Variscite |
Kniep R, Mootz D, Vegas A |
Acta Crystallographica B33 (1977) 263-265 |
Variscite |
Locality: Montgomery County, Arkansas, USA |
_database_code_amcsd 0009582 |
9.822 8.561 9.630 90 90 90 Pbca |
atom x y z Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3) |
Al .13389 .15500 .16841 .001140 .001706 .001159 -.000030 -.000026 -.000152 |
P .14779 .46844 .35284 .001062 .001501 .001024 -.000059 .000026 .000030 |
O1 .11180 .29870 .31525 .002229 .001706 .001644 -.000446 .000291 -.000576 |
O2 .04030 .58186 .29453 .001451 .003241 .001968 .000565 .000185 .000788 |
O3 .28545 .51247 .29006 .001425 .002524 .001914 -.000089 .000449 .000667 |
O4 .14997 .47916 .51224 .002125 .002013 .001240 -.000059 .000000 .000243 |
OW1 .06041 .32564 .0546 .002954 .003957 .001725 .000892 -.000264 -.000212 |
OW2 .30726 .23597 .11499 .001840 .002661 .002561 -.000357 -.000211 .000485 |
H11 .063 .310 -.028 3.8 |
H12 -.012 .371 .068 4.0 |
H21 .362 .201 .168 2.0 |
H22 .314 .334 .085 4.7 |
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