .92 |
U .1337 .7557 .2174 .97 |
Si .6595 .7179 .2194 .78 |
O1 .140 .8693 .202 .5 |
O2 .811 .7308 .041 .9 |
O3 .124 .6418 .236 .8 |
O4 .472 .7718 .214 .9 |
O5 .817 .2448 .108 1.1 |
OH .572 .6144 .229 2.0 |
Wat1 0 0 0 5.1 |
Wat2 .214 .4893 -.003 3.4 |
Wat3 .587 .9347 .1292 5.5 |
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